
▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼建筑侧面,与周边环境呼应 view from the side of the building, corresponding with the neighborhood ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼水平和垂直元素在立面上划分出阳台,horizontal and vertical elements creating balconies on the facade ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼立面细部,facade details ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼仰视,木制的天花,look up at the floors with wooden soffits ©Ivo Tavares Studio

In a residential area (surrounded by urban developments, subdivisions and plots to be built) the project grew (also depending on the subdivision where it is located) from the natural limits of the plot; these, by themselves, challenge the orientation of the surrounding urban context, creating an exception on the urban alignment. This exception was converted into an opportunity to work the building’s facades, simultaneously in conformity with the horizontal axes of the adjacent building, and creating a rhythm that organically accepted the skewed neighboring alignments. The result is the composition of the horizontal and vertical elements that delimit the balconies, creating an additional skin to the building, providing the necessary privacy, a more intimate mood and regulating the light for the interior of the apartments.

▼客厅与阳台,living room and balcony ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼阳台,丰富的光影,balcony with rich light and shadows ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼阳台一角,a corner of the balcony ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼阳台细部,details of the balcony ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼厨房,kitchen ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼镂空花纹隔断,latticed partition ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼隔断细部,details of the partition ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼卧室,bedroom ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼光线舒适的室内空间,interior space with regulated light ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼公寓入口,entrance ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼楼梯间,staircase ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼夜景,night view ©Ivo Tavares Studio

▼总平面图,site plan ©Carolina Freitas Arquitectura

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©Carolina Freitas Arquitectura

▼立面图,elevations ©Carolina Freitas Arquitectura
