
Fangxing Design:The project is located in Liantou Dongfang Park Plaza, which is the intersection of Songgang Avenue and Dongfang Avenue in Songgang Street, Bao’an, Shenzhen. The site is the edge zone of an old commercial plaza in the urban residential area, covering​​about 5,400 square meters.

▼ 场地区位 The site location




Before the renovation, this area is the edge zone of the landmark building, a very small public space popularly ignored in many cities but exists in large volume. The site serves as convergence and diversion point for crowds, but the space expression is too basic with very few landscaping. The dull green strip fails to offer ornamental value. And moreover, it segments the connection between urban roads and commercial plazas, blocks the direct dialogue between the commercial plazas and the city, thus leads to the whole area be confined and forgotten.

In the context of urban multi-centralization, how should the marginal space be presented? Shenzhen puts forward a call of “Multi-colored Urban Street”, trying to endow new color to the gray space in the city.


▼ 场地原状 Original site

▼ 轴侧分析图 Axial analysis diagram



Based on our designers, the project is not the simple landscaping improvement of the gray area, but a reflection of the city boundary vision. Therefore, designers repeatedly verify in their design process whether they can convert a single perspective of these marginal spaces into multiple composite perspectives. From different perspectives as well as different dimensions of street roads, commercial plazas, passers-by and local residents, space is embedded and utilized to liberate from the city’s unique one-way perspective, and inspires residents to create different use of space.





Here, it is not only the boundary of the square, but also another kind of type of square outside the square; it is both an accessible venue for events and also the highlight of landscape, overlooking tall buildings; it is not only the hallway but also a platform of the communities. It continuously releases the vitality between people and space, opens up borderless spaces in the building strips of the city, and builds a three-dimensional spiritual garden for the people.



花园的“圆”The “circle” of the garden

在元素的提取中,保留了场地原有视觉中最为强烈的圆形铺装语言,以“圆”作为设计的基本元素单位组织不同的空间表达,通过“圆”的正负形组合与排列交接,形成空间中的聚合面与景观面。“圆”的元素在平面布局上呈 L 型分布,预留出空间保障道路的功能实现,不仅优化了道路的通畅度,还使场地具有观赏性、独特性和整体性。

Of all the extracted elements, “circle” retains the strongest circular paving language in vision. It serves as the basic designelement for different spatial expressions, forms both positive and negative shapes and presents convergent surface and landscape surface in the space. In the flat layout, the “circle” elements are applied in an L-shape, thus reserves the road functions be achieved. It not only optimizes the smooth traffic, but also makes the site more enjoyable, unique and integral.


▼ 场地以“圆” 作为整体基调 The site is “round” as the overall tone


边界的“无边界”| “Borderlessness” of Borders


By utilizing straight-line cutting method to connect the street and the square, bright and vibrant lines to connect multiple spaces, more convenient access and flexible movement lines are created to re-adjust the relationship between the inside and outside of the site, through which the landscape strip is no longer a division block in the city. The open boundary easily leads nearby residents and passers-by to enter the area and enjoys the facilities, such as seats, platforms, small stages, and frameworks. These facilities are designed to meet various space needs, such as rest, family activities, exercises, amusement, socializing and other community activities.


▼ 直线道路连接广场和道路形成开放的边界 The straight road connects the square and the road to form an open boundary


拥抱城市| Build up harmonious city


By using the semi-enclosure and arc design language and taking into account the openness and independence of the space, we have built a rest area surrounded by landscape and attracted nearby residents to frequent the area. On the other hand, more visitors in return activate the gray area of the city, set up different social activities area and form into a real loop. The distribution of seats, stairs and planting ponds breaks the original established boundaries of the area, reshapes the urban public space, and promotes communication between neighborhoods in the community with high-quality public spaces, and welcomes people to assimilate into different places in the city.


▼ 半包围的景观空间 Semi-enclosed landscape space

▼ 街边花园夜景 The night view of street garden

▼ 施工过程 The construction process

▼ 总平面图 The floor plan





Name of the Project: Peripheral Environment Improvement Design of Liantou Dongfang Project
Project location: Songgang Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
Project Function: Urban public space renovation
Site Area: about 5400 square meters
Designing Time: 2019
Project Completion time: 2020
Design unit: Shenzhen Fangxing Design Development Co., Ltd.
Project Owner: Songgang Sub-district Office, Baoan, Shenzhen
Project Director: Liu Zhiyong
Chief designer of the project: Zhu Ziqing
Design Staff: Zhao Siquan, Ma Jiajia, Huang Liping
Photographer: Ke Zhongzhou


更多 Read more about: 方行设计


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