ASPECT Studios:北悉尼鸭嘴兽潜艇观光基地(Sub Base Platypus)位于柯里比利(Kirribilli), 这片属于Cammeraygal原住民的土地有着丰富而有趣的历史。1876年,该场地经历了首次重大转变,成为北悉尼居民的煤气厂。1942年,它被改造成一个鱼雷工厂以支持战争,在1967年, 被命名为HMAS Platypus,成为澳大利亚“奥伯龙”级潜艇的基地。

ASPECT Studios:Sub Base Platypus in Kirribilli, Sydney, which is on the traditional lands of the Cammeraygal has a rich and interesting history. In 1876, the site had its first major transformation, becoming a gasworks for residents of North Sydney. In 1942, it was transformed into a torpedo factory to support the war effort, and in 1967 it was commissioned as HMAS Platypus, a base for Australia’s Oberon Class submarines.


© Simon Wood


ASPECT Studios于2012年受到悉尼海港信托会(Sydney Harbour Federation Trust)的委托,为北部公园的关键修复工程进行设计。2016年8月,ASPECT Studios和lahznimmo建筑事务所再次受到委托,联合设计并实现了一个充分彰显场地丰富的海洋、工业和自然历史的愿景。2020年,在封闭了150年后,鸭嘴兽潜艇观光基地终于正式面向公众开放。

ASPECT Studios was engaged by the Sydney Harbour Federation Trust in 2012 to undertake design works for critical remediation in the Northern Park. In August 2016, ASPECT Studios, along with lahznimmo, were again engaged to develop and deliver a vision that would celebrate the site’s rich maritime, industrial, and natural history. In 2020, after 150 years behind locked doors, Sub Base Platypus was finally opened to the public.


© Simon Wood



于是,设计改造了四个全新的空间,将场地串联并重新融入周遭绿树环绕的环境中:北部阶梯,有全景式的阶梯平台,可将悉尼港的迷人景色一览无遗;悬崖边的步道,贯穿整个场地的历史隧道路网,能够将让访客沿着悬崖和煤仓进入到场地;升级改造的门房和高街(High Street) 广场;以及自邻近凯斯顿特公园(Kesterton Park)延伸到场地的水上步道。

The establishment of the gasworks fundamentally altered the site’s natural topography, cutting it off from its surrounds. Accordingly, reconnecting the site to Kirribilli was an overarching principle of the project.

Four new access points now stitch the site back into its leafy surrounds; -the Northern Stair, with panoramic landings that capture views across Sydney Harbour, -the dramatic cliffside walk and lift, transporting visitors along the cliff and coal stores, and into the site via a heritage tunnel network, -the upgraded Gatehouse and plaza off High Street, and , -a boardwalk from neighbouring Kesterton Park.


▽悬崖阶梯步道 Cliff step walk

© Simon Wood


▽全景式的阶梯平台 Panoramic stepped platform

© Simon Wood

▽观景步道 Viewing trails

© Florian Groehn © Florian Groehn © Florian Groehn © Florian Groehn


丰富的到达体验为访客带来了多样化的感受,并确保了每一个到访者都能领略到场地复杂而精彩的历史、地形和特质。 该项目旨在保护场地的遗迹,同时为社区创造一个令人难忘的休闲娱乐空间,如何在两者之间取得平衡也是设计的关注重点。我们的设计手法尽可能的保留了场地原有的工业和海洋结构,同时拆除了两座建筑以释放更多空间,提供一个更加开阔、理想的公共领域。

The myriad of arrival experiences give visitors a diverse experience of the site, and ensure the complexity of the site’s history, topography and character can be enjoyed by all. Balancing the protection of the site’s heritage, whilst creating a memorable recreational asset for the community, was a design priority. The approach was to preserve as much of the site’s industrial/maritime fabric as possible, removing two buildings to unlock space for a legible public domain offering.


▽游乐场 The amusement park

© Florian Groehn © Florian Groehn © Florian Groehn © Florian Groehn


材料和几何形态给访客留下线索,揭示了该场地的历史用途并定义了空间。北部公园中使用重复的圆形元素源自早前的煤气厂,追溯了历史的同时也明确了景观空间。空间整体上既向内延伸,又向外扩展。游乐场的周围环绕的种植能够起到对场地的修复作用,结合颇有气势的悬崖峭壁,对游乐场空间进行了围合,其他的停留空间则将迷人的海港风光框入其中, 使人流连忘返。

Material and geometric cues reveal the site’s past uses and define space. Repetitive, circular forms in the northern park reference the former gasworks and define landscape rooms. These spaces are both inward and outward focused; the playground enclosed by restorative planting and the dramatic cliff cutting, others defining pause spaces that capture harbour views.


▽休闲娱乐空间 Leisure and entertainment space

© Florian Groehn © Florian Groehn © Florian Groehn




In the Central Courtyard, raised and hanging planters of cascading natives create a peaceful, sheltered space under the exposed steel trusses of the FIMA building. Courtyard walls are decorated with dazzle camouflage inspired graphics, recalling the site’s WW2 legacy.

To the south, Arrival Square has a more urban character. Concentric arcs in the paving recalls SONAR navigation, and simple seating edges allow users to pause under the shelter of indigenous trees.


© Simon Wood


建立一个能够促进舒适性、生物多样性和可持续性的新生态环境,与保护场地的工业遗产同等重要。而如何安全地保留、处理场地150年来工业使用所产生的污染填料,是项目至关重要的一点。北部公园既保证了场地填料的安全性,也重新与周边的Kiara Close建立了连接。

Establishing a new ecology for amenity, biodiversity and sustainability was as important as protecting industrial heritage. It was critical to safely retain and cap contaminated fill generated by 150 years of industrial use. The Northern Park allows site fill to be safely retained, and facilitates reconnection to Kiara Close above.


© Simon Wood



The planting palette is naturally competitive and references the site’s pre-industrial state, using tubestock in diverse mixes to the north of the site, whilst in the Central Courtyard and Arrival Square the palette is more curated, using planting form and texture to define spatial character.

▽总平面图 Plan © ASPECT Studios



业主: 悉尼海港信托会
设计年份: 2012, 2016 – 2018
竣工年份: 2019
景观设计: ASPECT Studios
项目团队: Andrew Nimmo, Hugo Cottier, Jemima Manton, Stephanie Gotis-Graham, Ben Gore, Sacha Coles, Kate Luckraft, Louise Pearson, Lauren Nissen, Lachlan Bellach, Dean Coulson, Alex Woodside
建筑设计: Lahznimmo Architects
施工单位: Haslin Constructions
结构工程顾问: SDA Structures
服务咨询顾问: Northrop Consulting Engineers
摄影: Florian Groehn, Simon Wood
项目地址: 高街118号 北悉尼, 新南威尔士州, 2060

Project name: Sub Base Platypus
Client: Harbour Trust
Design year: 2012, 2016 – 2018
Year Built: 2019
Landscape Architecture: ASPECT Studios
Project team: Andrew Nimmo, Hugo Cottier, Jemima Manton, Stephanie Gotis-Graham, Ben Gore, Sacha Coles, Kate Luckraft, Louise Pearson, Lauren Nissen, Lachlan Bellach, Dean Coulson, Alex Woodside
Architecture: Lahznimmo Architects
Builder: Haslin Constructions
Structural engineer: SDA Structures
Services consultant: Northrop Consulting Engineers
Photographer: Florian Groehn, Simon Wood
Project location (Street, City, Country): 118 High Street, North Sydney, NSW, 2060



审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about:  ASPECT Studios


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