
Guangzhou S.P.I Design Co., Ltd: When you were a child, have you ever had such anxieties: separation anxiety when you had to separate from parents at the gate of kindergarten; anxiety about making friend and anxiety that mom over worry about your safe so that you couldn’t play at will. Normally, playground in traditional kindergarten is built arbitrarily by adult’s thinking. This project prefers to break tradition, from the view of children ,exploring what children want to create a children’s favorite kindergarten.




In this project, designers try to talk to children’s heart, from the view of landscape design to eliminate children’s anxieties, to encourage them to engage into outdoor activities. The case takes a series of  measures to achieve this objective, such as breaking down the wall to build”elasticity space”, designing funny play device, building “secret base”.



BREAK DOWN THE WALL TO BUILD”ELASTICITY SPACE”: Breaking down traditional wall, creating open edge space, enhancing the sense of permeability of external walking space to internal space of kindergarten, enhancing accessibility of the site. Meanwhile, the landscape function of entry edge space is promoted to provide a leisure space for parents, children and pedestrians to stay, to wait and take a relax.




Concavo-convex seats are used to attract people, to slow them down, even to enhance the safety of road front the gate of kindergarten at some degree. Meanwhile, these seats make the edge space funnier, providing a funny space for parents and children to play here around, which enhance the interactivity between parents and their child.


▼弹性空间 Flexible Space


“把人根据年龄分隔开来是一件非常冷酷而又不符合人性的事情,对于儿童也是这样。这样也就会打断社会生活之间的联系,使人与人之间无法互相学习。” ——玛利亚•蒙特梭利


Separating people according to their age is a very cold and inhuman thing to do, even for children. This will also break the connections between social life, so that people can not learn from each other. ——  Maria Montessori

DESIGN FUNNY PLAY DEVICE: In this project, the aim of utilizing the play device is to gather all age children, making them grow up together, creating a playground where different children can play together ,and interact with each other.





Colourful “Knowledge Discovery”device attracts children, providing an opportunity for children to learn and play in autonomous by combining with the need of promotion of children’s senses.


▼感官乐园 Senses Paradise



BUID “SECRET BASE”: The inspiration of tree house is “ Howl’s Moving Castle”. The whole shape of tree house create an sense of levitation. the whole tree house consist of four parts: tree hole , sand, shadow space and“BEAR Xu”wooden platform. Moreover, the tree house use natural wooden color at the same time consider the safe defense measures. The original intention of tree house design is to allow children to play at will, to let them have a “childhood over tree”.




This project wish children to enjoy climbing and playing at same time learning “ the first step of growing”——independence. They need to explore independently, to explore unknown environment, to grow together, to learn how to help each other.


▼树梢童年 Childhood on the treetop

▼无拘界限 Free-boundary

▼树洞乐园 Hollow Tree Paradise



Someone takes their entire life to heal their childhood ,however, We hope that your childhood could heal your entire life.





景观设计:广州山水比德设计股份有限公司 上海设计院 事业五部
摄影机构/摄影师:叁山影像/霍秀 姚朝辉

Project Name: Xi’an Xuhui Guochen Fu Exhibition Area
Client: Xi’an Xucheng Changtai Real Estate Co., Ltd
Client Team: Yu Sheng, Guo Bin, Li Junni, Yang Yali
Landscape Design: Guangzhou S.P.I Design(Shanghai) Co., Ltd,
Design Team: Department 5 (Song Meihua, Qiu Sijia, Fan Wenjin,
Long Yong, Zhang Hang)
Construction Team: Guo Wenying, Yin Dongdong, Wang Dandan, Liu Jiachen, Li Tingxuan, Li Wexin
Garden Construction: Zhejiang Hengchun Municipal Garden Engineering Co., Ltd
Architecture Design: Shanghai Tianhua Architecture Design Co., Ltd
Project Location: Chanba ecology area ,Xi’an, Shanxi province, China
Landscape Area: 2913m²
Design Time: March, 2020
Completion Time: September, 2020
Photographer: Sanshan Image Company
Photographer Team: Huo Xiu, Yao Zhaohui


更多 Read more about:  山水比德 Guangzhou S. P. I Design Co., Ltd.



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