A planned 6.3-mile-long park straddling the Rio Grande River along the United States–Mexico border is quickly coming together with the announcement that San Antonio-based architecture and urban design firm Overland Partners, working alongside local partner Able City, have been tapped to create conceptual design plans for the first phase of the ecological restoration project. As detailed in a press release, the firms were unanimously selected by the Laredo City Council and members of Binational Working Group, a public-private consortium, earlier this month. On February 18, a site plan, aerial renderings, and eye level perspectives for a one-mile stretch along the Rio Grande, known as the Rio Bravo in Mexico, were presented by the design team to the Binational Working Group, mayors, and community and business leaders hailing from both Laredo, the 10th most populous city in Texas and the third-most populous American city along the southern border, and the Mexican city of Nuevo Laredo, the third-most populous city in the state of Tamaulipas. The two cities, which together form a bustling and economically vital trade border crossing, are linked by three international vehicular bridges and a rail bridge over the Rio Grande/Rio Bravo. Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca, the governor of Tamaulipas, U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Ken Salazar, and U.S. Consul General for Nuevo Laredo Deanna Kim were also present at the February 18 meeting. “The journey has begun, and we are ecstatic to engage in the beginning phases of this rewarding project alongside our sister city of Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas,” said Laredo Mayor Pete Saenz in a statement shared by the Laredo Morning Times following the presentation. “We had the honor of welcoming U.S. Ambassador for Mexico Ken Salazar and presenting him with our ideas and vision for the Binational River Park.”


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