Time of Creation:


Software of Creation:

Adobe Photoshop

Personal Project

这两幅插画设计是为了致敬CHANEL 2016FW时装秀- Paris Cosmopolite。我从微博上看到这场秀的视频录像,觉得这种欢脱的秀场氛围十分美好,整个场景色调复古和谐,每一帧单独截出来都像是一幅中世纪油画。于是我拼凑了两个场景,并将CHANEL的经典配饰加入其中,绘制了这两幅画。


This illustration is a tribute to CHANEL’s 2016 FW fashion show, Paris Cosmopolite. I viewed footage of the show and thought it had a beautifully cheerful ambiance, with vintage and harmonious tones throughout, and each frame stands alone like a medieval painting. So I put two scenes together and adorned them with classic CHANEL accessories. The models in the show had red roses in their hair buns and wore vintage remakes, weaving gently around the tables and occasionally dancing. It established a lovely coffee social hour, allowing guests to journey back in time with the models and immerse themselves in Chanel’s beautiful and pleasurable existence.