园影景观摄影工作室: 本项目位于上海长宁区北新泾街道东北部,毗邻苏州河,是中环立交与苏州河的交汇点。在提升城市局部环境品质和功能的同时,将曾经无人问津的荒废土地变成居民喜爱的公共空间。可爱的动物迁徙到了这里,桥下空间也实现了从“灰色”到“彩色”的华丽转身。焕然一新的中环桥下空间将一直在这里,点亮城市,散发活力。以下图片由园影景观摄影工作室拍摄提供。

Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio: This project is located in the northeast of Beixinjing Street, Changning District, Shanghai, adjacent to Suzhou River, is the intersection of Central District and Suzhou River. While improving the local environmental quality and functions of the city, it will turn the deserted land into the public space favored by residents. Lovely animals migrate here, and the space under the bridge turns from “gray” to “color”. The new space under the Central Bridge will always be here, lighting up the city and radiating vitality. The following pictures are taken and provided by Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio.


© 园影景观摄影工作室


▼北区火烈鸟主题公园 North Side Flamingo Theme Park

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▼西区猎豹主题公园 West End Cheetah Theme Park

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▼东区斑马主题公园 East Side Zebra Theme Park

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Project Name: Spatial renewal under Zhonghuan Bridge, Beizi Road, Changning District, Shanghai
Photography: Yuanying Landscape Photography Studio


审稿编辑 任廷会 –  Ashley Jen

更多 Read more about:  园影景观摄影工作室



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