1st Prize international: Water no get enemy by Lloyd Martin

国际一等奖:不与水敌对— Lloyd Martin


Due to the impact of climate change, rising sea levels, increased rainfall and flooding are becoming a day-to-day reality for people in Lagos. The proposal embraces this inevitable future. Envisioning a new form of urbanism that enhances a symbiotic relationship between man and water. Adopting the monopile construction system that is utilized in offshore wind farms. The sturdy nature of the pile provides a secure and solid base for clustered communities to flourish, free from flooding. Each community cluster is supported by Service Platforms, Biorefineries, and Market/Sports fields.



The Clusters grow organically over time, adapting to the ever-increasing demand for housing in Lagos. Each home is envisioned as an enclosed loop, in which the circular economy and metabolism of the home is of primary importance.



“Live in harmony with nature, and you will live longer and wiser.   Be as inevitable and indispensable as water, because of water….. “WATER NO GET ENEMY” – Fela Kuti.

“与自然和谐相处,你会活得更长久、更明智。像水一样不可避免,不可或缺,也不会是敌对关系”-Fela Kuti。

1st Prize Nigerian: The sea stars by Shola Ashogbon, Sanniramat Sodiq, Adedokun Jamiu, Daniel Olufemi

尼日利亚一等奖:海星—Shola Ashogbon,Sanniramat Sodiq,Adedokun Jamiu,Daniel Olufemi

“As a response to the envisaged up-rise in water level, we have adopted the concept of a Sea star because of its unique adaptability qualities. Under a difficult condition of a possible flood, as opposed to moving into the uplands (mainland) and abandoning the Island, a birth of city on the water came forth which flows with nature. Our Proposed design is a prototype modular structure, which focuses majorly on affordable housing and also aims at solving the housing deficit in Lagos state Nigeria. The prototype structure embodies a five-unit apartment designed in a form of compound settlement with a central Pavilion, this can be traced back to the Yoruba style of Architecture. Each unit can easily be converted for different purposes with the use of movable walls. In achieving this, sustainable and local materials have been adopted in our proposal.”


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