
Chengdu Montpellier Primary School, a public primary school built in Chengdu High-tech Zone in 2012, was established by Chengdu city and its sister city Montpellier in order to deepen international exchanges and cooperation. It is the embodiment of the profound friendship between China and France in the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties.

▼项目概览,general view © 意维建筑空间摄影

▼校园概览,general view © 存在建筑

▼校园入口,campus entrance © 意维建筑空间摄影


In 2018-2020, since the original campus was unable to hold the expanded needs, the campus got an extension of 33000 m2. 36 new classrooms were built, adding up to 72 in total. The capacity of new campus reaches to about 3200 students.

▼场地鸟瞰,site aerial view © 意维建筑空间摄影


The land for expansion is close to the green belt around Chengdu city, and the Jincheng Lake is swaying in the north. Considering function partition and urban interface, we arrange three buildings for art and sports laid at the north side of the site, merging into the park and allow the greenery landscape extending into the campus.

▼湖岸视角,view from the lake side © 意维建筑空间摄影


By carefully studying the topography, we use a gentle slope to digest the height difference, creating several platforms for various activities, with car parking hidden under it. The naturally undulating landform creates a unique experience, which introduces a special character to school life in this plain city.

▼坡地景观,the gentle slope © 存在建筑

▼浅丘起伏的空间体验,The naturally undulating landform © 意维建筑空间摄影


In distinct with regular campus, we use free-running tracks rather than the conventional playground, providing an open garden area in the center of the campus. In this central garden, the natural topographical feature gives steps, slopes, elevated floor and corridors, creating the space for all-day activities. Therefore, pupils are encouraged to get close to and discover the nature in this bounded but open area.

▼中心花园,the central garden © 存在建筑

▼街道立面,street facade © 存在建筑



New buildings lies around central garden. The functional layout changes from the traditional mode of dividing the campus into buildings according to functions, and chooses to integrate functions at multiple levels . A Three-classroom unit has been created, with a faculty office laying next to it, which reduces the distance between faculty and students.

The multi-use-building is located in the geometrical center of the campus, vertically combines the administration office, Art studio and music studio. The geometry center of the campus naturally gather the students, which greatly helps the artistic atmosphere infiltrate the campus life.

▼校园的几何中心,the geometrical center of the campus © 存在建筑


▼六边形教室对比,diagram: Hexagon Classroom vs Rectangular Classroom ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼六边形教室布局模式,class models ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

We introduced “hexagon shape classroom” as our response to the “theme based education mode” which the school hold. Comparing to rectangular classroom, the hexagon shape classroom allow desks to be laid at both side of the classroom which reduces the visual distance for students. As the hexagon shape is close to a circle, it reduces the restrictions on the layout of the classrooms and allowing more potentials for different furniture arrangement for various theme. The hexagon shape classrooms are connected by two corridors, with balcony corridor looking towards the middle school and lake, and the inner side towards central garden. The polygon outline introduce most daylight into the classroom, leads to a unique expression of facade.

▼教室内部,classroom interior view © 存在建筑

▼走廊,corridor © 存在建筑


We treat three classrooms as a unit, which are separated by flexible sliding panel. This partition panels allow the group to be adopted with different education theme. Moreover, considering the unique climate character in Chengdu, the panels can be fully removed in transition seasons, which allows the classrooms extending to corridor.

▼推拉活动隔断,实现弹性可变的单元与组团布局 © 意维建筑空间摄影 the partition panels allow the group to be adopted with different education theme


On top floor, the classrooms are equipped with raising hexagonal skylight, not only reducing the energy consumption but also beneficial to visual health.

▼顶层六边形教室,classroom on the top floor © 存在建筑


From west to east, sports centre, library and multi-purpose hall are laid respectively at north side of campus. We chose three different theme colour for interior, which helps to create unique atmosphere inside:

▼独立的功能体量,independent functional volumes © 存在建筑


Library——‘Green Shading’: The concept origins from the continuous green on north of the campus. By alternately hanging different green colors on the ceiling,we create the experience of ‘reading underneath woods’——metaphoric daylight shining through leafs.

▼图书馆外观,Library exterior view © 存在建筑

▼图书馆室内,Library interior view © 意维建筑空间摄影


Concert Hall ——‘Warm Amber’: when you step into this hall in cold and humidity winter of Chengdu, you will find yourself in a warm amber world. The curved seats, the large opening window and the jumping orange colour, which all provide warm and gentle feelings. It feels like walking into the resonance box of timber instruments,and also reminds you of the flowing water outside the window. We use freecurved seats, naturally lighting windows, and 2 inner balconies,giving more possibilities for multi-purpose events.

