Gender Creative Kids Canada

Brand Identity Design

Since 2013, Gender Creative Kids Canada has provided education, community, resources, and services towards the affirmation of trans, non-binary, and gender creative youth among their families, schools, and society at large.
In 2019, GCKC’s Board of Directors invited Wedge to join as their official brand partner to design their visual identity. We sought to honour GCKC’s work with a visual expression that officializes their position on a global stage and uses design as a tool for understanding. Values of human dignity, inclusivity, community, empathy, and joy guided our design work, as well as workshops and educational training graciously given to our team by GCKC. 
 Design choices are intentional, beyond aesthetics. White space is integrated as a key colour, as it is in this undefinable space that we are able to freely discover who we are, paint our own picture. Completed by an optimistic palette that is fluid, flexible, and approved by the kids within the GCKC community. An iconic character came to life as the symbol of the organization, inspired by the truest part of you: the heart. Standing tall and confident with a look of optimism, always moving forward. The official typeface selected is Agrandir, designed and donated by Montreal-based type foundry Pangram Pangram. We love it for its diversity of forms and expressions from thin to thick. It’s in these thoughtful details that we arrive at a solution that can only be Gender Creative Kids.
Our partnership is a profound privilege we cherish. An actionable way for Wedge to use our skills to support a community that represents our collaborators, teammates, friends, and loved ones.