奥雅 :项目是一个改造项目,位于山东省青岛市城阳区的万科桃花源V-Learn儿童成长中心室外儿童空间,像它的名字一样,为孩子们提供了一个互动、欢乐、自由而又具有生命力的活动空间,填补下课五点后的空白。与桃花源V-learn儿童成长中心的热闹非凡不同,成长中心旁边的广场和屋顶花园,却因为缺乏有趣的设施和活泼的氛围而无人停留,清冷萧瑟。

L&A:The project is a renovation project. The outdoor children’s space of V – Learn located in Chengyang district, Qingdao, Shandong province. It is providing children with an interactive, joyful, free and vital activity space to fill the gap after class at 5 o’clock. Different from the lively scene of the V- Learn, the square and roof garden beside the growth center are deserted because of lack of interesting facilities and lively atmosphere.


总平面图  Master Plan



The design team of L&A and VIRGINIA divided the site into four areas: Pentium grassland, desert exploration, vitality glacier, forest class and four areas. There are not only wooden houses and trampolines suitable for small friends aged 3 to 7, but also glacier world suitable for children aged 7 to 12, and growth class suitable for all children to learn together.





Pentium prairie

On the premise of keeping the original giraffe, the greening and paving were rearranged to provide sufficient space for various activities and festivals in the growth center. Looking from a distance, the giraffe is already running on the prairie!




The timely involvement of the L&A Qingdao team and the La V-onderland Beijing team has created a series of fairy tale worlds for children in the city that are creative, dreamy and entertaining.







Desert exploration

Slide boards, sand pits, trampoline and other activity facilities have been set up, encouraging children to actively explore various ways of playing, so that children can run freely here and release their nature.




During the construction process, the L&A Qingdao team encountered a series of challenges. Designers not only pay close attention to the details in the scheme, but also carefully think about and skillfully solve the problems in the construction. The original distribution box on the site was transformed into the shape of a camel. Comparing the actual surveying and mapping on site with the drawings, the 400 mm deviation was also solved and echoed the theme through the wave-shaped and hump-shaped fences in the desert.





Active glacier

Carrying out creative renovation on the original structure, adding slides, climbing and other functions,it’s a double exercise and test of children’s intelligence and physical strength.







Forest classroom

V – Learn project explores and practices the method of children’s community development center in China’s general environment. The time between the children’s lessons and the parents’ work is missing. This project has realized the care of children in a friendly community. Children can work together in this place, learn together, receive natural enlightenment, improve their physical quality in play, and experience natural classes in interaction.








The revamped V – Learn square and roof garden have taken on a new look, not only attracting children, but also providing ample public space for lively and rich daily activities. It has become a colorful place for children to enjoy their childhood in the hustle and bustle of cities for the time being, a neverland for children to explore with all their senses and feelings, and an interesting space for children to learn happily and grow healthily.

Our community has truly realized the concept of a friendly community, providing children with a child-friendly environment that can play, grow up, learn, and contact with nature. It has become the center of the community’s communication platform. This is Vanke’s first model for realizing a child-friendly community in Qingdao.



Project name: V – Learn children’s growth center
Location: Chengyang, Qingdao, Shandong
Project type:  Public buildings
Design time: 2016 – 2017
Completion date: September 2017
Customer: Qingdao Vanke
Landscape design: L&A design Qingdao company, La V-onderland Beijing team


更多 Read more about:奥雅



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