mode:lina:每个城市都需要有可坐下来、畅谈、倾听、观察和表达自己的空间。Brain Embassy Amphitheatre正是这样一个专为波兰华沙打造的空间,我们希望它成为有意义的集会和演讲的场所,成为Mokotow这一地区的新象征和变革的动力。通过这个现代的结构,表达我们的哲学——寻找新的角度来看待已知的事物。在圆形剧场里找到属于自己的最舒适的位置——置身于大自然之中,你会向新的体验敞开心扉。

mode:lina:Every society needs space to sit by the campfre, to talk, to listen, to see and express oneself. Brain Embassy Amphitheatre does precisely that for Warsaw. We want it to become the place of meaningful gatherings and speeches, a new symbol for this part of Mokotów and fuel for change. Through this modern construct we siphon our philosophy – search for a new angle to things already known. Make yourself utmost comfortable in Brain Embassy amphitheatre – surrounded by nature you’ll open yourself up to new experiences.




Amphitheatre is the open, democratic space dedicated to holding interesting meet-ups and performance arts, that would be easily accessible for each and every tenant and employees of the Służewo’s business sector. Outdoor scene rose to face the demand that haunts Warsaw’s business district – lack of open and public spaces, free of fences, allowing for casual, friendly meetings out in the open.




The final shape of this building is a match made out of the classical formula of amphitheater and green zones, so desperately needed in this part of town. The object is inscribed into a circle, covered by the massive, glass flled – concrete roof, supported by the powerful, ferroconcrete wall.


▼设计过程 Design Process



Over and around the auditorium goes the characteristic, monumental concrete ring encircling both concrete/englassed roof as well as grass-covered hill by the street. It was carefully placed as such, at this specifc angle to allow for s seamless transition of the landscape into the auditorium.




For curators and guests await: the main stage of 40m2, main stage’s window, long for 11m and 4m wide, roughly 140 spectator seats and widespread WIFI access, special seats for disabled people and independent lighting for each sector. The stage was equipped with the newest AV wiring, accordingly with investor’s wishes, allowing for steering from both BMS and director’s booth level.



圆形剧场周围的广场也被赋予了全新的生命,其全新的立足点与特拉维夫重新焕发活力的长廊相似,每天都充满着生机。建筑的圆形结构与绿色空间的形式互补,且绿色空间中设有长椅和操场。这个露天剧场是在Adgar BIT大楼的地面上从零开始建造的,布莱恩大使馆就位于该建筑中,其内部空间也由mode:lina工作室独立设计。

The square around the amphitheatre was given a new life with entirely novel footing that bears resemblance to the revitalized promenade in Tel Aviv, bursting with life day in, day out. Round structure of the building is complemented by the fowing forms of green spaces, flled with benches and playgrounds. The Amphitheatre was built from scratch on the grounds belonging to the Adgar BIT building, in which Brain Embassy is located, as well as BE Yourself with interiors designed solely by the mode:lina studio.



▼平面图 Master Plan

▼立面图及剖面图 Elevation & Section


项目名称:Brain Embassy Amphitheatre
投资方:Adgar Poland
设计团队:Ewa Pawlicka-Garus, Lidia Jeżak, Beata Czarnocka, Monika Urbanek
建筑设计团队:Ewa Pawlicka-Garus, Lidia Jeżak, Beata Czarnocka, Monika Urbanek
合作方:Pracownia Architektoniczna Poznań-Projekt, DEMIURG PROJECT S.A.,
Pracownia Projektowa Jacek Kryske.
总承包商:DM Building
项目经理:PM Services Poland Sp. z o.o.
照片:Patryk Lewiński

Project: Brain Embassy Amphitheatre
Investor: Adgar Poland
Location: Adgar Bit, Konstruktorska 11, Warszawa
Completion: September 2020
Design: mode:lina
Design team: Paweł Garus, Jerzy Woźniak, Magdalena Strąg
Architectural design team: Ewa Pawlicka-Garus, Lidia Jeżak, Beata Czarnocka, Monika Urbanek
Cooperation: Pracownia Architektoniczna Poznań-Projekt, DEMIURG PROJECT S.A.,
Pracownia Projektowa Jacek Kryske.
General contractor: DM Building
Project manager: PM Services Poland Sp. z o.o.
Photos: Patryk Lewiński


更多 Read more about: mode:lina



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