

Horizon & Atomesphere Landscape: There is a special opportunity for H&A to participate in the Project of Hall of the sun. After the successful the Hallof the star, Hall of the Moon, and the Palette around the Hall of the sun, Xintiandi Group oriented a relative high position for the giant of modern business — Project of Hall of Sun. Moreover, floors 5-7 have been upgraded, hoping to build the biggest multi-level complex Food Court in Asia.

In view of the client’s breakthrough business plan, H&A was honored to join this project as a landscape consultant. Start from the proposal phase, we cooperated with the principal architect, interior designer, and other design consultants to carefully plan the scale relationships between spatial waterscapes, plants and users.

1 垂直结构的商业聚落 Vertically Structure



The three floors that Han Xiang participated in, with catering as the core theme, were expected to create a multi-level structure of Food Court. A three-story high atrium, supported by three columns with an umbrella-like skylight roof, makes the Food Court the focal point of the whole building.

The landscape is inspired by architectural domes. Huge domes look like the towering trees in the rainforest, while 5-7 floors simulated the vertical structure layers of plant communities in the rainforest, displaying the development of diverse lifestyles under different environmental conditions.

▽设计分析图 Design diagram

垂直结构 Vertical Structure



Vertical differentiation or stratification of plant communities in space.
Plants in the community have their own growth types, and their ecological amplitudes and adaptability varied. Each of them occupies a certain space. Their assimilation and absorption organs are located at different heights aboveground, or at different depths belowground or below the water surface.
Their spatial vertical configuration forms the hierarchical or vertical community structure.

The design concept, vertical structure of rainforest, was fully supported by the clients and various professional teams, therefore can be applied throughout the whole design expressions of this case. As if the transition from the richness of the ground and shrub layer to the tranquility of the tree canopy, the commercial configuration from the 5th to 7th floor has also developed from the lively scene represented by the market, to the comfort and silent atmosphere of the exquisite restaurant.

▽空间分析 Spatial analysis

7F – Canopy Layer 树冠层 7F –  Canopy Layer


Corresponding to the quiet canopy of the rainforest, the business on the 7th floor is dominated by an elegant and refined atmosphere of restaurant. With the advantage of being closer to the sky, the upper floor employed partial planting with umbrella-shaped canopies to enrich the space level and create a commercial atmosphere.

6F – Mid Layer 中间层 6F –  Mid Layer


The 6th layer corresponds to the mid-layer of rainforest. Surrounded by the fresh and artistic atmosphere of coffee and light food business, designers use indoor hardware and potted plants, which turned plants into art crafts to decorate the space. Just like the epiphytes in the forest decorating the branches, the plants were transformed into exhibits for people to watch and enjoy. The entertaining space atmosphere attracted Starbucks to build a rainforest-themed concept store here, as well as the flagship store with a skip floor structure here set up by %Arabica.

5F – Understory Layer 灌木层 5F – Understory Layer


Corresponding to the rich and diverse color and biodiversity of the rainforest understory layer, the commercial atmosphere on the 5th floor is focused on the experiential and social lifestyle, forming a food market composed of various experiential lifestyle businesses. It has the most active and lively atmosphere, meanwhile the interaction between human and nature is also the most closely, which implies that human can be close to water and nature greenery.

2  热闹活泼的”美食市集” Lively Food Market


The grand staircase running through the 5th and 6th floors is the most existential structure in the food market. We started from the entire volume space, and then back to the human scale to think, trying multiple proportional relationships between walking and resting areas during the whole design.

▽轴测图 Axonometric drawing

▽空间动图 Space dynamic figure

▽通过多轮体量研究,控制通行与休憩的空间尺度感受。Through multiple rounds of volume space research, we coordinated the spatial scale feeling between passing and resting.


Flowing spring is integrated with diverse ornamental leaf plants, which brought us a colorful feeling of the rainforest shrub layer. Through stacking the body layer by layer, we created a vertical greening that is different from ordinary green walls, which makes plants can grow in a space that is more suitable for their physiological mechanism, and at the same time providing a gathering and communicating center for costumers in the entire food market.

▽层叠堆砌的“盒子”让垂直绿化以新型的方式呈现。The stacked “boxes” presented the vertical greening in a new way.


Continuing the design concept of the rainforest, the water element of the Sun Palace is restrained but delicate, rich in form but well-considered with the volume, adding interest to the greenery atmosphere of the overall planting. The core staircase landscape starts from the jumping spring, and continues from top to bottom. Combined with the stack blocks of plants, the small areas of springs represent the puddles and ponds in the rainforest. The vertical water art scene from the 7th floor, together with the resting seat expresses the intention of the rainforest waterfall.

