Micro Trend 1
Fluid Romanticism

The trend indicates a renewed neo romantic glamour, through exploring the new-age illusions that we have created within ourselves. An eternal feminine aesthetic converges with fluid and flowing silhouettes in this trend which sets a contemporary pace. Pale pastel hues are fused with spectral crystalline chromas to create a colorful kaleidoscope of patterns that exude romanticism to capture the season’s charm.

Micro Trend 2
Cultural Mosaic

Multiculturalism and maximalist dramatism get blended to fabricate a brave new world of art, a beguiling cultural mosaic never witnessed before. This amalgamation of innumerable elements inspired by the multiverse of art from all across the planet, coupled with the ingenuous overlay of phantasmic illusionism, gives birth to a bold, desirably eccentric variety of prints, patterns and details on high fashion and couture. 
