
“SETOYAMA” is a villa built on a vast, vertically long site along the river on a cliff on a hill overlooking the sea. This land was a thick thicket with rooted trees on a hard plateau of lava layers created by an eruption about 4000 years ago. Therefore, it has been untouched for a long time and is under a stable natural territory. In the case of architecture that does not assume settlement, such as villa, it is difficult to maintain, and if the architecture gets too close to nature, it will be swallowed by nature immediately.

▼项目远景,viewing the project at distance © GEN INOUE

▼主入口近景,closer look of the entrance © GEN INOUE


We sought to create a place where nature and function harmonize well. So We try to avoid modifying the land itself or touch the boundaries of the forest; while doing building a certain distance from the natural territory, the villa lightly blended into the surrounding environment so that it would be buried in the forest.

▼倾斜的屋顶,Pitched roof of the villa © GEN INOUE

▼建筑主体与地面分离,The main body of the building is separated from the ground © GEN INOUE

▼建筑下部架空的空间发挥出被动式节能的作用, The downstairs space is equipped with the function of an environmental device © GEN INOUE


▼木制三维桁架结构示意图,diagram of the wooden structure © MORIYA AND PARTNERS

The client’s request was “a view of the sea from the living room.” Therefore, in order to frame the seascape and groves seen through the trees, we planned to separate the main living room from the ground and project the upper structure to the cliffside. Since the foundation was on a steep slope, it was necessary to keep it away from the cliffs as much as possible. Therefore, we realized a spacious interior space by assembling a wooden frame overhanging from the foundation in a three-dimensional truss shape and establishing a structure that overhangs a large cliff. The downstairs space is equipped with the function of an environmental device to introduce the comfortable and cold wind blowing from the river into the upper room and also functions as a terrace for enjoying forest bathing.

▼室内概览,overall of the interior © GEN INOUE

▼客厅,living room © GEN INOUE

▼位于夹层的卧室,bedroom on the mezzanine floor © GEN INOUE

▼拥有海景的浴室,bathroom with seascape view © GEN INOUE

▼入口玄关,entrance porch © GEN INOUE

▼楼梯, staircase © GEN INOUE

1.通过保护原始地貌来减少建筑对环境的影响,SETOYAMA别墅的设计致力于尊重并巧妙利用自然环境,同时,以极高的可持续性能作出有力的环境宣言。 2.利用当地木材,开发合理桁架结构形式,由此产生的空间为使用者营造出一种只有在这里才能拥有的独特居住体验。 3.独特的建筑形式创造出丰富的户外空间,利用周边自然的森林景观与悬崖地貌,打造出让人感到宛如置身于森林公园的居住空间。

1. We try to reduce the environmental impact of our buildings by not changing the shape of the land. We are committed to respecting and utilizing the natural environment, and have made an important commitment to sustainability in architecture. 2. Using local lumber, a rational structural form in the form of a truss is developed. The resulting space creates an originality that can only be experienced in this place. 3.The architecture we have proposed creates a wide variety of outdoor spaces. The landscape design makes use of the existing forest and the existing slope to create a park-like landscape for the community.

▼夜间近景, closer night view © GEN INOUE

▼室内夜景灯光效果, Interior lighting effect © GEN INOUE

▼总平面图,site plan © MORIYA AND PARTNERS


▼剖面图,sections © MORIYA AND PARTNERS

CREDIT: Title:SETOYAMA Site:Ito City,Shizuoka,Japan Completion:2020 Architect:Takahiro Moriya Producer:archibuilders Structural engineer:A.S.Associates Akira Suzuki Contractor:Daido Kogyo Co. Photo:GEN INOUE Program:Second House Structure:Wood frame+Reinforced concrete construction Site area:2061㎡ Building area:91㎡ Total floor area:101㎡