▽流泉与植物营造出热带氛围。Streaming springs and plants create a tropical ambience.

▽表意雨林瀑布的水艺小景 Small water art scenes represent the waterfall from rainforest

3  垂直结构下的植物设计 Plant Design



The living space of people in the city is getting narrower and narrower. If we can move the natural landscape indoors, such as creating plant groups in the shopping areas, it would help relieve people’s busy and tense emotions. However, we need to consider various issues such as sunlight, drainage, watering, and management when planting at indoor spaces, which itself is a very challenging and high-maintenance practice.

Therefore, the combination of real and fake plants, or the use of artificial bionic plants is a relatively normal practice. However, simulated plants can replicate the real plants’ appearance, but they cannot present the sensory-stimulating experience of purifying the air, reducing dust, and emitting fragrance that brought by real plants. Finally, with the strongly support of the clients, it is very rare for the Sun Palace project to plant all real plants in the commercial space, bringing a different space atmosphere experience to us.



The tropical feeling and lively atmosphere brought by plants also became the focus of the design throughout the project.

In the understory layer that needs to be close to people, plants are mainly presented as foliage ones. Only 5% of sunlight can pass through the canopy in tropical rainforests, meanwhile most foliage plants are native to it with high temperature, humidity and insufficient sunlight. The shade-tolerant nature of these vegetation allows them to survive in indoor environments with relatively low light. At the same time, the foliage plants’ leaves are refreshing, bright and varied. The flowers of some foliage plants are also very bright and eye-catching with great ornamental value, which can bring natural colors to the whole space, as well as the feeling of vitality to the viewers.

▽观叶植物的丰富色彩让人更乐于与其亲近 The colorful foliage plants make people more willing to get close to them


In the middle-level plant configuration, the designers selected shade-tolerant small trees, such as Ficus lobularis小叶榕 and Chrysalidocarpus lutescens散尾葵, to represent the main body of the middle layer of the rainforest, which are scattered in the large green staircase space to create an outdoor environment. Looking up from the steps below, the delicate texture of the fig leaves, combined with the falling sunlight and swaying leaf shadows, makes people intuitively feel the ease and comfort brought by greenery.

▽小叶榕与散尾葵的细腻质感营造身处户外的情境 The delicate texture of Ficus lobularis小叶榕 and Chrysalidocarpus lutescens散尾葵 creates an outdoor circumstance.


In order to better control the configuration effect of foliage plants, designers not only studied and refined the relationships between varieties, specifications and collocations in the blueprint stage, but also participated in the selection of seedlings, guided planting and collocation to finish the template effect throughout the process. Furthermore, designers kept tracking and debugging in the final construction process, and selected alternative varieties of plants according to the seasonal differences.

▽植物种植搭配 Plant combination


These planting and matching configurations of plants are also partially extended to the planting design of all floors of the Sun Palace, so that the plant atmosphere of the rain forest continues in the space.

4 阳光露台 Terrace


For the terrace space that is completely outdoors and full of sunshine, the planting design corresponds to the exposed layer at the top of the rainforest, which is configured with abundant outdoor trees. In order to echo the streamline intention of the building facade, large flower ponds and dotted seats were arranged on the slender terraces of the 5th and 6th floor, which not only provides rest for the crowd, but also defines the terrace operation space that can be used by various shops. This approach brings green background with density intervals to the shops near the window, and at the same time retains comfortable lighting conditions.


With abundant space of terrace on the 7th floor, in addition to the resting function, we combined the green lawn slope with the fountain water art to bring a rich experience for children to play and spray outdoors in the entire Food Court. As the business of the entire Sun Palace matures, it will definitely become a hot spot to visit in summer.


Location: Floor 5-7, Sun Palace, Ruihong Tiandi, Shanghai
Design team: Lu Yinhan, Lin Huiling, Chen Peixuan, Tang Hanni, Lin Lu, Huang Cunyou, Wu Shuijin
Completion time: 2021.11
Landscape area: 12,500 square meters
Photography: Zhuoink photography, mortise photography

“ 景观由建筑穹顶为灵感,巨大的穹顶宛如雨林中参天的大树,垂直结构的热带雨林植物,在不同环境条件下发展出多元的生活形态。

审稿编辑: Maggie

更多 Read more about:H&A翰祥景观


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