
▼远景鸟瞰,bird’s eye view at distance © Vincent Hecht

▼近景鸟瞰,closer view of the duplex © Vincent Hecht

Located in a mixed area with commercial and residential uses in Sendagaya near the National Stadium in Tokyo, this project is composed of two stories of tenant spaces and the client’s residence above them. With only 160% of the maximum floor area ratio due to the narrow front street, the main challenge of the project is how to accommodate both comfortable residential environments and sufficiently profitable tenant spaces together, while maximizing spatial volume within the site constraints. The client, a family of five who used to live in an ample detached house with a garden had concerns about the spatial quality of their new house with less area in the denser neighbourhood. Thus, we tried to make it as open and generous as possible by actively incorporating outdoor spaces, despite the difficult site constraints.

▼航拍顶视图,aerial top view © Vincent Hecht

▼露台顶视图,aerial top view of the terraces © Vincent Hecht


Despite the low floor area ratio allowance, the maximum building height at this site is indeed allowed to be 20m only if the volume is adapted to the complicated shadow calculation, although most of the buildings nearby are kept lower than 10m to avoid extra code compliance processes. While this neighbourhood is relatively dense on the street level for residential use, we found potential open voids to create comfortable environments above the surrounding low buildings. Therefore, the building massing taller on the northern side is a result of our thorough volume studies with shadow parameters to elevate the duplex residence higher than neighbouring roofs while maximizing the building volume, which provides open views all around the residence with multiple levels of abundant roof terraces.

▼由街道看向建筑,viewing the building from the street © Vincent Hecht

▼沿街立面概览,facade along the street © Vincent Hecht


The floorplate shapes are uniquely skewed at each level according to the shadow regulation, usages, spatial sequences, and vertical relationships. This stack of different floorplates generates shading overhangs and various outdoor spaces such as external hallways and terraces without interrupting GFA limitations. Besides the closed building facade along the site boundary accommodating main loadbearing walls, the articulated deep concrete beams allow the façade structure along the terraces to be open and transparent encouraging inside and outside to merge.

▼不同楼层的堆叠形成了悬挑出来的遮阳结构与各种各样的户外空间 © Vincent Hecht the stack of different floorplates generates shading overhangs and various outdoor spaces


The linear facades around the slab volumes are wrapped by the metal bands with repetitive vertical slats like louvers, which are designed from the positive interpretation of the code requirements forcing vertical slats design to rooftop balustrade to conform to the shadow regulation. The continuous vertical louvers allow for interplay between openness to the perpendicular views and privacy from the diagonal views besides enhancement of horizontality of the floor layers.

▼主入口立面,main entrance facade © Vincent Hecht

▼竖向百叶状的金属格栅形成了露台的扶手栏杆, the repetitive vertical slats like louvers also serve as handrail © Vincent Hecht

▼立面细部,detail of the facade © Vincent Hecht


Large timber window walls recently certificated for fire resistance deliver open and bright interior spaces, unlike typical fireproof buildings required in most of the dense urban areas including this site. The void space around the building with distributed lush vegetations at each terrace forms a cascade of sequential vertical gardens like a canyon stretching from the bottom courtyard towards the sky.

▼木制框架玻璃幕,Large timber window walls © Vincent Hecht

▼室外楼梯与露台,outdoor staircase and terraces © Vincent Hecht

▼由露台看周围密集的城市环境,viewing the intense urban environment from the terrace © Vincent Hecht


The resulting structural depth about half a storey deep functions as servant layers between each floor, providing infrastructural supports to the floor below and above such as mechanical space, attic storage, loft, underfloor storage, planting pit, etc., which allows the main spaces to be more open and flexible.

▼底部两层出租空间室内概览,overall of the interior of the rentable floors © Vincent Hecht

▼深梁结形成了约半层厚的基础设施层,The deep beams form an infrastructure layer about half a layer thick © Vincent Hecht


▼位于建筑顶层的私人住宅主要生活区,The main living area of the private residence is located on the top floor of the building © Vincent Hecht

▼当滑动窗完全打开时,顶层的客厅延伸到宽敞的种植露台上,When the sliding Windows are fully open, the living room on the top floor extends onto a spacious planted terrace © Vincent Hecht

▼模糊的室内外界限与顶部的高窗,the blurred boundary between interior/ exterior ant the clerestory windows at the top © Vincent Hecht

The top floor of the building, the entrance level of the duplex residence accommodates the tall and generous single room with clerestory windows for the living room and kitchen. On the floor below, the triangular hall surrounded by the bookshelves anchor four bedrooms and bathrooms. Through the fully openable sliding windows at each floor, both the living room and the hall are enabled to extend towards the generous planted terraces to become a part of living spaces. While the generous stairway with the study corner connects the living room and the hall openly to create a continuous spatial strip, two terraces are also connected through the outdoor stairway surrounded by abundant vegetation.

▼位于三层的三角形大厅与多功能书架墙,the triangular hall surrounded by the bookshelves  © Vincent Hecht

▼楼梯与转角书架,the generous stairway with the study corner © Vincent Hecht

▼三角形大厅窄侧的开窗,the window at the end of the triangle hall © Vincent Hecht


Beyond the clerestory window of the living room, another roof terrace spirals up to the wide slope covered by the artificial turf, an exclusive playground almost floating over the sky. As a result, a spatial continuum of inside and outside runs throughout the duplex and three levels of the terraces, which forms a sort of a ‘three-dimensional loop’ of the living spaces. Various casework and vegetation are distributed along the periphery of this living space loop, creating different characters of the places. Besides joyful kids running around, light, air, view, and all the flow of life and nature circulate seamlessly throughout inside and outside.

▼三层露台,terrace of the third floor © Vincent Hecht

▼连接私人住宅上下两层露台的室外楼梯, the outdoor staircase that connect the terraces of the duplex © Vincent Hecht

▼顶层露台,terrace of the top floor © Vincent Hecht

▼带有草坪的屋顶斜坡是孩子们的天空游乐场,The roof slope with lawn is a sky playground for children © Vincent Hecht


Through the elaborate analysis and studies of the conditions and the limitations, we believe that the discovered potential of the site was well integrated into the distinctive architectural presence specific to this project. Its appearance looks like a fortress standing up in the urban fabric and hilly oasis with lush nature hidden behind. This project is intended to suggest one way of the approach towards mixed-use development and living spaces in the urban context, at the same time we purely pursued the sort of abundant and enjoyable living spaces where we would almost feel envy the kids growing up there. We hope for the client to enjoy their new life surrounded by the Tokyo skyline.

▼夜景,night view © Vincent Hecht

▼总平面图,master plan © KOMPAS

▼剖面图,section © KOMPAS

IBIS SENDAGAYA PROJECT : Tenant Space (1&2F) and Client’s Residence (3&4F) STATUS : Completed (2021) LOCATION : Tokyo, Japan SITE : 269 sqm (Max. 160%) BUILDING : Reinforced Concrete Structure, 4 stories AREA : approx. 430 sqm CONTRACTOR : O’hara Architectural and Construction, Ltd. STRUCTURE : HSC MEP : ZO Consulting Engineers LANDSCAPE : Onshitsu / Yuichi Tsukada PHOTOGRAPHY : Vincent Hecht
