
Inter-design: Mature communities look forward to systematic public spaces.Huizhou Galaxy Dandi is a super community with 2.6 million square meters. The whole project is developed in multiple phases. After ten years development, the community has now been occupied by more than 17,300 owners, which is the community with the highest occupancy rate in Huizhou. A ten years community, several developed phases, the neighborhood life of residents is mainly concentrated in the large gardens in each phase, the different phases are connected by a community ring road, which is convenient for travel but lacks of systematic public open spaces.



“The BIG TICK” Square is located at the entrance area of Huizhou Galaxy Dandi. She is at the intersection of various circulations, from the city to the community, from the ring road to the lakeside. It is a context point connecting the entire community to the lakeside. The connection between residents and the lake was temporarily interrupted with the development of the lakefront plot. The square space was previously enclosed for most of the time, and it was not cleaned up and opened for residents. In addition, the “T” intersection outside the square, which is the entrance of the Dandi, is mixed with pedestrian and vehicles. All kinds of circulation are messy, school children, residents, temporary parking and delivery cars, etc., becoming an unsafe area for traffic. Using the square as the starting point, sorting out the traffic flow and reconstructing the public space of Danyue Lake has become everyone’s new expectation.

▼梳理连接交通流线,重构公共空间的重要一环  It is an important link to organize and connect the traffic streamline and reconstruct the public space

▼通过绿道链接散落在各个区域被遗忘的散置地,成为线性串联的口袋公园系列  A series of pocket parks are linearly connected by greenways to the forgotten scattered plots in various areas

▼局部鸟瞰 Local bird’s eye view

▼鸟瞰夜景 Have a bird’s eye view of night scene


▼廊架LOGO夜景 Night view of the gallery LOGO

▼利用高差设计看护坐等与滑梯  Use the height difference to design the nursing seat and slide

▼在木栈桥上看时光广场夜景  Night view of Time Square on the wooden trestle


“√” THE BIG ‘TICK’ 重构丹悦湖滨公共空间的起点  

“√” THE BIG ‘TICK’ ,是对这个口袋公园复合大构架的描述,其形态酷似一个大勾。它的核心理念是“多元与枢纽”,我们设想结合绿色、艺术、运动、科技等元素,通过一个复合型的构架融入场地中,点燃广场的生命力。

The starting point for the reconstruction of Danyue Lakeside public space

“√” THE BIG ‘TICK’ is a description of the large composite structure of this pocket park, its shape resembles a big hook. The core concept of THE BIG ‘TICK’ is “diversity and hub”. We envision combining green, art, sports, technology and other elements into the site through a composite structure to ignite the vitality of the square.


▼The BIG TICK,未来生活体验场分析图  The Big Tick, future life experience field analysis diagram




Healthy green way connects the circulations to lead people to the lakefront

Healthy leisure lake-front path integrating leisure, scene viewing and sports is integrated with the structure of the park. The decoration in the ceiling guides people to look forward to the future, which is people’s beautiful imagination of the future – constellation lights with a sense of technology and a sense of the future are attached to the structure. Taurus, Gemini, Leo, etc., people can stand under the structure to observe closely; it is the epitome of the starry sky, it also carries people’s expectations and illusions about the future, and it is people’s exploration of the future universe and nature.


▼构架顶部以科技感与未来感的星座灯为引导去探索、追寻  The top of the framework is guided by the constellation lights with a sense of science and technology and a sense of the future to explore and pursue




Features in the park

The urban furniture is integrated under the structure to keep people, watching the fountain theater in the lake, and the humanities theater on the square. Urban furniture are made of pearl white granite. They are seat benches and tree planters. These urban furniture are the best places for people to rest and chat. When the city beat slows down, people who gradually let go of their busy mood pass by here. In the sunken platform by the lake people can view out to the fountain on the water surface in distance; the transparent glass railing echoes the sparkling lake surface, creating a clean, tidy and comfortable space scene for the place; the bar on the platform facing the lake surface, provides a quiet space to think quietly or chatting with friends.


▼广场上的珍珠白石材城市家具,是树池也是坐凳,为人们提供休憩洽谈空间  The pearl-white stone urban furniture in the square serves as both a tree pool and a stool, providing people with a space for rest and negotiation

▼与构架相应形成统一的亦是栏杆亦是城市吧台  The corresponding unified structure is also the railing and the city bar





Wishing Tree

Large trees are planted next to the structure and feature lighting is provided, and the tree-lined square attracts all-weather leisure and resting people; the interactive landscape facilities combined with the educational theme in the corridor provide a safe, comfortable and interesting place for children.

