城市别墅Caméo Moscow Villas坐落于莫斯科的Tverskoy地区,与Mayakovskaya地铁站相邻。项目的总建筑面积为7473.9平米,包含十七栋230到445平米不等的城市别墅,其中六栋为两层,十栋为三层带屋顶露台,剩下一栋为豪华别墅。在WALL Architects的设计概念里,十七栋别墅讲述了十七个家庭的故事,他们有各自独特的生活方式,围绕内花园——一片城市绿洲——展开。项目的开发商为STONE HEDGE。

City villas Caméo Moscow Villas are located in the Tverskoy district in Moscow, next to Mayakovskaya metro station. The total area of ​​the object is 7,473.9 m2. The complex consists of 17 urban villas ranging from 230 to 445 m2: six villas with two floors and ten with three floors with open terraces on the top floors, as well as one grand villa. In the concept of WALL Architects, 17 villas tell the stories of 17 families with their own unique lifestyles and identities, set around an inner garden – an urban oasis. The developer of the project is STONE HEDGE.

▼远景鸟瞰,aerial view in distance ©Ilya Ivanov

▼鸟瞰,aerial view of the project ©Ilya Ivanov


Each villa has its own identity and uniqueness. The low-rise architecture of the complex organically complements the existing fabric of buildings in the historical center of Moscow. The project provides 6 typologies of facades. Variability is achieved through individual detailing, plastic features of each typology and a combination of arched and rectangular windows. Large-sized natural stone – Jurassic marble is used in the facing of the facades. The slopes of the windows are made of brass, with a patinated surface.

▼沿街外观,street view of the project ©Ilya Ivanov

▼沿街立面,facade along the street ©Ilya Ivanov

▼沿街立面近景,变化的开窗 closer view of the street facade with changing openings ©Ilya Ivanov

▼内景,不同别墅拥有不同的立面,inner view of the project, different villas with different facades ©Ilya Ivanov

▼不同的细节呈现丰富的变化 individual details creating rich variations ©Ilya Ivanov

▼屋顶露台,rooftop patio ©Ilya Ivanov

▼方窗细节,details of the rectangular openings ©Ilya Ivanov

▼黄铜窗框,sides of the openings made of brass ©Ilya Ivanov


▼设计草图,design sketch ©ARCHITECTURAL BUREAU WALL

The planimetric geometry of the complex is based on the mutual rotation of the buildings of the villas at different angles, this enhances the identity and uniqueness of the villas, allows you to create a feeling of privacy and silence, opens its own unique, dissimilar views and spatial “bonuses” – an illuminated staircase or a bathroom with a view to the garden. The entrance group to the territory of the apartments supports the street front, while being the border between the urban environment and the inner space of the complex.

▼顶视图,不同朝向的建筑,top view, buildings in different dirrections ©Ilya Ivanov


Each villa has two own green areas, which allows you to recreate the atmosphere of country life in the center of a bustling metropolis: the front yard – “open city living rooms” by analogy with the Florentine city loggias and the back yard – a private patio of up to 100 m2 behind the villa. The entrance to the villas is provided both from the side of the courtyard, and with the help of an individual elevator from the -1 level of the underground parking.

▼别墅前的庭院,courtyard in front of the buildings ©Ilya Ivanov

▼别墅入口细部,closer views to the entrance of the villas ©Ilya Ivanov


The courtyard is a park and garden, and is not accessible by car. The landscaping project was developed by the Arteza company and implemented according to the principle of a garden of continuous flowering, retaining its decorative effect throughout the year.

▼四季开花的花园,garden flowering throughout the year ©Ilya Ivanov


▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©ARCHITECTURAL BUREAU WALL

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©ARCHITECTURAL BUREAU WALL

▼三层平面图,third floor plan ©ARCHITECTURAL BUREAU WALL



Address: Moscow, Dolgorukovskaya street, 23A Architect: bureau WALL Developer: STONE HEDGE Landscape: Arteza Photo: Ilya Ivanov
