
Skylab:The Columbia Building supports the City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services. Housing workspace, a visitor reception area, and public meeting spaces, the 11,640-square-foot building not only supports the engineering department of the wastewater treatment facility but also functions as an immersive educational experience, all integrated within a sustainable landscape.

  © Jeremy Bittermann


© Jeremy Bittermann 


The new single-story building features seven folded cast-in-place concrete roof forms that channel stormwater through a planted roof, which drains along the berms into a visible collection system that leads to the Columbia River. The project accomplished three unique objectives in one single campus site: the creation of a vibrant and efficient workspace; clean on-site stormwater filtration; and a dynamic building that stimulates conversation about the health of the region’s watershed and rivers.


© Jeremy Bittermann © Jeremy Bittermann © Jeremy Bittermann © Jeremy Bittermann


▽雨水收集系统 Rainwater collection system

© Jeremy Bittermann



The transparent north facade focuses attention towards a central and partially enclosed Commons area, as well as to the habitat that surrounds the building. The serrated curtain wall features operable air circulation vents which enables the interior spaces to be natural ventilated. Mirrored glass reflects and refracts light in the Commons, merging the building into the landscape. The building is LEED Gold certified.


▽建筑入口 The entrance

© Jeremy Bittermann © Jeremy Bittermann


▽建筑内部自然采光良好 Natural light inside the building
© Jeremy Bittermann © Jeremy Bittermann © Jeremy Bittermann © Jeremy Bittermann


▽镜面玻璃反射室外风景 Mirror glass reflects outdoor scenery

© Jeremy Bittermann © Jeremy Bittermann


▽雪景 Snowscape

© Jeremy Bittermann


▽最终平面图 Finish Plan

© Skylab




项目地点:美国 俄勒冈州 波特兰
社交媒体Instagram: @skylabarchitecture, @jeremybittermann
Twitter: @skylabarchitect
Skylab项目团队:设计总监Jeff Kovel,项目架构师和经理Brent Grubb,项目建筑师Susan Barnes

土木工程:Vigil Agrimis, Inc.
结构工程:catena Consulting Engineers
景观 Studio
照明:Biella Lighting Design
品牌:The Felt Hat
顾问:Green Building Services
合作建筑师:Solrc Architecture and Engineering Inc.
雕塑艺术家:John Grade
客户:Bureau of Environmental Services

摄影师:Jeremy Bittermann

Project name: Columbia Building
Project location: Portland, Oregon
Architecture: Skylab
Instagram: @skylabarchitecture, @jeremybittermann
Twitter: @skylabarchitect
Skylab project team: Jeff Kovel, Design Director; Brent Grubb, Project Architect and Manager; Susan Barnes, Project Architect

Contractor: Skanska
Civil Engineer: Vigil Agrimis, Inc.
Structural Engineer: catena Consulting Engineers
Landscape: Studio
Lighting: Biella Lighting Design
Branding: The Felt Hat
Consultants: Green Building Services
Partner Architect: Solarc Architecture and Engineering Inc.
Sculpture Artist: John Grade
Client: Bureau of Environmental Services

Photographer: Jeremy Bittermann



审稿编辑: SIM

更多 Read more about: Skylab



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