The square enclosed by urban furniture is a place for people to relax and entertain after their meals. People relax along, chatting with friends, or even dance together. The circular swing and silver slide under the structure, combined with the planet feature, are children’s innocent and joyous world; the wishing tree in the square is people’s hope for the future, and the colorful lights on the wishing tree are projected on the ground, like a starry river in the sky. It is the beautiful scene that the designer wants to present to the public.


▼广场许愿树夜景  Night view of the square wishing tree

▼地面以树上灯光投射渲染氛围,树池坐凳提供休闲空间  On the ground, tree lights are projected to render the atmosphere, and tree pool stools provide leisure space



道路边缘加入安全措施,来疏导交通。原本人车混行的 “T”字路口,是较大的安全隐患,设计师在道路边缘增加车档及栏杆,把车辆隔绝在广场外,人们可以安全地在广场内活动休闲,人性化的设计是贯彻“以人为本”之设计理念的主要措施之一,是人们在公共空间或社区安全使用的重要举措。

Safety measures

Adding safety measures to the edge of the road to divert traffic. The original “T” intersection where people and vehicles are mixed is a major safety hazard. The designer adds stalls and railings on the edge of the road to isolate the vehicles from the square, so that people can safely move and relax in the square, which is humane. Design is one of the main measures to implement the “people-oriented” design concept, and an important measure for people to use it safely in public spaces or communities.


▼道路一侧设计车档与护栏,增加广场空间安全性  Stops and guardrails are designed on the side of the road to increase the safety of the square space

▼绿化树池形成半围合的广场空间  The green tree pool forms a half-enclosed square space



最终希望把大家从组团中的花园吸引至此公共区域来。“大勾”时光广场位于位于S2、W、F 区及学校的交汇处,是多个区域的交通枢纽中心,是社区与社区的桥梁,也是人们休闲互动的邻里中心,是人们茶余饭后的聚集场所,其多元的空间属性满足了人们不同年龄段对不同功能空间的需求,是社区的浓缩,也是设计师对人的充分探索。

Neighbourhood centre

In the end, we hope to attract everyone from the garden in the phases to this public area. “THE BIG TACK” Square is located at the intersection of S2, W, F and the school. It is a transportation hub in multiple areas, a bridge between one community and another community, and a neighborhood center for people to interact with each other. It is a gathering place for people after tea and dinner. Its diversified spatial attributes meet the needs of people of different ages for different functional spaces. It is the enrichment of the community and the designer’s full exploration of people.


▼多元的空间属性,是孩童的趣味玩耍  Multiple spatial attributes are children’s fun and play

▼多元的空间属性,是孩子的静思娱乐场所  Multivariate spatial attributes, is the children’s meditation entertainment place

▼多元的空间属性,是亲自的互动场所  Multiple spatial attributes, is a personal interactive place



We are delighted to see that after construction, this venue has become the welcome entrance, social theater and life focus of  Dandi. Everyone likes this place very much, especially after class and school, when the weather is fine, a lot of people gather in the square;At night, when the lights are on, there are people under the wishing tree, relax ing, chatting, and playing;We feel that this is the proper community atmosphere, and it has become a very breathtaking community neighborhood center.


▼总平面图  The total floor plan

▼廊架平面图  Floor plan of the gallery

▼廊架剖立面  Corridor frame split facade




项目名称:惠州星河丹堤WZ区-CLICK THE LIFE公园
项目面积:65000 ㎡
合作方: 深圳市金海威景观设计工程有限公司、筑博设计股份有限公司、深圳市埃迪照明有限公司、刘伟婷设计顾问(深圳)有限公司、深圳市于强环境艺术设计有限公司、深圳市世纪天成广告有限公司

Project Name: Click THE Life Park, WZ Zone, Xinghe Dandi, Huizhou
Year completed: January 2021
Project area: 65,000 square meters
Location: Huiyang District, Huizhou City
Landscape design: Interdesgin
Contact: linde-sj@inter-design.cn
Chief designer: Chen Haoxian, Guo Zewei
Design team: Lin Haixiong, Guo Zewei, Chen Lijuan, Huang Xiaoqing, Yang Birui, Xu Yuxing, Wu Jiahui, Dai Qiuling, Liang Ningyu, Ni Xiaoping, Chen Zhifeng, Wu Weilong, Chen Linhuan, Luo Junjie, Meng Wanting, Zhou Siye
Developer: Star River East Regional Company
The developer management team: Zhou Qiang, Wu Shipeng, Lang Lang, Guan Zhicheng
Partners: Shenzhen Jinhaiwei Landscape Design and Engineering Co., Ltd., Zhubo Design Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Edi Lighting Co., Ltd., Liu Weiting Design Consultant (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Yuqiang Environmental Art Design Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Century Tiancheng Advertising Co., Ltd
Photographer: Shining Laboratory


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