在越南,城市化正迅速从城市发展到郊区。城郊区域出现了越来越密集的管式住宅,破坏了乡村平和诗意的图景。Dien Khanh住宅试图保留乡村住宅中正在逐渐褪去的传统元素,创造一个亲近自然和周边环境的清新居住空间,同时满足现代生活和社会发展的需要。

The urbanization is strongly developing from the city to the rural areas in Vietnam. The city tube houses have began to appear more and more densely in rural areas, disrupting the peaceful and poetic image of the village. Dien Khanh house tries to retain the traditional familiarity that is gradually fading away of rural houses, in order to create a fresh living environment, close to nature and the surrounding environment, but also satisfy modern life and contemporary social development.

▼建筑外观,external view of the building ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-3

从空中看去,项目将起伏的瓦片屋顶与Dien Khanh地区迷人的山河景观融合在一起,产生了一种既熟悉又陌生的感觉。

From the birdview, the project is both strange and familiar with the combination of undulating tile roofs in harmony with the charming scenery of mountains and rivers in the land of Dien Khanh.

▼鸟瞰,aerial view ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-7

▼顶视图,既熟悉又陌生的建筑,top view, strange and familiar ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-9


Because the project is located in the central coastal area, where often subjected to harsh rainstorms, the shape and materials are also carefully studied to suit the local terracotta climate. The large concrete sloping roof extends from the first floor to the lower ground floor of the building plus the wide porch to prevent the living room from the sun in the summer and the rain in the winter. The roof shape of Duyen Khanh house is suitable for storm protection, the sloping roof allows the wind to slide on the building to limit the damage of storm attacks. The red tile covering on the concrete roof surface has the function of both protection and heat resistance for the roof. Simultaneously with the use of such roof form, it creates familiarity when approaching the building.

▼远景,建筑位于河岸正中,distanced view of the building in the central coastal area ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-13

▼巨大的坡屋顶可以抵御风暴,large sloped roof could limit the damage of storm ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-15


The setback is large enough for the front yard, the two sides of the fence are planted with familiar rows of areca combined with green trees. The yard is tiled with Chinese bricks, both creating a connection with the roof tile and reminiscent of the familiar courtyard image of traditional Vietnamese houses

▼前部庭院,front courtyard ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-19


The design solution of opening and closing space, leading, surprising the viewer. From the yard, the view gradually changes as we enter the house, the space expands in height, the living room is connected to the 1st floor with a large atrium space, and the space begins to gradually closing when the ceiling height of the dining room decreases, then the space narrows when passing through the connecting corridor to the back of the house. From that corridor, it expands and connects the kitchen space, skylight and parents’ bedroom.

▼从庭院进入客厅,enter the living space from the yard ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-23

▼客厅,天花逐渐升高 living space with gradually elevating ceiling ©Hiroyuki Oki

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Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-26

▼客厅通过中庭与二层相连,living space connected to the first floor through the atrium ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-28


Stair is the highlight of the house. Curved stairs combined with the atrium at the broken corner of the land, creating a sense of neatness and breaking the broken corner of the building. Finishing materials for the stair and the building are also considered. Terrazzo is used as a familiar material used by our forefathers in the past and also limits the disadvantages of the land and creates familiarity and close.

▼餐厅和弧形楼梯,dining space and curved staircase ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-32

▼楼梯,采用水磨石材料,staircase finished with terrazzo ©Hiroyuki Oki

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The living and relaxing spaces are divided by the atrium and the skylight between the house. Through these spaces, natural light and wind are led into the building naturally, creating light, ventilation and coolness for the building. The parents’ bedroom is separated from the living space and the kitchen by a atrium space with a small garden in the middle of the house. Rooms for 2 adults, because it is rarely used, it is arranged on the 1st floor, also connected to each other through this atrium. The bedrooms are arranged separately but still connect together and connect with nature.

▼连廊和带小花园的中庭,corridor and atrium with a small garden ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-38

▼小花园,small garden ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-40

▼花园中庭连接不同房间 garden atrium connecting different rooms ©Hiroyuki Oki

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Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-43

▼卧室,与厨房视线相连,bedroom with visual connection to the kitchen ©Hiroyuki Oki

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The interior design aims the simplicity, modern conveniences of contemporary life. The use of white paint and light wood creates a spacious and bright interior space. Traditional elements are cleverly incorporated into the interior space, such as the living room wooden sofa, the patio seat commonly found in traditional Vietnamese housing spaces.

▼天窗,skylight ©Hiroyuki Oki

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▼三角形景窗,triangular window framing the view ©Hiroyuki Oki

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▼夜景外观,external view of the building in the night ©Hiroyuki Oki

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-53

▼夜晚的室内空间,interior space in the night ©Hiroyuki Oki

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▼区位图,location ©6717studio

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▼总平面图,general plan ©6717studio

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▼平面图,plans ©6717studio

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▼剖面图,sections ©6717studio

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Completion Year: 2020 Gross Built Area (m2/ ft2): 130m2 Project location: Dien Phu commune, Dien Khanh district, Khanh Hoa province, Viet Nam.


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Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-69

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Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-78

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-79

Dien Khanh住宅,越南/陌生而熟悉,分离又连接-80