C.F. Møller Architects:嘉士伯集团新中央办公大楼是一个充满活力的现代化办公场所,其建筑具有极高辨识度,支持知识共享和创新。为了强调这一点,项目以一个开放的大型中庭将企业园区整合在统一的工作社区中,并将企业的历史与未来相连。

C.F. Møller Architects:The new central office of the Carlsberg Group sets the framework for a modern and dynamic workplace, with a building that supports identity, knowledge sharing, and innovation. This is emphasized with a large open atrium that binds the entire company together in one unified working community, integrated with the connecting the past with the future.

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

嘉士伯中央办公大楼位于哥本哈根的历史街区Valby Bakke,与周围环境的互动十分和谐。项目面临的挑战是如何在一个历史悠久、风景优美的城市中,以精确而灵活的方式改造一座现代化办公大楼,同时赋予其建筑美学品质以凸显嘉士伯公司独特的企业文化。

Carlsberg’s central office is located in Carlsberg’s historic area of Valby Bakke in Copenhagen and appears harmonious in its interaction with its surroundings. The challenge has been to adapt a larger, modern office building with precision and sensitivity in a historic, urban and scenic location and, at the same time, give the building the aesthetic quality that characterizes Carlsberg as a company.

▼嘉士伯中央办公室与周边环境 Carlsberg’s central office with its surroundings

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

知识共享和创新 Knowledge sharing and innovation

办公大楼由三个与中庭相连的侧翼组成,中庭通向Carl Jacobsen花园,在这可以俯瞰嘉士伯历史悠久且仍然蓬勃发展的啤酒厂。

The building consists of three wings, which unite in an atrium, the building’s central space, which opens onto Carl Jacobsen’s Garden overlooking Carlsberg City, where the long history of Carlsberg as a brewery business began and where it is still unfolding.

▼三个侧翼与中庭相连 Three wings unite in an atrium

©Adam Mørk


The atrium connects all the floors of the building, and around the atrium on each floor, there is a communal area where the company’s employees can meet. In this way, the atrium gathers all the office sections, both vertically and horizontally, and all the departments are experienced as one single working community, reinforcing collaboration, knowledge sharing and innovation.

▼员工在公共区域 The company’s employees meet

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

建筑的三个侧翼之一形成了一座桥,横跨该街区的一条主要通道,创造了一个形似嘉士伯著名古典大门的现代门户,而另外两个侧翼则是Carl Jacobsen的历史花园和别墅。该花园目前对公众关闭,将在2021年作为新中央办公室的一部分向公众开放。

One of the building’s three wings forms a bridge over one of the neighbourhood’s main access roads, J. C. Jacobsen’s Gade, creating a modern gateway similar to the famous classical ones that characterize the Carlsberg City, while the other two wings embrace Carl Jacobsen’s historic garden and villa. The garden, which has so far been closed to the public will open to the public in 2021 as part of creating the new central office.

▼横跨J. C. Jacobsen花园的侧翼 Bridge over J. C. Jacobsen’s Gade

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

开放畅通的内部空间 Open and inviting interior


The main entrance and reception are located on the ground floor adjacent to the atrium. This welcoming space appears open and inviting to both visitors and passersby, with a great view to the garden from the inside and into the building from the outside.

▼主入口和接待处 The main entrance and reception

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

在中庭临近入口空间的地方,有一个带台阶座垫的大型楼梯,员工和客人可以在此进行短暂休息、非正式会议和社交互动。一楼还设有会议室和在线工作区、酒吧和咖啡,餐厅位于南翼,有一个面向Carl Jacobsen花园的大型户外露台。

A large staircase with steps furnished with seating pads, in the atrium and adjacent to the entrance space, invites to sitting down for short breaks, informal meetings and social inter-action between staff and guests. Meeting rooms and workstations that can be used as on-the-fly workplaces as well as a bar and café are also found on the ground floor. The canteen is in the south wing, which includes a large outdoor terrace facing Carl Jacobsen’s Garden.

▼带台阶座垫的大型楼梯 Steps furnished with seating pads

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

▼细节 Detail

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

▼餐厅 The canteen

©Adam Mørk

▼大型户外露台 Large outdoor terrace

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

通过将建筑塑造成多面和有角度的形式,为员工提供多种有不同视野和空间背景的工作场所,包括玻璃会议室。大楼里安置了几个“触控”临时工作站,它们分布在中庭的边缘和J. C. Jacobsen花园上方的两座横向桥上。小型家具集群为非正式会议、临时工作和咖啡休息创造了空间,储物柜的广泛使用提供了新的和动态的工作方式,员工可以根据工作内容灵活选择座位。

By shaping the building in a faceted and angled way, the employees are given multiple workplace opportunities with varied views and spatial contexts, including glass meeting rooms. Several “touch-down” temporary workstations are placed in the building. They are found along the edge of the atrium and on two transverse bridges in the wing that forms a bridge over J.C. Jacobsen’s Gade. Small furniture groups create areas for informal meet-ings, temporary work and coffee breaks. A wide use of lockers supports new and dynamic ways of working with flexible seating for the employees depending on the work to be done.

