
Love collection, once filled up the collection room. Wu Changshuo a few years ago a plaque “love my lu”, for the meaning of love my house. The plaque is a poem by Tao Yuanming: “When the household water, bright Windows clean a few, burning incense among them.” The ancients had a high pursuit for the furnishings, environment and utensils of the residence space. As we grow older, we realize the value of giving up. Choosing is more important than owning. So decided tanshari. I asked zhu Kai, a designer friend for many years, to create Sen Space again. Because Sen is in my name, I named it “Sen Space”.

▼项目概览,Overall view ©朱凯



The process of re-creating space is actually constructing a spiritual home of my own. Comparing space to canvas, a picture full of sense of order is constructed between the virtual and the real. It describes the beauty of music, collection, tea, light and shadow and natural birth. The accumulation and understanding of space art over the years are presented one by one in the creation, and then transformed into a new part.

▼黑铁前厅,the black iron vestibule ©吴永长



The culture that touches the root of human nature and the intriguing art still need to be found from the wisdom of our ancestors. “Chisel the door and make a room, when it is not, there is a room for it.” Two thousand years ago, Lao Tzu made a clear statement about the existence and emptiness of space, and its emptiness is the reality that we use.

▼室内壁龛,the niche ©朱凯



The design of Sen Space, the entrance is the black iron vestibule, as the transformation area of outdoor into Sen Space is made of large area of titanium-plated black steel plate, the calm and introverted temperament of black steel plate makes the outside world’s hustle and bustle get silent here. The living room of light is divided into two areas: tea tasting and music appreciation, which are used for meeting guests, reading and resting, with enough space for activities in the middle. The tree cave tea room is arranged in a row side by side with the front room and bathroom for solitude.

▼光之客厅,the living room of light ©朱凯


▼光之客厅壁橱,the shelf in the living room ©吴永长



A window of light, fire, old wood, the statue of Northern Qi, the fragrance of tea …… natural beauty, the extreme simplicity of the space instead of becoming ethereal, full. After experiencing the glory of the years stacked, overturned and started over again, like a man rejuvenated after being baptized by the years, transformed into a more calm and tough, calm and rich beauty. Sitting quietly in front of the old teak tea table that has been baptized for a century to drink tea is worthy of comfort, it is like an old man, giving space to stability and peace. Every friend who sees it will be impregnated by its signs of age. In winter, near the fireplace for warmth, make a pot of hot tea, listen to the vinyl spinning Chopin’s “Nocturne in B-flat minor”, looking out the window like a Song painting slowly unfolded landscape scroll, which is one with nature, with the grass as a confidant, is a life of great joy.

▼客厅布局,furnitures in the living room ©朱凯


▼条形长窗,belt window ©朱凯


▼客厅天窗,the skylight ©朱凯



Music is the crystallization of human wisdom and emotional expression, and it is also one of the souls of “Sen Space”. I like the warm sound of the natural nature of vinyl popping beans, and I also like the clear and transparent CDs, and the perfect presentation of the sound scale. Every moment I look forward to the music, its passion and soothing, silent and surging, calm and relaxed after the vicissitudes; calm and heavy after the clouds and breeze. So repeatedly, the ups and downs, stay and forget.

▼音乐空间,the music space ©朱凯


▼侧窗引入光线,the window bringing in natural light ©朱凯




Like to be alone, so in the space to create a small tea room, it is a spiritual baptism. The space is not large, living inside, there is a different heaven, as if in a paradise. Sitting alone, reading and thinking have indeed become an important part of life. As Zhuang Zhou said, “The Tao is born in silence”. When the inner mind is quiet, the world will flow and open. If you read at night in the tea room, insert a branch of the roadside picking the dead branch, accompanied by the sound of boiling tea, as if back to the situation of Dongpo reading by candlelight. Time here is a page over, as long as there is time, here, stay a long night, read a thick book.

▼从音乐空间看茶室,view of the tea room from the music space ©朱凯


▼木与纸门,the wood and paper door ©朱凯


▼茶室近景,views of the tea room ©朱凯


▼入口台阶,step at the entrance of tea room ©张森



Long Things Qingju is both a secluded environment for Chinese literati and an ideal realm of personality for the ancients. The Northern Qi statues look quiet and divine against the beige walls, making the whole space more Zen and ethereal. Years of collecting artifacts of beauty are condensed in this space, and in this space, each piece of the collection arranged is a favorite for many years. The most appropriate place for the objects is the most beautiful state, which is also a kind of understanding and respect for the space and the objects themselves.

▼长物清居,display of the artwork ©吴永长


▼走廊展示墙,display wall in the corridor ©朱凯



Art is the soul of the space, and the word “Nai” on the well echoes the round skylight on the dome, drawing the qi of heaven and earth into the room in a kind of abstract rhythmical beauty, which is a coincidence and a gift of space that cannot be forgotten.

▼走廊尽头的水池,looking to the end of the corridor ©朱凯


视、听、味三觉艺术在这里相互交融,彼此生辉,形成了一个让人可以瞬间沉浸其中,忘却时光的“sen space”。它建立起生命的美好姿态,是心灵的空间,是繁忙后的静心之所,洗礼灵魂,润泽生命。恰如冈仓天心所言:“生活中的小事亦蕴含有伟大之处。”一杯清茶,一枝花亦能清寂禅心。如此放慢步伐,用心观察,正念生活定能收获质感人生。

The three sensory arts of sight, sound and taste intermingle and shine with each other, forming a “Sen Space” where people can instantly immerse themselves and forget about time. It is a space for the soul, a place for meditation after a busy day, a place to cleanse the soul and moisten life. As Tenshin Okakura said, “The small things in life also contain greatness.” A cup of tea and a flower can also clear the Zen mind. Slow down your pace, observe with your heart, and live with the right intention to reap the benefits of a quality life.

▼窗洞细部,details ©杭州壹山建筑设计有限公司



▼展品细部,details ©杭州壹山建筑设计有限公司



▼平面图,plan ©杭州壹山建筑设计有限公司


项目名称:森空间 设计:杭州 壹山建筑设计有限公司 主创:朱凯竣工时间:2021.2 面积:80平方米 摄影:吴永长、张森、朱凯 文章:张森 项目地址:杭州 西湖区 双流创意园

Project Name:Sen Space Design:Hill Architecture Design Main Designe:Zhu kai Completion Date:2021.2 Project Area: 80㎡ Photography:Wu yongchang、Zhang sen、Zhu kai Writing:Zhang sen Project Location:Hangzhou








