园影景观摄影工作室: 该项目是上海首个以滨江景观整体开发概念营造的城市公共开放公园,总岸线达3.6千米,占地24公顷。以现代城市滨水景观为核心打造,通过对沿江历史建筑的保护性改造或复建,将黄浦江沉淀的历史与徐汇的当下与未来连接。以下图片由园影景观摄影工作室拍摄提供。

Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio: The project is Shanghai’s first urban public open park based on the concept of riverside landscape development, with a total coastline of 3.6 kilometers and an area of 24 hectares. It is built with the modern urban waterfront landscape as the core, and connects the history of the Huangpu River with the present and future of Xuhui through the protective transformation or reconstruction of historical buildings along the river. The following pictures are taken and provided by Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio.


© 园影景观摄影工作室

▼西岸艺术中心 West Bund Art Center

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▼西岸美术馆入口通道 West Bund Art Museum entrance

© 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室

▼餐厅入口 The restaurant entrance

© 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室

▼工业遗留的塔式起重装备 Tower-type lifting equipment left over from industry

© 园影景观摄影工作室

▼工业遗址老铁路 Industrial site old railway

© 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室

▼原生态特色绿地 Original ecological characteristic green space

© 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室

▼享受惬意时光 Have a good time

© 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室 © 园影景观摄影工作室

▼游客在草坪上露营 The tourists camped out on the lawn

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业 主:上海徐汇滨江开发投资建设有限公司
摄 影:园影景观摄影工作室

Project Name: Xuhui Riverside Park, Shanghai
Location: Longteng Avenue, Xuhui District, Shanghai
Project Type: Public space/Park green space
Contractor: Shanghai Xuhui Binjiang development investment construction co., ltd
Photographer: Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio


更多 Read more about:  园影景观摄影工作室


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