
WTD: Qiyun Mountain is located in Xiuning County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province. A famous mountains of Taoism in China. It has steep terrain and dense forests. The mountain is surrounded by clouds all the year round, the scenery is unparalleled,like a ink painting. The ZYJ Tree house is located under the Qiyun Mountain which is a unique group of independent villa-style hotel rooms.


▼总图 Project plan

设计意图  Design intent


We hope to create a strong IP site with unique memory points through the overall design of landscape and architectural integration. When I first came to this mountain forest and indulged in the beautiful scenery of Qiyun Mountain, we also thought about protecting the infinite beauty that nature has given as much as possible, so that the space of the newly designed space can grow like a forest. Integrate with nature.
At the same time, the landscape can be minimally intervened at the same time as the existing mountains and vegetation, and the most beautiful scenery can be captured.



场地建构原则 Site construction principle



In order to effectively protect the forest, the base area of the building is controlled within the range of 40-80 m2, which can effectively lie in the mountain forest and ensure the high comfort of the room area. All the buildings and structures, we recommend to use the method of hanging feet to land, neither destroying the original terrain of the site, but also let the landscape grow like a treetop, echoing the theme of the “tree house”.

The traffic between the forests also uses as many plank roads as possible and a small number of mountain steps to maximize the preservation of native low shrubs and ground cover plants. During the design and construction process, the trees are able to pass through the building and the roads, and the premise of “houses and trees”, so that the forests can remain as they are, and people can walk in the forests. When you stop, you can truly integrate into the mountains every moment.



The tree house has identified four major themes: airplanes,UFO,blocks, and alliances.From the perspective of planning, we hope that several major themes not only stay in the shape of the appliance to outline each building, but from the arrival of the theme space, construct a series of behavioral scenes related to the theme, so that the experience of the theme scene can be There are more dimensions and levels.



飞碟主题  UFO

With a floating UFO as the entrance, magical lighting as the design element, and the building’s interesting UFO shape, supplemented by star-gazing trampoline and UFO roasting table, starry sky bar, etc., open a series of dreamy living experience.



飞碟主题树屋夜景 night view of the UFO


悬浮在空中的UFO灯光入口,回家的第一步,是踏入着梦幻般的光芒之中 UFO lighting entrance suspended in the air, the first step back home is to step into the dreamlike light


穿梭于树梢间,充满趣味的丛林探险体验 Shuttle between the treetops, full of fun jungle adventure experience


飞碟卧室内景 interior view of UFO bedroom


飞机主题  Aircraft

A small plane parked in the air next to the forest road indicates the arrival of this theme. Using the existing height difference of the site, the plane is built into the plank path between the forests in the blue sky trajectory, crossing the “floating clouds” and entering the “aircraft” interior, so that the whole experience is like flying in the sky.



飞机主题树屋室内 interior view of the Aircraft

飞机主题树屋夜景 night view of the Aircraft



In the construction of this series of scenes, the design of the trajectory and the floating clouds are a highlight of our special setting.In order to achieve a high degree of integration with the mountains, the volume and material of the clouds have also been refined several rounds.The cloud is about 3 meters high, 4 meters wide and 6 meters deep, making it a space that can stay in the sky. The “trajectory” of the flight cuts through the sky, drills into the clouds, and creates a wonderful light and shadow through the veins weaved by the rattan net.



透过藤网编织的脉络,形成奇妙的光影 creates a wonderful light and shadow through the veins weaved by the rattan net


积木主题 Blocks


The way of building blocks is to construct a set of large and small building blocks. The large building blocks are like forests. The interior is the main body of the room. The small building blocks are like the magician’s treasure box. They change in different scenes in Different content.



积木主题入口 the entrance of the Blocks


积木盒子则像魔法师的宝盒般,在不同的场景下变幻出不同的内容  The small building blocks are like the magician’s treasure box. They change in different scenes in Different content


积木主题树屋夜景 night view of the Blocks


联盟主题  Alliance


A group of round tree houses are scattered among the forests. We use a coalition platform to tie them together. The platform is combined with the changing terrain to form a road that can go up and down in the road that every tree house has to go home. Trolly space. From here, you will reach the different Union Cabins in the forest and gather here. Each cottage has a common stronghold. The Alliance is especially suitable for a group of families who often play together to play and live, each has their own territory, and can quickly gather in this shared space.


散落在森林各处的独栋树屋夜景  A night view of detached tree houses scattered throughout the forest


联盟平台将树屋窜连到一起,是一个快速聚集的共享趣味空间 The alliance platform connects the tree houses together, which is a fast gathering and sharing interesting space


山林之美的捕捉 The beauty of the forest


Grab the most beautiful scenery and experience a different kind of life – this is the inner driving force of our design.
Unique landforms, rich vegetation, and changing landscapes in the mountains, how to capture the beauty of the forest through the setting of the moving line and the management of the line of sight have become the key actions of our design.




飞碟区域平面图 UFO area plan

灰机区域平面图 Aircraft area plan


积木区域平面图 block area plan


联盟区域平面图 Alliance area plan




景观设计团队:李卉 杨灿 李婉婷 谭斐月 武文辰 戴甘霖 李理 余中元 王玥 高源 朱峰 张书桢 兰明姝 张梁
设计时间: 2017
建成时间: 2018

Project Name: Qiyun Mountain Tree House
Owner: Anhui Xiangyuan Freedom Home Holiday Camp Management Co., Ltd.
Landscape area: 13000m2
Project address: Xiuning County, Huangshan City, Anhui Province
Landscape design: WTD
Landscape Design Team: LiHui YangCan LiYuting TanFeiyue WuWenchen DaiGanlin LiLi YuZhongyuan WangWei GaoYuan ZhuFeng ZhangShuzhen LanMingxi ZhangLiang
Company website: http://www.wisto.com.cn/
Contact email: hr_cq@wisto.com.cn
Architectural Design: Atelier Design Continuum,Shanghai (Aircraft &UFO) ,Shanghai JUND Architects Co.,Ltd. (Blocks),Anhui Xiangyuan Freedom Home Holiday Camp Management Co., Ltd. (Alliance)
Lighting Design: QIDI Time Lighting Design (Beijing&Shenzhen) Co.,Ltd.
Interior Design: Guangzhou Muma Interior Design Co., Ltd. Atelier Design Continuum, Shanghai
Design time: 2017
Built in: 2018
Project Type: Hotel
Photo: LuBing,ShaoFeng


更多 Read more about:WTD纬图设计机构


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