
This project is located in Futian Village, Gaoqiao Town, a small village at the foot of Emei Mountain, with the backdrop of mountains and forests and a distant view of the golden summit of Emei Mountain. In this 2, 000-acre rural environment, the undulating farmland and dense alpine forest are like the “fingerprints” of the nature. The fish pond called” Sanwan Datang” by the local residents,is embedded in the texture of the land, and together with the local village dwellings, they form the original countryside of western Sichuan that we have long sought in the mental world,but there is obviously some vitality missing here.

▼项目整体鸟瞰,overall bird’s eye view of project ©乐道景观


福田村和中国数万个普通乡村一样,也曾在城市化的浪潮中被远离。 人口外流、田退林进、老幼相守的村子,难免进退失据。2019年,带着对这片热土的尊重,恒邦双林集团于此启动了高桥小镇项目,凭借着乡村振兴的政策支持与峨眉南山世界生态康养核心区的发展优势,开启了一场归巢的造梦实验,期望在村落质朴的乡野气息上,重新焕发乡村的生机和活力。

Like tens of thousands of ordinary villages in China, Futian Village was once distanced from the wave of urbanization. In 2019, the developer EVERBON Group, with its love and respect for this countryside, and with the policy support of rural revitalization and the development advantages of World Ecological Recreation Core Area in Emei,a dream-making experiment of homing has started, hoping to rejuvenate the vitality and vitality of the village in the rustic atmosphere of the village.

▼场地现状-在这2000多亩的范围内,是一片混杂着乱林杂草的农田、一个破败陈旧的鱼塘以及一条面临村落污染的高山小溪,Within this area of more than 2,000 acres, there is a farmland mixed with forests and weeds, a dilapidated and old fish pond, and a mountain stream facing village pollution. ©乐道景观



The reconstruction of the rural scene is extremely special. The owner and us have reached a consensus on the construction of the rural landscape. We believe that the rural landscape is not simply a pile of native materials, nor is it an exaggerated technique to show off skills, but to restore the true nature of the countryside. The image, bringing new life, and attracting new villagers will fundamentally bring changes to Gaoqiao.

▼村落印象-人口外流,大部分为老人和小孩留守乡村,Village impression-population exodus, mostly young and old ©乐道景观



The designers planned and integrated the existing resources from three major plates: fish ponds, farmland and streams, to reshape a native and natural” lake- field-stream” rural landscape pattern, connected the lost vitality space point by point. At the same time,the increased supporting service points depending on the type of industry also brought opportunities for villagers to participate in the construction and operation.

▼地块属性的延续,continuation of land property ©乐道景观



The fish pond – Sanwan Datang has been retained, and its landscape has been improved by storing water to form a lake. Ecological treatment is adopted to improve the water quality of the lake, so that fish、aquatic plants、microbiota in the lake form an ecological self-purification system, thus carrying out ecological restoration of the water body, forming a natural lake area, while meeting the standards of the paddy field irrigation water source.

▼水天一色,雪山倒映,Future Ideal Version of Gaoqiao Town©高桥里




In order to present the natural beauty of the countryside, the design solution includes trimming the grassy slope of the lakeside, decorating the waterfront with natural grass slope, and creating the countryside floral atmosphere with meadow-type flower border. As well as covering hills with seasonal herbaceous flowers.

▼草坡驳岸的自然草甸式乡野花境,Natural meadow-style rural wildflower mirror with grass slopes and banks ©乐道景观


▼丰富的水生湿地植物体系,Rich aquatic wetland plant system ©乐道景观


▼块石与花植展现出自然与艺术的共融,Stones and flowers show the harmony of nature and art ©乐道景观



▼景观小品,camping landscape device ©乐道景观



As the first part of the town to start construction, it expresses the power of natural growth in the countryside. The sojourn center is located between mountains and rivers, like a rustic living room, welcoming travelers and returnees from all directions.

▼乡舍体验中心,Country House Experience Center ©乐道景观



The farmland that was abandoned due to population loss was re-used, all farmland was integrated, colored rice was planted, and the lines of the ridge were optimized. A landscape of forested land in western Sichuan is impressively presented.

▼成片的荒废农田被重新种植上彩色水稻,Abandoned farmland is replanted with colored rice ©乐道景观



Not only that, in the construction and operation of Dadi Ricegrass, in order to realize the ideal rural life scene, the owner made way for the construction land of the house that should have been built.The large fields of colored rice are managed by local residents, bringing them more labor income.It attracts more and more” new villagers” to come here for sightseeing experience or to stay…

▼从山脚出发的稻田肌理,The texture of the rice field from the foot of the mountain ©乐道景观



The irregular natural texture of the paddy field extends down from the foot of the distant mountain. Walking into the fields at the proper season, raking field and planting rice seedlings, harvesting rice, and experiencing farming for yourself is the best way to respect the life of the original village.

