
The apartment is located in the north side of Beijing and occupies the last two floors of a townhouse. The house is around 300 sqm and has as special feature a big rooftop terrace.

▼项目概览,project overview ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


▼一层平面图,1F plan ©MDDM STUDIO

In the first floor the design aimed to open the entire floor to a big living space. The existing staircase had been demolished, partition walls had been removed and several structural walls had been perforated to improve the movement between different functional areas. The space is zoned by build in furniture, creating rooms without the need of solid partition or doors.

▼几组固定家具形成空间的聚合形态,the space is zoned by build in furniture ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


The result is a continuous space flow between living room, entrance, dining room, kitchen and playroom. To further lighten the space the new staircase as well as the landing on the second floor are made in perforated white steel panels. The permeable and bright surface of the staircase let the natural light from the west double height windows to penetrate into the house. During the late afternoon the play of light and shadow of the stairs creates a special atmosphere inside the apartment.

▼从客厅望向餐厅,view to the dining room from the living room ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼餐厅细部,dining room ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼从餐厅望向客厅,view to the living room from the dining room ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼楼梯和水磨石平台,the stair and the terrazzo platform ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼细部,details ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼阳光透过穿孔金属板,the permeable and bright surface of the staircase let the natural light in ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


The color palette of the house reflects the energy of the young family living there. The floor and the ceiling are two parallel, horizontal surfaces in cement in between which different colorful elements are inset: the yellow walls give an energetic environment to the house. The kitchen island, the playroom and the platform at the base of the staircase in colorful terrazzo play with the pure white built in furniture and few elements in turquoise blue echoes the color sparkles of the terrazzo.

▼平台细部,platform detailed view ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼厨房岛台同样使用了彩色水磨石,the kitchen island also uses colorful terrazzo ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼色彩元素,colorful elements


On the second floor, the layout accommodates two 2 bedrooms, 1 masterbedroom, 2 bathrooms and a laundry area. A big terrace is connected to the corridor and to the master bedroom.

▼走廊,corridor ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud


The master bedroom has a large wooden niche for the bed leaving a spacy area in front of the large windows. The bathrooms are defined by colorful terrazzo floor and white cabinets.

▼主卧室,master bedroom ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼壁龛式的空间,a large wooden niche ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼浴室,bathroom ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

楼梯通向三楼,在其尽头有一个很小的工作室, 同时也可以到达屋顶露台。

On the 3rd  floor of the house, a small studio is placed at the end of the staircase near the entrance of the large rooftop terrace.

▼工作室,the small studio ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼客人浴室,bathroom ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼走廊夜景,night view of the corridor ©Jonathan Leijonhufvud

▼一层平面图,1F plan ©MDDM STUDIO

▼二层平面图,2F plan ©MDDM STUDIO

▼三层平面图,3F plan ©MDDM STUDIO

▼剖面图,section ©MDDM STUDIO