Buzzo Spinelli Architecture:该项目有三个目标:首先是在港口和Bastia城堡之间建立起舒适优美的连接关系,其次是设计一个绿色的剧院,最后是修复Romieu花园。

Buzzo Spinelli Architecture:The project has three aims: first creating a pleasant link between the port and the Citadel of Bastia, second designing a theatre of greenery, and last but not least restoring the Romieu garden.


The intervention takes place in the heart of the citadel on a very steep slope, and it expresses the objective of retrieving that citadel which has become a medium for a public space development between the city and the water. From belvederes to platforms, from staircases to ramps, from gardens to squares, the project multiplies the spaces of contemplation and strolls, offering visitors the choice of sequenced routes, alternating between openings on the horizon and narrowing on the rock, the walls and the vegetation.


Architecture stands out here as a tool for resolving and clarifying the geometries of the site, hence the adoption of a plain writing which borrows from the adjoining walls their roughness and mass. The shape of the elevator is similar to a retaining wall leaning against the rocks, in continuity with the parapets of the citadel.


Materials are at the heart of the project’ intentions.A measured and fair choice is translated in the use of aggregates extracted from the cliff for the production of a unique concrete. The material is then transfigured. Usually innocuous or industrial, concrete becomes artisanal and exceptional.

这种情况下的”干混凝土 “具有均匀统一的米灰色色调,被浇铸在垂直和水平结构的建筑覆盖层中。这种独特的混凝土饰面在经过对预制模板的特殊处理后,具有整洁的压痕和外观。

In this case the “dry concrete” has a uniform gray-beige shade, and is cast in place as an architectonic cladding for all vertical and horizontal structures. This unique fare-faced concrete also has a neat and stamped look after a special care of the formwork.


In addition to its finish, and being composed exclusively with the aggregates of the site (Cipollino marble + polished schist) the concrete is executed by tamping beds every 16cm on a formwork height of 48cm.

▼电梯施工过程 The construction process


Concrete with its asperities and hues, reflect thereby deeply the site and refer to the identity of the rocks on which the project leans.


The absence of transport or importation, and the exnihilo extraction of materials are a responsible economic choice that benefits the execution and the handwork.


This anchoring of the project to the Corsican territory by its materials, its seeking of an implementation mixing know- how and long duration, testifies of a general engagement towards contemporary architecture; which is in turn articulated around the values of modesty, demanding nature, as well as social and environmental responsibilities.

▼海岸历史原貌 Original coastal history

▼历史岸线平面图 Historical shoreline plan

▼区位图 Plan Localisation

▼总平面图 Master Plan

▼Porte Haute平面图 Plan Porte Haute

▼立面图 Elevation Generale

▼高程梯度 Elevation Gradin

▼电梯立面图 Elevation Ascenseur

▼电梯剖面图 Coupe Ascenseur

▼台阶式剖面 Coupe Gradin




项目地点:法国 巴斯蒂亚


项目管理:Buzzo Spinelli Architecture

建筑设计师:Antoine Dufour

景观设计师:Patrimony Atelier GAMA




电梯:Signage Schindler

网络和公共照明:Corse Paysage

绿化区域:Corse Paysage

摄影:Celia Uhalde

Areas: 7 089 ㎡

Cost: 2 400 000 € HT

Schedule: March 2020

Location: Bastia (2B)

General contractor: Bastia’s municipality

Project management:

Buzzo Spinelli Architecture

Architectes: Antoine Dufour

Landscaper: Patrimony Atelier GAMA

Structural Engineers: Batiserf

Road engineers and various networks: BETEM


Locksmith works: Socofer

Elevators: Signage Schindler

Dry networks and Public lighting: Technicalarm

Green areas: Corse Paysage

Photography: Celia Uhalde