

MBDI: Behind the halo of success is unremitting efforts and dedication. Behind the continuous metamorphosis of the butterfly is the sacrifice and persistence. The design and construction of a children’s playground is a work or a product for us, but for children a childhood, as they will live here for a long, long time and the community playground will be the accompany during children’s growing up.

The theme of “Cocoon into a Butterfly” is based on the characteristics of children’s training in Chinese families, such as “healthy growth”, “knowledge acquisition” and “moral education”, which are the three main concerns of most parents for their children’s growth.





The cocoon into a butterfly design concept comes from high level synchronization and concordination between MBDI and client’s sense of mission regarding children’s playgrounds. I remember when the leaders of SINIC first came to visit, there was intense discussion about the significance of community children’s playgrounds, which really impressed by sense of social responsibility and mission.

▽儿童乐园鸟瞰图 Aerial view of the children’s park

▽模型图 Model figure




We hope that the park can give children physical expansion, and through the growth trajectory of butterflies, eggs, caterpillars, cocoons, butterflies of the four stages of the design, in the educational and fun to stimulate children to explore the knowledge of nature and curiosity.

Imbue children with outstanding morality from metamorphosis process of cocoon into a butterfly; Educate children the unremitting efforts and persistence behind success through the evolution of caterpillar to butterfly; Impress children with gratefulness and respect to parents and the elders from disappearance of life after butterfly egging. All this is not didactic convey, but self-awareness of children during entertainment.



启蒙  感知丨Enlightenment  Perception
First Born and First Acquaintance , start the amazing journey of life


Design we designed for the characteristics of young children and baby mothers, the design of the baby toddler car, crawling area, baby mothers exchange habitat area, electronic screen parenting knowledge interactive area, stroller parking and boiling water and other supporting areas, the use of bright colors to assist the growth of young children’s vision development, more consideration for the development of young children outdoor statement and baby mothers parenting process of knowledge interaction.


▽功能分区 Functional partition

▽蚕宝宝幼儿区 Silkworm baby baby area

▽为宝妈和宝宝提供遮阳棚 Provide sunshade for bao Ma and baby

▽充满童趣的场所 A place full of children’s fun



Accompanied by baby silkworms, the children build their secret base here and share each other’s secrets and happiness together as they slowly settle their roots of growth in a time without worries and wait to become butterflies.


▽蚕宝宝承载小朋友的童年记忆 Silkworm babies carry children’s childhood memories


探索 拓展 丨Explore Expand
Challenges and Adventures, inspire the unlimited potential of life


The core apparatus activity area, divided into two areas of older and younger, the main apparatus to the butterfly mother to watch over the caterpillar and the two babies about to break out of the cocoon to start the design, a blend of adventure, exploration, entertainment, communication and other functions.


▽功能分区 Functional partition

▽蝶茧成长区 Growing area of butterfly cocoon

▽蚕茧形状的游乐装置 Cocoon shaped amusement rides



The children guard a small world, both physical exercise and enhance social skills, led by the mother butterfly and accompanied by the baby silkworm free shuttle, reckless joy of space is where they let their dreams fly.




It is the nature of children to play, and the butterfly-shaped multi-level climbing device stimulates children’s curiosity and desire for exploration, creating an ideal country belonging to children.


▽蝴蝶的攀爬装置 A climbing device for butterflies

▽ 蝴蝶滑滑梯 Butterfly slide


科普 益智丨Science Puzzle
Pioneering and Innovation, exploring the mysterious world of the unknown


We put butterfly growth stages and growth habits and other natural science knowledge, the use of holographic lighting and physical equipment interaction and some specimens combined with text in a variety of forms, in the process of child interaction to receive knowledge points. The design also considers several important character education, combined with the story of the butterfly in the playful delivery to children.


▽科普品德区 The popular science area

▽阿基米德取水器 Archimedes water trap

▽传声筒 Mouthpiece




The educational significance of a community park should fill the gap between family education and school education. How to design a fun and educational children’s playground has become the mission of the MBDI. We hope that each child’s play space will carry the sound of laughter, inspire nature and science knowledge, and pass on good Chinese ideals and virtues.

From the design to the final construction of the cocoon into a butterfly, we have taken a bold step forward, but there is also a lot of room for improvement and possibility, the road is long and far ~ hope that the next park will be closer to perfection.



甲方团队:余海洋 张睿鹏 张尚谦
园区景观设计: 广州普邦园林

Project name:Sinic·Turn cocoon into butterfly outdoor educational paradise
Location: Huizhou, Guangdong
Developer: Sinic Holdings (Group) Company Limited
Party A’s team: Yu Haiyang, Zhang Ruipeng, Zhang Shangqian
Design time: 2020.9
Design area: 1030 square meters
Children’s Park design: MBDI is for children
Construction of children’s Park: MBDI protects children
Park curriculum design: MBDI love children
Educational installation art: MBDI Daochi soft outfit
Art and Technology Installation: MBDI Technology
Park Landscape Guide: MBDI
Landscape design: Guangzhou Pubang Garden



审稿编辑 Ashley Jen

更多read more about:  MBDI英斯佛朗



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