WOHA :新加坡城市重建局委托WOHA设计2020年迪拜世博会新加坡馆。世博会于2021年10月1日正式向公众开放,将持续至2022年3月31日。新加坡馆以沙漠中的可持续绿洲的姿态,迎接游客进入其中,这里融合了自然、创新和建筑,体现了新加坡要成为“大自然里的城市”的愿景。

WOHA :Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority appointed WOHA to design the Singapore Pavilion for the 2020 World Expo, Dubai. The Expo officially opens its doors to the public on 1 October 2021 and will run until 31 March 2022. The Singapore Pavilion will welcome visitors into a sustainable oasis in the desert that integrates nature, innovation and architecture and encapsulates Singapore’s vision of becoming a City in Nature.

▼城市椎体多媒体展 City Cone multimedia show

© Singapore Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai


▼沙漠中的新加坡馆宛如可持续的绿洲 The Singapore Pavilion is a sustainable and lush oasis in the desert.

© Singapore Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai



The pavilion is a prototype that demonstrates how the built environment can co-exist with nature. It also mirrors Singapore’s story of thriving in a challenging environment, and, just like land-limited Singapore, the pavilion sits on one of the smallest plots of the Expo but makes an impactful statement despite its size.


▼展馆入口区域 Pavilion entrance area

© Singapore Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai



To maximise the usable site area, the design takes a layered approach, stacking multiple levels and functions on top of each other. Visitors will go on an experiential journey by following the canopy walk that meanders through the pavilion’s multiple levels while being surrounded by verdant palms,trees, shrubs and vibrant orchids.


▼天棚步道视图 View of Canopy Walk

© Singapore Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai


▼天棚步道 Canopy Walk

© Singapore Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai


▼多层绿化 Multi-layered greenery

© Singapore Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai



The Hanging Garden as well as three thematic cones that are draped in vertical greenery add to this immersive, three-dimensional biophilic experience.


▼主题椎体 Thematic cones

© Singapore Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai



The Open Sky Market platform at the top level is a place for congregation and engagement and is topped by a solar canopy which shelters the pavilion from the elements and generates electricity.


▼天空市场舞台 Arena at Sky Market

© Singapore Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai



The Singapore Pavilion is net-zero in its energy usage and produces its own electricity with its solar canopy that shelters the entire structure. It uses an efficient solar reverse-osmosis desalination system to meet its water needs. To reduce the usage of energy and other resources, passive strategies like natural cross-ventilation, sun-shading and planting were implemented to create comfortable climate for visitors to enjoy and plants to thrive in.


▼地面花园 Ground Garden

© Quentin Sim
© Quentin Sim



The Singapore Pavilion houses over 170 varieties of plants which will grow to be even more dense and lush over the Expo period. Besides giving visitors a beautiful biophilic experience, the plants provide measurable ecosystem services like solar heat reduction, sequestration of greenhouse gases, reduction of other pollutants such as PM10 particles, oxygen production, rainwater remediation as well as providing habitats for animals.


▼攀爬机器人 Climbing robot

© Quentin Sim


▼工作中的攀爬机器人 Climbing robot in action

© Singapore Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai



Through exhibits and experiences, the Singapore Pavilion shows how we can build resilient, selfsufficient, biophilic, friendly yet highly functional structures that co-exist with nature. The design strategies can be adapted to suit different climates, geographies and can be scaled up to district or even city level.


© Quentin Sim



Our climate crisis shows us that the impact of human actions on the planet cannot be ignored, and that urgent action needs to be taken. This reinforces the aspirations of the SG Pavilion: to design a different future and to create a sustainable, resilient environment in which humans co-exist with nature.


© Singapore Pavilion, Expo 2020 Dubai






Project name: Singapore Pavilion at Expo Dubai
Status: Completed
Location: Dubai
Landscape/Architecture Firm: WOHA
Client: Singapore’s Urban Redevelopment Authority



审稿编辑: Simin

更多 Read more about: WOHA



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