
WTD: Immersive and narrative experience with social functions is an essential element in popular offline consumer activities in recent years. What will happen if we apply these attributes into culture and tourism programs? What can we do to further engage the visitors in culture and tourism scenes?


Immersive recreations make one focus on the current scene with pleasure and satisfaction, and forget the scene in the real world. In some sense, they become a new logo that attracts the visitors to the cultural and tourism destinations.


▽不同游戏主题区域鸟瞰 A bird ‘s-eye view of different game theme areas



The site is positioned as an “immersive theme natural theatre”, which provides brand new real game experience. The designers need to figure out the flow paths of visitors, create varied game scenes, and take the game elements into consideration when making space design, thereby ensuring the gaming experience and serving all the functions of the site.


▽原始场地部分处于施工状态,部分区域植被资源较好 Part of the original site is under construction, and some areas have good vegetation resources




When we play games, we enjoy the complete immersion in it and the temporary departure from the real world. The design of game plots, tourist flow paths, interactive installations and varied roles decides the role of the players: visitors, experiencers, participants or creators.

Unlike the passive culture and tourism programs like performances and light shows, this project attempts to fundamentally change the underlying logic of cultural and tourist experience. Before the introduction of landscapes and games, a ring-shaped hotel that looks like a spaceship landing atop the mountain has been completed. Inspired by this building, the game is named as the Spaceship Miracle.


▽总平面图 Plan


《环舟奇迹》故事剧情由艺识流 Artmosphere Showlab创作,内容梗概为:2022年,“时空环舟”来到南川大观。它改变了这里的能量场,促成时空平行、时间暂停等奇异现象,激发了本地花木潜藏的原气能量,由此出现各种植物精灵。玩家们化身为“原气师”,他们的任务便是寻找精灵,收集能量。所有玩家的收集结果直接影响着环舟的状态。观宇宙之大,归原点之家,环舟和这个世界的命运,就掌握在每位原气师的手中。

Created by Artmosphere Showlab, the Spaceship Miracle tells the story that the Spaceship changes local energy field, brings about abnormal phenomena like parallel universe and time freeze, inspires the Primordial Qi in local plants, and fosters various plant elves after its arrival in the Daguan Town, Nanchuan in 2022. As Primordial Qi masters, the players need to find the elves and collect energies, which have direct impact on the state of the Spaceship. The destiny of the Spaceship and the world depends on these Primordial Qi masters.




With technological interactions and artistic creations, the game pioneers to attract the active participation of the tourists by presenting strongly interactive scenes. The magical plots and roles bring about surrealist experience. The landscapes are designed based on the storyline of “looking for the elves” as well. We try to present as many themes as possible in the space, so that the players would get completely immersed in the games. The landscapes and the gaming scenes would be organically integrated.


▽局部鸟瞰 Local bird’s eye view

▽空间中的互动及艺术装置 Interactive and art installations in space



Based on the original landform of the site and the rich biological resources in the Daguan Town, we created 12 themed spaces, with plants, atmosphere and scenes as the clues. Different natural scenes, interactive installations, lighting and artistic installations, and cultural elements are introduced to every themed space. The themes of these spaces connect the trip of “looking for the elves” together perfectly.


▽“世界入口”引领玩家深入探索(动图由艺识流 Artmosphere Showlab提供) The World portal takes the player deeper into the game

▽一座吊桥带领玩家来到另一处空间 A drawbridge takes the player to another space

▽竹林剧场通过帷幕投影引导游戏开场 Bamboo Theater through curtain projection guide the game opening



In the themed space of Forgotten Forest, the space is dark and lifeless. A bench is found in the center of the space. The broken glass inset on the ground reflects this mysterious space and ruined forest, inspiring the desire of starting an adventure. On the other side of the space is a village. The sky and the ground are both built with mirror surfaces. From one side of the black brick wall, these surfaces look like a crack in the sky.


▽“遗落森林”鸟瞰图 An aerial view of the ‘Lost Forest’

▽随意放置的长凳,刻意做旧的青砖垒墙 The bench that places at will, do old brick base wall painstakingly



The elves fly in the dense forest. The glass on the ground reflects their moving figures. It is a challenging task that requires particular patience when looking for the elves. Thanks to the immersive scenes, the space is highly exploratory and engaging.


