立方长廊——万科海上明月生活广场位于杭州市萧山的大奥体板块,是一个建筑面积2.1万平方米的社区商业中心,可以为周边的海月养老住区及城市新贵构建邻里社交和消费的场景。柯路所采用的街区商业和独栋商业合二为一的设计策略使立方长廊形成了一个多尺度、多业态、多公共社交空间的商业建筑。立方长廊 Cube Gallery荣获了2020年Architizer A+建筑奖专业评审奖(Jury Winners)。

Cube Gallery of Vanke Xiaoshan is a 21,000 sqm community retail center located in Hangzhou. It is designed as a convivial place of interaction between the young families and seniors living in the surrounding residences. By fusing two types of common retail design, retail street, and retail villa, CLOU provides a commercial design that hosts multi-scale, multi-type of business programs with various public social space. Cube Gallery has been selected as the 2020 Architizer A+Awards Jury Winner in the Shopping Center Category.

▼项目远景鸟瞰,distanced aerial view of the project ©吴清山

▼街景,street view ©吴清山

针对特定人群、精细化业态,做“小而美”的集中商业是万科团队和柯路的第一个尝试。在研究过商业街与集中商业融合的方案之后,我们保留了将公共空间“外置” 的设计策略,又汲取了独栋商业的经营灵活性和销售策略,最终形成了商业街和独栋商业合二为一的规划。首层和二层以商业街的形式集结了小微社区生活服务型商业,独栋商业以简洁有力的立方体形态立于第二首层之上,以大餐饮、健身、娱乐和教育培训等目的地型消费为主,组合构成一种多尺度、多业态、多公共空间的独栋商业街形态。

Targeting specific groups of people, it is the first attempt for Vanke and CLOU to establish a centralized retail center that caters to refined business formats. Through the assumption of the plan on the integration of retail types, shopping street and mall, CLOU decides to retain the strategy of expanding public space from indoor to outdoor, meanwhile adding the advantage of another retail type, retail villa, to finally form a commercial project that’s a fusion of retail street and retail villas. The resulting arrangement is a composition of three-story individual cubes available for anchor tenants setting on top of two levels of retail terraces for compact community shop units.

▼商业街与独栋商业结合,combination of retail street and villa ©CLOU


Multi-scale, multi-type of commercial programs are fully integrated into different scales of space. The lower level is suitable for small-scale retail programs that guarantee rental/sales efficiency and fulfills the need for community amenities. The higher level is suitable for businesses with large special requirements, which fulfills the local demands of large dining space, entertainment/leisure activities, and education/cultural centers. The distinct vertical divisions and various commercial spaces help drive the overall business vitality.

▼商业空间外观,不同尺度的商业形态融合在一起,external view of the commercial spaces in different scales ©吴清山

▼商业街内景,inner view of the retail street ©吴清山


This hybrid of two retail types not only offers the flexibility for a mix of small and large tenants but also opens up layered outdoor terraces and courtyard landscape, all together form a large area of public space. The balance between commercial operation and the quality of public social space is being realized with limited site area.

▼多首层空间,multiple ground floor ©吴清山

室外扶梯和台阶组成的24小时流线将街角广场,户外露台连接编织成一个三维立体的文化、社交中心, 使多首层策略形成可能。地下停车空间的设置也满足于当地人从车内直达商业内部环境私密性的需求。

External pathways, outdoor steps, the multiple “ground floor” strategy is being applied into 24-hour outdoor circulation, which connects the main street corner plaza at ground level and outdoor terraces into a three dimensional social and cultural hub.

▼台阶和扶梯形成街角广场,public plaza defined by the steps and the escalator ©吴清山

▼通往多首层的台阶,steps connecting to the mutiply ground floor ©吴清山

▼上层空间的连桥,bridge connecting the upper floors ©吴清山


The exterior façade of the Cube Gallery adopts the structure of the glass curtain wall with white aluminum grille. It provides shelters for different commercial programs’ logistics such as dining and entertainment, also guarantees indoor natural lighting. On the other hand, the entire visual from the exterior is integrated and varied, maximizing the public visibility of the street, and providing a buffer between the vertically dense residential area and the main street.

▼立面由白色格栅和玻璃幕墙组成,facade composed of glass curtain wall and white aluminum grille ©吴清山

▼立面细部,details of the facade ©吴清山


To fully explore the possibilities of public space in retail design, and stimulate the vitality of a community social hub, Cube Gallery of Vanke Xiaoshan is an opportunity turned from a challenge and finally offers a distinctive character to the city via architectural format.

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©CLOU

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©CLOU

▼三层平面图,third floor plan ©CLOU

项目名称:立方长廊 类型:商业 客户:万科杭州 项目地址:中国浙江杭州 建筑面积:21,000平方米 建筑设计:柯路建筑 CLOU architects 项目总监:Jan F. Clostermann 设计团队:李琳,Sebastian Loaiza,Mar Garrido,颜秀羽,Tiago Tavares 施工图:深圳华森建筑与工程设计顾问有限公司 幕墙顾问:浙江中南建筑幕墙设计研究院  摄影:吴清山

Project Name: Cube Gallery Type: Retail Client: Vanke Location: Hangzhou, China Construction Area: 21,000 sqm Architecture Design: CLOU architects Design Director: Jan F. Clostermann Design Team: Lin Li, Sebastian Loaiza, Mar Garrido, Ally Yan, Tiago Tavares Construction Drawings: HSArchitects Façade Consultant: Zhejiang Zhongnan Architecture and Façade Design Photography: Qingshan Wu