Preschool Design


Designing a preschool was an opportunity for me as an interior designer to unleash my inner child and experiment with bright colours in unexpected ways.

House shaped openings, cheerful hues with a constellation of pendant lights in these concept renders worked on for RBK preschool during my time at

MuseLAB Design Engine.

Preschool Design-5

Turquoise on the ceiling and light globes give the sense of being under a bright blue sky. Corridors with interactive walls using quirky graphic elements to add up to the playfulness of the space.

Preschool Design-7

Preschool Design-8

Water play area that embodies the water cycle in nature.

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Preschool Design-11

Preschool Design-12

Cubby storage that also acts as an interactive element along the corridor.

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Preschool Design-15

Preschool Design-16

Learning aids as wall panels that not only act as an element of interest but also a tool for exploration.

Preschool Design-18

Different textures along the walls to stimulate young kids with tactile sensations.