
L&A Design: Taking local people’s experience into consideration, the design by L&A is rooted in the traditional culture of Foshan and follows the typical style of Lingnan Region, creating an artistic neighborhood in a modern way.


Every person, every scene and every object here is interesting and vivid. The designers and the artist endow their works with different forms, while nature and the surroundings allow them to whisper their own messages. Did you here that?

01 听水 归桥 Red Bridge


“Built at the entrance, I, the Red Bridge, receive a lot of attention. Rivers, stone bridges and ancient banyan trees, as is known to all, are typical landscapes in Lingnan Region, which, I guess, have also become the inspirations for the designers.”



“Sitting over the green water, I can overlook the changes of the river and the causeway.

The designers cover the space with more trees and vegetation, which not only effectively reduce the loss of water and soil, but also become the perfect complement to my gesture.”


“I am fond of the cheerful footsteps, the stroll along the redbud-blooming causeway as well as the sound of waves, for they embodies the harmony between nature and human beings. Together with all of these beauties, it’s really a great honor to be the curtain-raiser to the artistic neighborhood.”

—— —— 红桥Red Bridge

02 村口 古榕 Ancient Banyan Tree



“As the earliest gathering point in Lingnan, the banyan tree at the entrance to the village almost exists in everyone’s memory.

Seesaw though I am, it’s a great delight for me to share a fun and cool space with the legendary towering banyan tree, the dark red phoenix wood and the sculpture ‘Fula’.”


It’s a popular space where new objects integrate well with old memories.


“Here adults are chatting and children are playing with each other. I’m so proud of my huge size, for I believe I am not only bearing the weight of children but also bringing them great happiness.”

—— —— 大跷跷板 The Seesaw

03 戏水 游龙  Dragon Boat



“As is described in the poem, ‘dragon boats race in the spring water’, Lingnan lifestyle is inseparable from springs and dragon boats.

Accordingly, the designers created me, a sculpture of dragon boat integrated with some elements of modern art. And together with the mirror water and water sprays, we create a multi-functional fountain square.”


“Every day in the square, I enjoy its peace in the morning and gorgeousness at night. A variety of facilities allow people’s to have fun and relax themselves. Moreover, the square witnesses people’s love and passion for life.”

▽广场夜景 Square at night


“In Lingnan, I represent the new gesture of the traditional dragon boat. And I hope my encounter with the fountain, the music and the crowd will bring infinite possibilities to the neighborhood.”

—— —— 龙舟雕塑 Sculpture of Dragon Boat

04 市集 花街  Flower Market


“We are always here in the street, watching people from all walks of life passing by our stalls.”


They come here for a bunch of flowers or just for a cup of coffee.


“No matter what we sell, we represent the prosperous city life and the friendliness of Lingnan people. So we play an important role in our neighborhood, right?”

————  集市摊主们 Vendors in the market

05 帽子 剧场  Straw Hat


“Am I colorful? Or am I in a unique style? I am a straw hat falling on the green land.”



“Watching closely, you can see the delicate woven texture on me.

If you stand back and see at a distance, you will find me lying in a free and spacious space, where the theatre is surrounded by the reception center, the book bar, the corridor and the water square.”


“Facing the sun, I pass on the energy and liveliness to people. Time flows, I playing with children, listening to people and sharing with them numerous happy moments in the changing light and shadow.”


“To be always living with curiosity and creativity, I think, may be what my creator Shi Hai wants to convey to people.”

———— 大草帽 Straw Hat

06 城市 书店 Book Bar


“On idle afternoons, I prefer to sit in or outside the elegant bar, enjoying a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and reading a book in the sun.”


“As a regular of the book bar, I would like to say, in this diversified neighborhood, the book bar serves as a relief from the hustle and bustle of city life, which makes me feel relaxed and comfortable.”

—— —— 书店常客 A Book Bar Regulars


Go upstairs and enjoy the sunrise by the sea, Experience the infinite vitality in beautiful Lingnan.

▽施海老师作品 Work by Shi Hai


Behind each scene and each work are stories and beauties, which are combined with what people see and think here to tell a new story of Lingnan.



Time flies and light falls. After the twilight.

Good night, Foshan. Good night, Yingyue Lake.

景观设计:奥雅设计 广州公司 项目三组
公共艺术家:中国美术学院 施海

采写 / 奥雅设计 广州公司 项目三组
编辑 / Edith
摄影 / 重庆捌零摄建筑摄影

Project: Poly Tan Gim, Foshan
Location: Yingyue Lake • Poly Tan Gim
Owner: Foshan Nanhai Baoqi Real Estate Co.,Ltd.
Category: neighborhood (exhibition area)
Landscape area: 11,278㎡
Landscape design: L&A Design Guangzhou, No.3 project team
Architectural design: Guangzhou SKY Architectural Design Co.,Ltd.
Interior design: Sunny Neuhaus Partnership
Public art design artist: Shi Hai, China Academy of Art
Landscape construction: Guangzhou Huayuan Landscape Architecture Co.,Ltd.
Time of design: January, 2021
Time of completion: May, 2021

Text / L&A Design Guangzhou, No.3 project team
Edit / Edith
Photo / Chongqing Eighty Photography

“ 从多元化的角度来诠释岭南风格的生活社区,上演着烟火气和艺术气。

审稿编辑:Ashley Jen

更多 Read more about:奥雅设计  L&A  Design


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