▼彩色稻田带来越来越多观光体验的游人,Colorful rice fields bring more and more tourists who have sightseeing experience ©乐道景观



▼彩色稻田也成为了村民们饭后散步的地方,The colorful rice fields have also become a place for villagers to take a walk after dinner ©乐道景观




The “Flavor of the Field” restaurant, which was renovated from old cottages and repaired as old as the old, is filled with smoke, and farmers sell their own agricultural products under the shed.With wild pastoral on one side and green hills on the other, the natural and human ecology of the countryside is rejuvenated here.

▼修旧如旧的“田间本味”餐厅,Restoration of the old“Tianma Benwei”restaurant ©乐道景观



Geometry Coffee is located on the wild slope of the rice field, with grass slope flower borders, green tiles and wooden rafters, like buildings growing on the ground.In the courtyard, Lefa Gardening combines micro-topography with large areas lawns and stones, it shows the harmony between nature and art, deducing the unique romantic color of the countryside.

▼青瓦木椽的几何咖啡厅,The geometric cafe of the blue roof and wooden rafters ©乐道景观



▼咖啡厅外的乡野浪漫色彩,Countryside romance outside the cafe ©乐道景观




the designer cleaned the stream on the basis of the original site, and at the same time kept the existing and wild forest to the greatest extent, replanted forest trees, afforested the bare ground, increased colorful tree species, and sorted out the rocks on the bank of the stream, the stream was combined with wildflower border to present a stream full of natural wildness.

▼峨眉山下的丛林溯溪,The jungle under Mount Emei ©乐道景观



The scenic trail along the stream winds around the woods and mountains to form a beautiful shape, which reveals the rural texture like the original country road.

▼随地形溯溪而上的游步道,A walking trail that goes up the stream with the terrain ©乐道景观



▼最大程度的保留了现状岩石和野境林木,The current rocks and wild forests are preserved to the greatest extent ©乐道景观



After light intervention, the pebbles on the creek banks eliminated the sense of alienation and invited people to walk into the creek to get close to nature. There are more people playing in the water in the creekIn summer, it must be the most lively season for the creek, with adults taking children to play in the shallows for fish、camping and picnicking, and full of laughter in the mountains and fields.

▼溪流吸引着越来越多的周边城市居民前来游玩体验 ,The combed tracing attracts more and more urban residents to come and experience ©乐道景观



▼结合蜿蜒溪流一侧的林间设计露营帐篷,Design a camping tent on the side of a winding stream ©乐道景观


▼体验自然林间的迷途露营,Experience lost camping in the natural forest ©乐道景观



Being with the villagers, this is the ideal of the “Peng Village Chief” of Hengbang Shuanglin. The villagers and the group participated in agricultural planting and breeding production… Relying on self-produced agricultural products, they created Takahashi’s own agricultural brand. The introduction of supporting industries such as agriculture, breeding, catering, homestays, craftsmen, etc., gives villagers and returnees the opportunity to start their own businesses, leading the villages to truly develop independently. What the villagers gain is not only wealth, but also the cultural confidence that radiates from the bottom of their hearts. The energy that grows spontaneously from the land heals people who in a complicated world. Not only does the Gaoqiao Town attract travelers, but it has also become a new workplace for local villagers to aspire to. The heartfelt smiles of these villagers breathing life back into this once empty nesting village.

▼返聘当地的村民,为他们带来更多的劳动收益,Re-employ local villagers and bring them more labor income©高桥里



Patches of egrets have flown back to Futian, and long-lost fireflies have re-lit the night sky. the natural and human ecology of the countryside is rejuvenated here.This more than 2,000 acres of land is just the beginning, and it paves the way for the future of cultural tourism towns.

▼成片的白鹭飞回福田村,Pieces of egrets flew back to Futian Village ©乐道景观


▼峨眉高桥小镇未来理想邦,The future ideal state of Gaoqiao Town, Emei ©高桥里



In the future, humanities and art scenes such as Wangshan Aesthetics Museum, Futian Academy, Daluezhiye, Lefan Secret Garden, and Intangible Heritage Craftsman Village will gradually appear in this rural picture scroll, and this place will eventually become a harmonious coexistence between man and the village. Ideal state.

▼总平面图,master plan ©乐道景观












