

▼鸟瞰图,aerial view of the project ©10 STUDIO

There is no doubt that village architecture is the hottest architectural topic at the moment. Numerous architects are flocking to the village stage to show their skills. Among them, there are some excellent buildings with great national identity and creativity – the village building has become a gathering place for local architects to practice their own cultural lineage. But the results are mixed. There are those who are desperate to shout; there are those who are pretentious and even produce rubbish.

The countryside must not be turned into a tool for architects’ sentiments to proliferate. We are clearly opposed to the design of ostentatious, eye-catching, noisy and even “French”, “Italian” and “post-modern fauvist” buildings in the Chinese countryside. This is as ridiculous as the appearance of a Huizhou village in a Nordic forest. If we need a “style” at all, I hope it is based on the village, as if it grew out of the land.

▼顶视图,top view ©10 STUDIO


“The field and the lane are the origin of rural beauty. It is essentially a spatial aesthetic of contrast and transformation. Rural architecture must be rooted in the land. Building for the user, or building for perception? We firmly choose the former.” –Wang Chen


Village²/Hongzhuang Art Lane was built in Hongzhuang Village, Shiyan Town, Dongtai City, Jiangsu Province. It took one year to complete and put into use from the initial design, with a construction area of about 4,300m², including the Master Wu Weishan Art and Literature Museum, the villagers’ festival hall, the village banquet and village accommodation, and the idyllic book bar. It successfully blends into this beautiful countryside without any sense of abruptness.

▼夕阳下的建筑,融入乡村,buildings in the dusk, merging into the village ©10 STUDIO

两个设定在创作初期就被提出,并得以贯彻始终: 1. 以项目建成后实现自身经营生存为目标,实现自身的生态循环,不靠政府补贴。 2. 建成不是结束,而是带动周边村民自发形成旅游配套服务的开始,控制建设量,形成“火种”。

Two settings were proposed early in the creation process and have been implemented throughout. 1. to aim for the project to achieve its own business survival after completion, to achieve its own ecological cycle and not to rely on government subsidies. 2. The completion of the project is not the end, but the beginning of the spontaneous formation of tourism services by the villagers in the vicinity, controlling the amount of construction and forming a “fire”.

▼分析图,diagram ©杭州午璞建筑设计咨询有限公司

我们在村庄中营造一个空间意义上的“村庄”—— 村庄中的村庄,有点绕,但挺有趣。六片墙体,围合出一个灵活的空间结构。它向内部半围合,又向四周半开放。南侧纵跨河溪的桥确定了整个项目的入口方向,而墙体最终的导向空间只有一个,北侧的田野。用随机化的,自然状态的布置一个个“屋子”,“屋+院”,“屋+树”,“屋+田”,“屋+廊”,“屋+水”,加上建筑内部的两条核心“巷弄”,一个个村庄化,自然生活般的场景被创造出来。

▼建筑与场地的不同关系,different relationships between house and its surroundings ©杭州午璞建筑设计咨询有限公司

We are creating a spatial ‘village’ within a village – a village within a village, a bit of a detour, but interesting. The six walls enclose a flexible spatial structure. It is semi-enclosed to the interior and semi-open to the surroundings. The bridge across the river on the south side defines the direction of the entrance to the whole project, while the walls ultimately lead to one space, the field on the north side. A randomised, natural state of arrangement of ‘house’, ‘house + yard’, ‘house + tree’, ‘house + field “house + courtyard”, “house + tree”, “house + field”, “house + porch”, “house + water”, together with two core “lanes” inside the building, a village, natural life like scene is created. A village-like, natural life scene is created.

▼建筑远景,distanced view of the buildings ©10 STUDIO

▼水景与房屋,waterscape and the buildings ©10 STUDIO

▼伸出水面的亲水平台,platform extending into the waterscape ©10 STUDIO

▼田园书吧外观,external view of the Pastoral Book Bar ©10 STUDIO

▼书吧建筑细部,details of the book bar building ©10 STUDIO

▼水与建筑近景,closer view to the buildings and the waterscape ©10 STUDIO


The “wall” and the “sloping roof”, the most common architectural elements, create a new spatial form. Externally, it is in harmony with the surrounding village, with its whitewashed walls and tiles. Internally, there is a rich variation of traditional spatial scales, with the inner lanes and outer streets, which can be seen from one step to the next. It is a ‘low-Key’ building in the countryside, but also a work of modesty on the outside and fire on the inside. The completed Village²/Hongzhuang Art House has been well received by the government, people and tourists alike for its ability to cater to the large number of tourists visiting Dongtai and the daily needs of the villagers. Visiting, touring crowds are overwhelmed. We are also surprised to see that some villagers are setting up their own retail shops and residential houses in the surrounding area…

▼粉墙黛瓦,whitewashed walls and black tiles ©10 STUDIO

▼项目内的巷道,lanes inside the project ©10 STUDIO

▼廊中的天井,light view in the corridor ©10 STUDIO

▼室内空间,interior space ©10 STUDIO

▼夜晚鸟瞰,aerial view in the night ©10 STUDIO

▼巷道和水景夜景,lanes and waterscape in the night ©10 STUDIO

▼总平面图,site plan ©杭州午璞建筑设计咨询有限公司

▼一层平面图,first floor plan ©杭州午璞建筑设计咨询有限公司

▼二层平面图,second floor plan ©杭州午璞建筑设计咨询有限公司

▼立面图,elevations ©杭州午璞建筑设计咨询有限公司

▼剖面图,sections ©杭州午璞建筑设计咨询有限公司

空调:海尔 金属饰板:铝板 墙体砌体材料:加气混凝土砌块,青砖

Air Conditioning: Haier Metal Trim: Aluminium panels Wall Masonry Materials: aerated concrete blocks, green bricks
