由马岩松带领的MAD建筑事务所设计、与汉能合作的“庭园家”亮相9月21日开幕的“China House Vision 探索家——未来生活大展”。

MAD Architects, led by Ma Yansong, presents its model for the “home of the future” on the occasion of the 2018 China House Vision Exhibition.

▼建筑外观,exterior view


“Living Garden”, conceived in partnership with Hanergy, breaks down the boundaries between interior and exterior, giving inhabitants the feeling that they are living in nature.

▼人在家中如在自然之中,living in nature


Defying notions of the traditional home, where walls and roofs form boundaries, MAD’s design envisions an “en-plein-air” atmosphere. A curved, floating roof slopes downwards. Its grid-like structure is layered with translucent, waterproof glass that while protecting the ‘interior’ from the rain, also provides natural ventilation, and allows sunlight to flood inside. Hanergy solar panels are strategically placed above. The angle of each is such that it harnesses maximum amounts of sunlight to provide power throughout the home. Collectively, they generate enough electric energy to power the daily consumption of a family of three.

▼从远处看,建筑的主体“屋顶”像是飘在半空中的云,a curved, floating roof slopes downwards

▼薄膜屋顶组件细部,Hanergy solar panels details


Maintaining an openness towards the sky and its surroundings, “Living Garden” sees life, (solar) energy, and nature coincide, seamlessly blending together to create an architectural ‘living’ landscape – one that emphasizes humanity’s emotional connection with nature.

▼起居空间与景观相互交替,living space alternates with landscape

▼人的情感在环境的变换中得到滋润,humanity’s emotional connection with nature

▼座椅细部,seats details

“China House Vision探索家—未来生活大展”由国际平面大师原研哉发起,GWC长城会主办,10组建筑师与企业合作打造理想中的“未来之家”。展览以“NEW GRAVITY”为主题,意喻今日关于中国生存环境要素的思考,宛如改变“重力”一般的划时代。展览呈现的未来构想,以北京为起点,可以复制到全国各地,因地制宜,以前瞻者的思想,实际解决当地居民面临的生活问题。大展将在北京鸟巢持续展至11月6日。

The 2018 China House Vision Exhibition teams 10 international architecture firms with 10 innovative companies to create their ideal ‘home of the future’ in the form of a 1:1 scale pavilion. Initiated by Japanese graphic designer and curator Kenya Hara, House Vision is a cultural research project that seeks to use the “home” as a medium to consider the possibilities of future living. Having already had editions in Tokyo, the 2018 exhibition is the first one abroad, and showcases10 diverse living environments that address future living in China, through the cross-collaboration of different disciplines: architecture, design, technology, manufacturing etc. The China House Vision exhibition is adjacent to the Bird’s Nest (inside Beijing’s Olympic Park) from September 21st – November 6th, 2018.

▼轴测分解图,axonometric decomposition drawing

幕墙顾问:RFR Asia

Project name: “Living Garden”
Location: Beijing, China
Principal Partners: Ma Yansong, Yosuke Hayano, Dang Qun
Design Team: Xiao Ying, Yang XueBin, Kazushi Miyamoto, Yu Qiang, Chen Luman
Chief Architects: MAD Architects
Collaborator: Hanergy Thin Film Power Group Limited
Executive Architects: CCDI (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
Façade Consultant: RFR Asia
Structure: Hongya Bamboo Era Co., Ltd.
Bamboo-steel connectors and Solar Bracket: Beijing Haihuihang Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd.
Landscaping: Original Ecology Landscape Co., Ltd.
Flooring: Beijing Tianzhuo Trading Co., Ltd.
Glass Curtain Wall: Beijing Xinyecheng Curtain Wall Engineering Co., Ltd.
Decorative Beam: Beijing Songzhuang Hongda Sculpture Art Co., Ltd.


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