

▼露天庭院视角,view from the terrace

Designed from four rectangular volumes, seamlessly merging, a private villa sit on the very edge between land and sea. ADEPT is behind the design that is carefully tailored to the unique location using nature’s own colors and soft transitions between interior spaces, as well as between inside and outside, that makes the daily changes of the sea an integrated part of the architecture’s DNA.

▼体块生成示意,massing diagram

▼场地平面图,site plan


The villa was completed for a private client with the opportunity to build at the edge of the sea. The client had a vision of a simple life in beautiful spaces making the fantastic view an integrated part of everyday life in their home. The result is as unique as the location: a villa designed from four basic volumes with floating transitions. Towards the street, the villa appear serene and closed, the primary volumes broken only by the precise entrance door. Towards the sea and the garden, small courtyards are embraced by open and transparent facades with views towards the sea.

▼梦幻般的景色成为日常生活的一部分,the fantastic view has become an integrated part of everyday life in their home

▼流畅的空间衔接,a floating transition between spaces

ADEPT的合伙人Anders Lonka表示:“独特的地理环境是设计的主要灵感来源之一。被框入室内的大海与天空让别墅里的生活成为一场不断变化的自然体验。”

“The villa was designed with the unique location as one of the main inspirations. Living in this home is an ever-changing experience of nature as the building itself frames the sea and the sky”, explains Anders Lonka, partner at ADEPT.

▼仰望天空, the framed sky


Curved white walls and broad plank floors melt the interior spaces together. All primary spaces have a contrasting end wall with a piece of handmade build-in furniture: a bookcase spanning an entire wall of the living room, a customized kitchen, a lamellae wall in the entrance room providing access to the basement and a wardrobe, and finally a full cabinet wall in the master bedroom with access to the bathroom. The basement has three guest rooms and a TV-room, all lit by natural daylight from light wells. Oak benches along the facade cover the light wells.


▼弧形的白色墙壁和木制地面与室内空间融合在一起,curved white walls and broad plank floors melt the interior spaces together

▼室内细部,interior detailed view

▼书柜墙和木板墙,the bookcase wall  and the of the lamellae wall

▼沙色的Kolumba砖墙和结实的橡木框架增强了建筑的坚固性,使其能够自如地暴露在海岸环境之中 Sand colored Kolumba brick and robust oak framing, add solidity to the villa, humbly adapting it to the exposed site

▼长椅和立面细部,bench and facade detailed view


The garden surrounding the villa resembles a beach meadow as one find them in the natural habitat close by with shale, low trees and wild flowers.

▼住宅周围景观,the surrounding landscape

▼花园视角,view from the garden

▼场地平面图,site plan

▼首层平面图,floor plan

▼地下层平面图,basement floor plan

▼街道立面,elevation terrace

▼临海立面,elevation sea

▼室外平台立面,elevation terrace

Name: Villa Platan Area: 180 m2 Location: Aarhus, DK Architect: ADEPT Engineer: MOE Landscape: Opland Cost: Confidential Images: Jakob Lerche + ADEPT