
“Out of the urban bustle, into serenity”: to live among the quietude of nature is the aspiration of every urbanite. People living in the hard, busy city often yearn for the calmness of nature – its quiet winding paths among soft, sun-mottled landscapes. With working lives becoming increasingly fast-paced and intense, home has become more than a mere dwelling – it is now an essential oasis where body and soul may recuperate. For this, an ecological residence, set among nature, with flora and fauna as neighbors, would be ideal.

▼示范区鸟瞰,overview of the CIFI Nanchang Center © 三棱镜

推广:“Home Park”,解锁都市居住梦想生活 &  南昌旭辉中心/“出则繁华,入则自然”-3


It has been said that architecture provides the setting for life, while it has also been said that architecture encapsulates the essence of nature. For us, both are true: architecture, life and nature are inseparable. Thus in the CIFI Nanchang Center, buildings have become the moderators in the dialogue between life and nature, with the home as a living medium in this exchange.

▼城市书吧概览,overview of the Book Bar © 山水比德设计

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▼盘旋于景观中的书吧,the Book Bar surrounded by nature © 山水比德设计

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▼进入示范区,舒适的步行体验,a comfortable walking experience © 三棱镜

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▼建筑成为自然与生活对话的媒介,buildings in the dialogue between life and nature  © 三棱镜

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站在经开区双港西大街与紫荆路的路口,那一栋栋高级灰立面的小高层建筑,错落有致,宁静舒展,便是家的方向了…… 高层住宅立面中轴对称,赋予了归家的人隆重的仪式感。横向线条简洁明朗,一目了然,点、线、造型的变化构成不同的立面肌理。石材与玻璃的组合,使立面严谨有序,虚实得当,宛如生活中的小协奏曲,始于微处,润物无声。整座建筑形体纵向生长,鲜明的装饰线条,使建筑呈现出视觉上的挺拔高耸,大气磅礴。横向规整有序,以细小的装饰线条横向排布,弱化了建筑整体的沉重感,给人以舒展、宁静的体验。在细节上,超高窗墙比的立面设计,使窗户高级而通透,为生活里点缀了美学逻辑,也让日常居住明媚而温暖。

Standing at the intersection of West Shuanggang Street and Zijing Road in Nanchang’s Economic Development Zone, the high-rise buildings of the Nanchang Center are endowed with high-quality serenely gray facades and are seemingly casually scattered across the tranquil site… The facades of the high-rise residential buildings are axially symmetrical, providing a ceremonial sense of entry. Their horizontal lines are straightforward, while variations in their details create an appealing variety of surface textures. Their combination of stone and glass materiality provides order and rigor. Overall, the facades may be likened to a concerto with a satisfying interweaving of layers, textures and elements. The building forms rise up vertically, with distinctive lines, and present a splendid visual atmosphere. With careful arrangement and detailing, the substantial massing has been mitigated, creating a more unimposing building topography. The facade incorporates expansive curtain walls, bringing great transparency and lightness to the buildings, opening up the life inside to nature and sunlight.

▼简洁明朗的建筑线条,the axially symmetrical facades © 是然建筑摄影

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▼社区中开敞的公共空间,the open public space © 是然建筑摄影

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Surveying the views along both sides of the winding pathway: tall trees are interlaced with low thickets, colorful hot-air balloons rise above the lawn, evoking romance; and in the shade of the foliage, children play, their laughter mingled with birdsong. Moving effortlessly to the front gate: a compelling impression is formed with its consistent material relationship with the surrounding buildings. It is well composed, with a welcoming disposition while still conveying strength and security.

▼鸟瞰景观绿地,the bird’s eye view © 是然建筑摄影

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Upon entering the community, the central garden opens up before you. It has been arranged as an outdoor living room to share with family, friends and neighbors. A place to sit and chat or to stroll along the wind and rain corridor. Walking through the landscape, each step is a natural delight among carefully selected trees, their boughs stretching overhead. The stress of the city outside is lifted in this little park of dreams. The life in the buildings overhead is energized by this natural landscape with its variety of scenes and experiences. There are leisure spaces and activity spaces, spaces for children and spaces for adults. And furthermore, there are social spaces for the community to come together, to intermingle and interact, to develop into a fellowship of neighbors. While placing the vehicular parking below grade has been essential to freeing up the ground level for garden space, it has also been so designed as to feel not at all subterranean. Driving into a clean, bright, airy parkade is an important homecoming moment, and creates a significant and lasting impression.

▼别致的景观风雨廊,landscape of the central garden © 是然建筑摄影

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With a gentle “ding”, the elevator slowly opens, revealing a familiar door. It is the entry to your own oasis that will relieve your burdens and will replenish your body and soul. An exquisite space – its design corresponds perfectly to the needs of a modern natural life. The open transparent hall with its interconnected guest restaurant opens up to a wide terrace from which the beauty of the community is revealed.

▼儿童活动中心,children’s activity centre

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▼以圆拱门分隔的教室,interior of the classroom

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Walking to the window and leaning on its railing, one may oversee the central garden’s playground with its colorful climbing equipment and slides. A circular promenade comes into view where passing people greet one another. This is a shared space of fun and activity, where all may enjoy a better life at home.

▼中央公园的未来游乐场,the central garden’s playground © 三棱镜

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▼趣味的互动景观,landscape for interaction © 三棱镜

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The book bar like a UFO, floats in the core of the Central Park, like a huge curved scroll, containing all the people, objects, and scenery around it. The book bar takes shared books as the main body, creating an immersive space reading experience that integrates cultural creativity, literature and art, social interaction, light food, etc. The design shows the artistic avant-garde, unique and high-quality life in a flowing and penetrating state, providing the owner with a soul habitat.

▼城市书吧,interior of the Book Bar © 释象万合

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The CIFI Nanchang Center, with its innovative natural park at its core, creates a new modern lifestyle. It gathers together both tangible and intangible resources, such as architecture, landscape, the arts, humanities and sport to form a multi-faceted community to serve the needs of living life to its fullest. It brings dreams into reality and incorporates beauty and happiness into everyday life…

▼城市公园夜景,the charming night view © 山水比德设计

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▼示范区的璀璨景观,the landscape lighting © 山水比德设计

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▼通透的建筑立面,the transparent book bar © 释象万合

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▼鸟瞰图,bird’s eye view © CPC建筑设计

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▼住宅南立面效果图,the rendering © CPC建筑设计

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▼住宅平面,plan of the residential building © CPC建筑设计

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▼住宅立面,elevation of the residential building © CPC建筑设计

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▼示范区建筑平面,plans of the Book Bar © CPC建筑设计

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▼示范区建筑立面,elevations of the Book Bar © CPC建筑设计

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