宾夕法尼亚车站周边地区是纽约最辛辣和最繁忙的地区之一。去年夏天的几个月里,这个空间已经交给了行人。 33号广场是一个临时试点项目,是在六周内设计和实施的。

The area around Penn Station is one of the grittiest and busiest in NYC. For a few months last summer, the space was given over to the pedestrian. Plaza 33, a temporary pilot project, was designed and implemented in six weeks.




两个雕塑被放置在空间中。 Keith Haring的第一个“S-Man”集中在中段的行人走廊上。第二个Roy Lichtenstein的“笔触组”被放置在第七大道的广场入口附近。

The design responds to the existing challenges of the street. The surface of the street and the sidewalks were painted in the same grey and white pattern to unify the space. The layout of the new planters, bleachers and sculptures carefully allows for thru pedestrian traffic, which is very heavy in the area, as well as places to get out of the flow and people watch, eat lunch or just gather with friends. The main bleacher stadium element is multi-functional, incorporating stage, seating viewing and planting areas. Its height screens the Madison Square Garden loading dock and allows views out to Seventh Ave illuminated signage and the Empire State Building.
Two sculptures were positioned in the space. The first “S-Man” by Keith Haring, was centered on the mid block pedestrian corridor. The second Roy Lichtenstein’s “Brushstroke Group” was placed near the plaza entrance on 7th Avenue.


Awards & Exhibits

Urban Design Honor Award

AIA NY Chapter
Honor Award
ASLA NY Chapter

Wall Street Journal, At Plaza 33, a Break from the Crowd, Thursday August 27, 2015

更多:W Architecture & Landscape Architecture


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