
I love Changsha is an urban intervention designed for the beautification and activation of the public realm of the riverbanks of the Xiang River in Changsha, the capital & largest city of Hunan Province, in China.

▼视频,video ©Lalo López


The eye-catching public artwork intends to create a trendy & recognizable urban landmark at the main front plaza, using giant letters as a cheerful IP logo of the city’s name. The artwork is also thought to be a catalyzer for social interactions around it, as an outdoor meeting point and leisure space with privileged views over the Xiang River, enhancing the guest experience of youngsters and families visiting the commercial building in Kaifu District.

▼项目概览-美丽江畔的户外人流聚集点和休闲空间,general view- an outdoor meeting point and leisure space with privileged views over the Xiang River ©Rex Zou


Besides serving as an eye-catching & cheerful logo to be watched and photographed as perfect social media content to be shared, the project also offers play equipment hidden inside the capsules that form the name Changsha, for joy & entertainment of the little ones. Thus, it is also an “urban toy” for Kaifu District kids, creating a challenging Play Route which can be traversed from the initial letter “C” to the ending “A” and vice versa, as a course of obstacles that help kids to develop their physical abilities and cognitive skills while having fun and being photographed by their parents from the outside, for the memorable experience to be kept.

▼夜景-装置立面,night view- facade of the installation ©Rex Zou

▼“I ♡ CHANGSHA”的字母贯穿装置,the letters of “I ♡ CHANGSHA” run through the installation ©Rex Zou

▼一条具有挑战性的游玩动线,a course of obstacles ©Rex Zou

总而言之,I ♡ CHANGSHA的设计提升和刺激了游客对公共河岸的感官体验,并成功地在开福区的长沙北辰三角洲大悦城购物中心创造了一个绚丽多彩、令人兴奋的城市地标。

Altogether, the “I ♡ CHANGSHA” public artwork intervention enhances and stimulates the pedestrian’s experience of the public riverbank, successfully creating a very colorful and stimulating city logo for Kaifu District, right on at Changsha Beichen Delta.

▼装置日景外观,external view ©Rex Zou

装置还将字母“I”设计为一个圆形长凳,♡ 设计为一个公共秋千,它们不仅可以供年轻人坐下休息,而且还可供其在拍银河系和彩色背景下自拍。

The design of the artwork also contemplates the letter “I” as a circular bench, and the “Heart” as a communal swing, both allowing youngsters to sit down, take a break, or shoot some selfies with intergalactic & colorful backgrounds.

▼轴测图,axonometric ©100 Architects


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