This is a very diverse selection of work from past months. Editorial, advertising and book projects. What they have in common is conceptual and landscape language. I hope you will enjoy them.

ustration for Roland Garros dedicated to “the cloud kisser”: a statue of the aviator Roland Garros created by Caroline Brisset. The statue has been erected by the FFT in tribute to the French aviation pioneer and First World War hero, who gave his name to the stadium complex.

Roland Garros magazine illustrated cover

Johns Hopkins Medicine illustration about Covid-19

Oceans Await, Cover illustration for Robb Report magazine

Illustration for the cover of “Le Ferite” (wounds) : a book celebrating 50 years of activity of Doctors Without Borders that tells the work of the organization’s operators through 14 writers

Le Ferite (wounds) book

‘La France’ Banque & Territoires cover for FBF“

Banque & Territoires cover for FBF

So far and good, book cover illustration for an Alaska mystery book by Soho Press NY

‘So far and good’ illustrated book cover