▽沉浸式参与体验空间 Immersive participatory experience space



Among the sea of lowers lies a rose-shaped maze, which is composed of five flower buds. The changing colors, unexpected haystacks, broken glass mirrors and magic mirrors present strongly immersive experience. Every themed space is “puzzling” in its own way.


▽玫瑰迷宫鸟瞰 An aerial view of the Rose Maze

▽幻化的色彩与元素,营造场地“迷糊感”空间特色 The unreal colors and elements create the space characteristics of “confusion”

▽花海中的玫瑰迷宫 A maze of roses in a sea of flowers



The visionary atmosphere “perplexes” the players’ perception. The winding roads make it even harder to find the elves. The space keeps reminding the players that there could be only a thin line between nothingness and reality.




In addition to all these dreamlike scenes, we wish to present a space themed on the ground art by leveraging the unique force of the site.


▽利用场地特质塑造大地艺术空间 Make use of site characteristics to shape the earth art space

▽如同被风席卷起的草坪空间 Like a lawn space swept by the wind



Inside the pink, dark green and apricot enclosures is a narrow, long and bright red sunken space, which looks like the “throat” of the ground. In shocking colors and shapes, it lies in the center of the lawn, inspiring the players to make explorations and adventures.


▽暗藏玄机的下沉空间 A sunken space that holds secrets




The main sightseeing path is about 1km long, connecting 12 themed natural spaces of valleys, dense forests and flower seas. The spaces under different themes bring about distinctive experience. Every space is like a fascinating new world, which looks illusionary one minute and true the next. As the story progresses, the visitors find the site even more charming.

Along this winding path, there are varied scenes, images, music, lights, performances and tech-empowered special effects. Surrounded by all these lements, the visitors will be fully immersed in the spaces in the interactive, narrative and social manner.


▽不同主题的场景空间 Scene space with different themes



Spaceship Miracle serves a wide range of functions, including nature education, cultural inheritance, science and technology promotion, and public recreation. It fundamentally changes the underlying logic of culture and tourism experience, and meets the visiting needs both day and night. As an innovative real game with lasting vigor, it combines digital technologies with the physical space experience in an exquisite way.


▽充满趣味的装置增强互动性 Playful devices enhance interactivity

▽部分艺术装置的植入 Part of the art installation implant



Most designers engaged in this project are the post-90s, including the post-95s. The design carries their wild imaginations and pursuits, and brings about an immersive exploratory space that engages the visual, auditory, tactile and olfactory senses.




设计团队:李卉 李彦萨 余治富 欧键 石桂霖 郭雪灿 童文静 刘艳 周芯宇 赵桐 刘翔宇 李理 简梦婕 王园园 谷雨 贺谧 张书桢 刘爱玲 宋照兵 姚淞骅 代彪
游戏策划设计:艺识流 Artmosphere Showlab

Name: Spaceship Miracle, an immersive outdoor game scene in Chongqing
Proprietor: Chongqing Nanchuan Yonglong Development Company
Area: 91720㎡
Address: Daguan Town, Nanchuan District, Chongqing City
Landscape design: WTD
Designers: Li Hui, Li Yansa, Yu Zhifu, Ou Jian, Shi Guilin, Guo Xuecan, Tong Wenjing, Liu Yan ZhouXinyu,ZhaoTong,LiuXiangyu,LiLi, Jian Mengjie, Wang Yuanyuan, Gu Yu, He Mi, Zhang Shuzhen, Liu Ailing, Song Zhaobing, Yao Songong and Hua Daibiao
Architectural design: China Architecture Design & Research Group
Game planning and design: Artmosphere Showlab
Consulting agency to Daguan: Chongqing Aoya Keshi Cultural Development Company
Game operation: Chongqing Nanchuan Daguan Xiangsong Commercial Company
Tourism investor: Chongqing Nanchuan Huinong Cultural and Tourist Group
Hotel and business street landscape design: Beijing Yuanzhuscape Company
Photograph: xf-photography
Completed time: 2022



审稿编辑 王琪 –  Maggie

更多 Read more about:  WTD 纬图设计


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