
ZUO Studio:Taichung is the second main and most habitable city in Taiwan. As construction industries build up and change the appearance of the city, they also guide it to continuously move forward with era. Bamboo Pavilion, located in the fourth area of Fengyuan Huludun Park, is an exhibition hall sponsored by Taichung Real Estate Development Association. Since the association is mostly composed by the greatest building construction companies, our main goal was how to combine their pure spirit with Flora Exposition, including care for physical and mental health, the devotedness in social benefit, and engineering method, with the strength and feature of the green building materials from Taiwan.


© 杨士宏


因应台中世界花卉博览会主题,Formosa 美丽的台湾,我们取自中央山脉群与海岛的意象,竹迹馆的外型就像是一种籽从地表长出并被水包围四周。室内与 室外以不阻挡、不隔绝的方式结合自然,场馆表面就像一片竹林,在馆内游览彷彿一场竹林之旅,在展馆内抬头,可以看见林顶的天空。

In accordance with the theme of Taichung World Flora Exposition- Formosa Beauty of Taiwan- we get the image from Central Mountain Range, making the outlook of Bamboo Pavilion looks like a seed born from the ground surface, surrounded by water. Indoor and outdoor, connect with Mother Nature in a non- resisting way. The perception of the user resembles walking through a bamboo forest, which enhancing the human experience. When raising their head, they could look up to the sky above the forest-top.


© 杨士宏


我们使用取自于南投与嘉义的在地材料-孟宗竹与桂竹,并在设计上运用竹子的 韧性与结构性,有别于传统竹艺与装置艺术对于竹子材料本身与空间尺度的表 现,呈现具有张力与结构性的空间特质。利用竹架构与竹片编织体现建筑美学,藉由建筑工程技术思维与传统台湾竹艺编织技术结合,将传统工艺形塑出 连贯过去现在与未来的空间。

The materials used are all native species from Taiwan, Moso bamboo and Makino Bamboo from Nantou and Chiayi is our first choice. Comparing with the space scale performance of traditional installation and bamboo art, they fully express the tenacity and constitutive property of bamboo in design. By mixing constructional dimension and weaving technics, it creates a timeless space that reflects consistency.


© 杨士宏


使用者在这个空间停留的同时,能平静的感受空间、感受建筑与自然的平衡;在建筑与环境建设的同时,也都能设想著未来。「竹迹」隐喻著建筑的痕迹,竹 迹馆就好像我们撒下的一个种籽,象徵我们对未来的想像与希望,期许未来能 给予下一代更宜居的环境;能够使用更多永续建材,与周边环境更协调的共 存,增强人与人之间、人与自然之间的友善关系,进而与自然共生。

When people enter in the space, they could feel the tranquil atmosphere together with the balance between architecture and nature. At the time of making architecture and building construction, we set for the coming days. “Bamboo Pavilion” is a metaphor of architecture’s footprint, like a seed has been spread and grow, symbolizing our hope and dream of future- offering a more habitable environment to our next generation. Furthermore, to increase the usage of more sustainable building materials harmonized with the environment, and enhance the intimate relationship between human beings and nature.


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▼建筑立面图 Elevations

© ZUO Studio

▼竹料计算 Bamboo quantity calculation

© ZUO Studio

撰文: 陈羿冲、翁任均  Text: Chen yichong, Weng renjun



地点:台中市 丰原区
参与者:陈羿冲、Alvaro Miñé Caloto、庄紫右、翁任均
金属弯管加工: 赞发机械有限公司、台湾锻造有限公司

材    料

Name: Taichung World Flora Exposition – Bamboo Pavilion
Client: Taichung Real Estate Development Association
location: Fengyuan district, Taichung
Use: Exhibition pavilion
Architects: ZUO Studio
Director: Chen yichong
Team: Chen yichong, Alvaro Mine Caloto, zhuang ziyou, weng renjun
Engineer: Hongjing construction co.LTD, Guanjun construction co.LTD
Structure: Dayan engineering consultant co.LTD, Changxin construction
Hydropower engineering: Shenyi hydropower engineering co.LTD,  HongXing engineering consultant co.LTD
Lighting: Oude design co.LTD
Landscape: Weixin landscape design engineering co.LTD
Integration of construction: Hongjing construction co.LTD, Guanjun construction co.LTD
Metal bending: Zanfa machinery co.LTD, Taiwan one co.LTD
Bamboo tectonicsand & bamboo weaving: Bamboo-Lai Culture & Creation
Detail of soil: Shunhui building materials co.LTD

Exterior wall: Moso bamboo、Makino Bamboo
Landscape: Terrazzo, Pebble, Taipei grass, Phyllostachys bambusoides, Solid wood
Site area, 1570 ㎡
Floor area: 275.87 ㎡
Floor number: the ground floor
Design period: November 2017 – May 2018
Construction period: May 2018 – October 2018


更多 Read more about: 坐設計事務所



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