▼音乐厅内部,Concert Hall interior view © 意维建筑空间摄影


Swimming Pool ——‘Ocean Blue’: The theme of swimming pool is derived from the sky and water of Mediterranean Sea. It is a soft, vibrant, and flickering blue of sky and ocean. The skylights bring in light and shines to swimming pool; In the summer, different side windows create an interesting contrast with the coolness of the interior and the hotness of the exterior; the white interface of the space is smudged with a layer of light water blue, and the children in the swimming pool become the protagonist of the space.

▼游泳馆,Swimming Pool © 意维建筑空间摄影


Instead of focusing on independence of different functional spaces, we pay more attention to the bonding between different spaces , so that it highlights the unique temperament in space design. The naturally sloped landscape, the curved building boundaries, and the connecting corridors, and the various-transparency materials(glazed glass and penetrating aluminum panels) provide more diversity for spacial experience, both visually and spatially. It encourages students to discover the campus, arousing them to explore the interesting of space.

▼不规则的建筑边界,the curved building boundaries © 存在建筑

▼连廊和建筑夜景,the connecting corridors and the teaching building by night © 存在建筑


The abstract and controlled roof design is used to respond to the style requirements, that the upper planning requests the space corridor of this area is pitched roof in traditional Chinese style.Under the roof, wood and white are used as main facade colour, which conveying the implicit scholarly charm.

▼廊道屋顶,corridor roof © 存在建筑


Courtyards with different scale are connected by the corridor, which forms various spacial experience. People looking out under horizontal eaves of grey space, in praising of shadow, is a typical image of eastern aesthetic. We hope to spread Chinese aesthetic through students’ daily life and integrate them into their grow memories.

▼架空连廊,the elevated corridor © 意维建筑空间摄影

▼建筑夜景,night view © 意维建筑空间摄影


The theme colour of facade can be traced back to the city flower of Montpellier——iris. The colour of the inner layer facade of the building, varies from green to light yellow, which resembles the scene of the seedlings breaking through the soil. These colours bring different atmosphere to the monochrome facades, presenting a youthful vitality of the primary school, becoming a unique character of Montpellier primary school.

▼立面,facade © 存在建筑

▼由绿至黄的色彩,源于香根鸢尾(蒙彼利埃市花)的幼苗 © 存在建筑 the colour of the inner layer facade of the building resembles the city flower of Montpellier


Traffic congestions caused by pick-up and drop-off of students is a typical problem for school design. In our design, we use the dead-end road between middle and primary school for temporary car parking, which provides a capacity around 100 cars.

▼建筑边界,the boundary of the site © 意维建筑空间摄影


At the south side of campus, we step 10 meters back from the red line, which is nearly twice of the regulation requirements. This extra area is used for parents waiting within landscape and sunken rest area. It helps to reduce the direct traffic impact. Moreover, parents can see through the transparent glass and elevated ground floor, watching the activities in school.

▼架空的底层,the elevated ground floor © 存在建筑



Transparent edges are used instead of traditional solid walls. This visual transparency conveys the open and shared concept of modern education. Therefore, the campus appears no longer a closed place to transfer knowledge, but a place to active interaction with urban community.

As a type of tall interior space, campus cultural venues are valuable cultural infrastructure for community. At the beginning of planning, the cultural and sports venues of school are distributed on north side of the campus, combining with the vitality of the crowd in the northern open space of Jincheng Lake. While people looking out from the lake, three “view frames” become main characteristic of park background. During night, the colorful interior scenes also decorates the green space of Jincheng Lake. Also, the three functional massing can be accessed through the secondary entrance, with the possibility of sharing with the community, responsing the concept of Co-Construction, Co-Creation and Shared Development in between “home-school- community-enterprise” of Montpellier School.

▼自公园湖面远望,view from the lake of the park © 存在建筑


The philosophy of Chengdu Montpellier school is “to be responsible for the maximum possible development of each child”. The design process of the campus reminds us of our own childhood.We hope to bless the children with this colorful lakeside garden as they embark on their life journey.

▼多彩缤纷的湖畔花园,a colorful lakeside garden © 存在建筑

▼总平面图,site plan ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼一层平面图, 1F plan ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼二层平面图, 2F plan ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司

▼剖面图,sections ©中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司