▼不同视野和空间背景的工作场所 Multiple workplace opportunities with varied views and spatial contexts

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

融于周边环境 Adapted to the surroundings 


The facade consists of large glass sections that are rhythmically divided by vertical copper-plated slats. The copper leads the mind back to the old brewery tanks and refers to the many beautiful copper details on the historic buildings of the Carlsberg City District.

▼立面 The facade

©Adam Mørk

▼细节 Detail

©Adam Mørk

该建筑与历史环境和场地规模相适应,在设计上降低了高度,建造了与周围住宅和Carl Jacobsen别墅类似的立面,使其与周围环境和谐地融为一体。

The building is adapted to the historic surroundings and the scale of the site by tapering the height down and designing the facade with recesses towards the surrounding smaller houses and Carl Jacobsen’s villa. The result is a building that gently fits and stands in beautiful harmony with its surroundings.

©Adam Mørk

该建筑与周围的绿色环境相适应,特别是Carl Jacobsen花园,其立面凹槽顺应场地的地形,强调建筑与景观起伏的关系,建筑的阶梯式屋顶延续斜坡的地形。同时,建筑的屋顶绿化还实现了从建筑到景观的平稳过渡。

The building is adapted into its green surroundings with a special focus on Carl Jacobsen’s garden. The recesses of the facade follow the topography of the site, emphasizing the building’s relation to the landscape’s wavy lines, while the building’s terraced roof is a continuation of the sloping terrain. At the same time, the building’s green roof creates a smooth transition from building to landscape.

▼绿色屋顶实现了从建筑到景观的平稳过渡  The green roof creates a smooth transition from building to landscape

©Adam Mørk

景观的过去和未来 Past and future in the landscape


The Carlsberg brewery was historically placed in Valby due the presence of a spring as a steady water supply for the beer brewing. This spring has now been reinterpreted to underline its historic value, into a water feature called ‘Kilden’ (The Spring).

▼泉水 The Spring

©Adam Mørk


The Spring gently marks the meeting between the central office’s close by private areas and the listed garden to serve as a natural and recreational separation. This transforms the garden into a public recreational space in the Carlsberg City District and brings Carlsberg into a new era, with a higher degree of openness towards the public, where climate adaptation and accessibility are intertwined with the cultural heritage of the place.

▼夜景 Night view

©Adam Mørk

水的诠释 Interpretations of water


The Spring consists of three connected interpretations of water: A mirror basin with waterlilies, next to a stylized interpretation of a stream. This is connected to a cascade, the height of one floor, and ends in a raised basin and a lake with Iris and water grasses. With climate adaptation and history as design drivers, all rainwater from roofs and surfaces are collected and handled locally. The collected rainwater is used recreationally in the garden’s sculptural water cascade. Excess surface water is stored in a buried rainwater reservoir.

▼瀑布 Cascade

©Adam Mørk

▼小溪 Stream

©Adam Mørk


Between The Spring and the listed neoclassical villa, a varied, lush planting belt with perennials, grasses, and smaller bushes is placed as a reinterpretation of the former romantic garden that once formed the garden’s western boundary.

▼种植带 Planting belt

©Adam Mørk

耐用和可持续 Durable and sustainable


The building is built in durable materials with a long lifespan and requires minimal maintenance. Bamboo floors have been laid in a herringbone pattern on all office floors. Bamboo is sustainable by being a fast-growing grass species and hard-wearing when used as a building component. The facades consist of 50% recycled copper and interior surfaces are mainly either untreated (without paint maintenance) or wood cladding with micro-perforations.

▼人字形的竹地板 Bamboo floors laid in a herringbone pattern

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

▼外墙 The facades

©Adam Mørk


There are solar cells placed on the roof and low-energy ventilation systems with heat recovery, solar shading inside and outside the facades, as well as water-saving fixtures and toilets. The indoor climate is based on good daylight and optical indoor climate, a strong acoustic solution, healthy air exchange with filtered, fresh air, and several options for controlling heat and glare via screens and curtains. The water feature, in combination with the building’s green roofs, handles storm water during rain showers.

©Adam Mørk
©Adam Mørk

▼概念图 Concept

courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects

▼总体平面 Master plan

courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects

▼平面图 Plan

courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects

▼各层平面图 Floor Plan

courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects

▼剖面分析图 Section analysis

courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects

▼剖面图 Section

courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects

▼立面图 Elevation

courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects

▼细节 Detail

courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects

▼手稿 Sketch

courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects

▼模型 Model

courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects
courtesy of C.F. Møller Architects

建筑设计:C.F. Møller Architects
景观设计:C.F. Møller Landscape
合作方:Aarsleff, Niras

Client: Carlsberg A/S
Size: 23,200 m² (15,500 m² offices, 7,700 m² basement and parking)
Address: Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark
Year: 2007-2020
Architect: C.F. Møller Architects
Landscape: C.F. Møller Landscape
Collaborators: Aarsleff, Niras
Prizes: 1st prize in architectural competition, 2007



更多 Read more about:C.F. Møller Architects


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