enrico sassi architetto:卡比奥(Cabbio)村位于穆吉奥河谷的东侧,沿着山坡分布,顺应了地形走势。卡比奥广场位于村庄的尽头,在建筑师Simone Cantoni(1739-1818)设计的圣萨尔瓦托教堂之前,教堂属于州级文化保护资产,整个卡比奥村庄都在“Inventario degli insediamenti svizzeri da Protegger”(ISOS)保护名录中。因而,该项目是在“提契诺州地方文化管理部”的合作和监督下实施的。

enrico sassi architetto:The village of Cabbio is located on the eastern side of the Valle Di Muggio and has developed along the hillside, adapting to the conformation of the land. The square of Cabbio is located the end of the village, overlooked by the San Salvatore’s Church, attributed to the architect Simone Cantoni (1739 – 1818), the entire complex is a cultural asset protected at the cantonal level, the entire Cabbio village is registered in the “Inventario degli insediamenti svizzeri da proteggere” (ISOS). The project was therefore developed and implemented in collaboration and under the supervision of the “Ufficio dei Beni Culturali del Dipartimento del Territorio, Repubblica e Cantone Ticino”.


© Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Simone Mengani © Simone Mengani



The square is a public space of considerable size (1,100 square meters); it consists of an embankment supported by an imposing stone retaining wall which was in poor condition, compromising the stability of the square. The public space, used as a parking lot, was in beaten earth. The soil was often impassable because there isn’t a drainage system in the bad season. The project for the enhancement of the Cabbio square responded to the need to enhance the context by securing the retaining wall and paving the square with natural stone, respecting the nature of the site.


© Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz


固定挡土墙 Securing the retaining wall



The retaining wall of variable height from 4 to 3 m, in natural stone and partially plastered, was in poor stability conditions caused by the aging of the materials and the heavy load conditions to which it was subjected over the years (use as parking and storage of materials).

In order to ensure the stability of the square, the existing wall was demolished and rebuilt for a length of 35 m, the new wall with structural functions is built in reinforced concrete and subsequently covered with the stones coming from the dismantling of the pre-existing wall. The shape of the final artifact reproduces exactly that of the original wall. The slabs that cover the crown of the wall (stone covers) have a great historical value, as some of them have rock art engravings (cupels). The original wall covers were numbered, disassembled, preserved and subsequently replaced in their original position and sequence.


© Marcelo Villada Ortiz


▽广场改造前后对比 Comparison before and after square renovation

© Simone Mengani © Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Simone Mengani © Simone Mengani



During the excavations for the reconstruction of the wall, parts of ancient decorative elements (balustrade) in Arzo marble emerged which were preserved and included in the wall. The perimeter downstream of the square was delimited by 8 tall trees, adult specimens and in good condition (lime and plane trees in alternating sequence). The trees have not been cut down but have been transplanted so as to allow the construction of the wall and were subsequently planted again, before the final flooring was laid. The trees were numbered and replanted in their original position.


© Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz


▽挡土墙剖面图 Section of the wall

© enrico sassi architetto © Marcelo Villada Ortiz


铺路和雨水疏导 Paving and channeling of rainwater


The original flooring in beaten earth was removed and it’s laid a new flooring in Saltrio stone, a material with a color similar to the nature of the place. The Saltrio stone cubes were designed and built specifically for this project. The proposed flooring allows to preserve the unitary and material aspect of the square. The 10 x 10 cm stone cubes were placed in parallel rows, taking up the direction of the steps of the churchyard. The new flooring is waterproof and grouted with cement mortar. The pavement is uniform and laps the trunk of the trees, the pavement at the base of the trees is draining.


© Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Simone Mengani © Simone Mengani © Simone Mengani © Marcelo Villada Ortiz



Rainwater is collected by a system of grids placed at the entrance to the square and then fed into a canalization dedicated to a mechanical pre-purification system (2 oil separators and 2 sand traps); once treated, the water is channeled and reintroduced into a natural receptor.


© Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Simone Mengani

▽装置设计图纸 The fountain 

© enrico sassi architetto © enrico sassi architetto


装置 Furniture

一个喷水装置被设置在教堂附近的步行梯道旁,作为挡土墙几何结构的延续。装置由一块古老的Arzo大理石制成,水从黄铜水龙头中流出,又流回其中,水龙头被固定在一个相同材质的管道上,并由天然氧化钢IPE 100型材支撑。装置周围放置了大块的Moltrasio石凳,它们均是从广场挖掘中回收的石料制成。广场入口处也使用了类似的座位。

A fountain was placed near the pedestrian staircase near the churchyard, as a continuation of the geometry of the retaining wall. The fountain was made with an ancient block of Arzo marble, the water flows from a brass tap, recovered from the old fountain, and screwed to a pipe also in brass, supported by a natural oxidized steel IPE 100 profile. Stone seats have been placed around the fountain, made up of large blocks of Moltrasio stone, which were recovered from the excavated material of the square. The same type of seating was used at the entrance of the square.


© Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Simone Mengani



Some of the boulders that emerged during the excavation were also used for the construction of the steps of the staircase under the retaining wall that connects the existing ladder to the path below, defining a new pedestrian connection with the square. The path was paved with stone slabs of Moltrasio.


© Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz


照明 Lighting


The project provided for uniform lighting of the square with a central light point suspended on a steel cord.


© Marcelo Villada Ortiz © Marcelo Villada Ortiz


▽场地平面图 Site plan

© enrico sassi architetto


▽广场平面图 Square plan

© enrico sassi architetto


▽地形剖面图 Section

© enrico sassi architetto © enrico sassi architetto



项目名称:Cabbio square
项目地点:瑞士 提契诺州 Breggia
项目时间:2014 – 2022
客户:Municipio di Breggia

建筑设计:enrico sassi architetto sagl
合作者:Irene Lucca
土木工程:Brenni Engineering SA、Holinger SA – Mendrisio、Comal SA
承包商:Impresa Barella SA
林业公司:Galli Manuel
铺装:LS Pavimentazioni SA
石材供应商:Salnova – Cava di Saltrio
喷水装置供应商:Patriziato di Arzo
照明:AIL SA – Aziende Industriali di Lugano
水管:Maroni Rilav SA
电工: Nicola Petraglio Sagl
金属工人:ES Metalcostruzioni Sagl
摄影师:Marcelo Villada Ortiz、Simone Mengani

Project Name: Cabbio square
Location: Breggia, Ticino, Svizzera
Project: 2014 – 2022
Client: Municipio di Breggia
Collaboration and Supervision: Ufficio Cantonale dei Beni Culturali

Architect: enrico sassi architetto sagl
Collaborator: Irene Lucca
Civil engineer: Brenni Engineering SA, Holinger SA – Mendrisio, Comal SA
Contractor: Impresa Barella SA
Forestry company: Galli Manuel
Paving: LS Pavimentazioni SA
Stone supplier: Salnova – Cava di Saltrio
Stone fountain supplier: Patriziato di Arzo
Lighting: AIL SA – Aziende Industriali di Lugano
Plumber: Maroni Rilav SA
Electrician: Nicola Petraglio Sagl
Metalworker: ES Metalcostruzioni Sagl
Photographers: Marcelo Villada Ortiz, Simone Mengani



审稿编辑: SIM

更多 Read more about: enrico sassi architetto



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