The project is inserted as a set of small-scale elements that remain secondary to the presence of the castle and the size of the surrounding public environment with possibilities of unique public integrations. The large indefinite central void is occupied by a 38×38 m2 square plate. The latter is occupied by a modular grid with tracks within which, benches, tables and roof structures are free to be manually moved, ready to define different spatial and functional assemblages. Thus the project suggests a total openness to an always new identity of the space, leaving it physically porous and functionally flexible to the various needs of citizens and to programs of the municipality.

This is an attempt to grasp, from the mistakes, the opportunity to experiment and give breath to urban transformations, to rethink a narrative of the metropolis, starting from the body and his perception, the public world made of events rather than obstacles, of organized density rather than of efficient generality. Structures, conscious of constructive and spatial logics, easy to assemble and disassemble, ready to be multiplied and adapted to the various complexities. Projects of the mutability, of the rapid change by users, for an optimized growth of a form of life made in the place.