最好的空间是这样的:我们居住其中,却感觉不到自然在哪里终了,艺术在哪里开始。——林语堂 The best space is this: we live in it, but we don’t feel where nature ends and where art begins. – Lin Yutang



What fascinates the design of the house is its infinite restoration of the stories and emotions of the inhabitants. It’s often difficult to answer questions about style. Rather than define the style of a space, we are more willing to describe what kind of person, what kind of family, what hobbies, experiences and relationships each person lives in. Rather than “designing” a home, it is better to present a home and construct a poetic life scene.

The project is a spiritual harbor carefully designed by the designer for the owner. In addition to meeting all the functional requirements of the five members of the customer’s family, it uses simple, bright and extremely romantic design vocabulary to create a warm, comfortable and poetic home space. The designer screened out the unnecessary walls, opened the public space, and let the room have enough light. “The adoption process of these original materials, we call it the addition of life, and then we need to make some choices, refine every detail, and finally extract the most appropriate way of discourse to face the balance between personalization and group resonance — That is, the subtraction of design.”

▼最大化地将江景引入室内,Maximize the introduction of river view into the interior ©吴越



The designer organizes the flow line through the hall space, so that it has strong flexibility at the same time.  It can be used not only as the entrance corridor of the house, but also as an extension of the storage space, distribution space and guest restaurant. On the material, white oak natural color floor and light gray wood veneer are used to match the dumb white wall and ceiling, which not only ensures the brightness of the space, but also increases the sense of hierarchy and texture of the space, making the overall space more open and full of natural atmosphere.

▼住宅入口,Entrance of the apartment ©吴越



It is necessary to integrate the functional areas according to the owner’s personalized life style. In order to unify the environmental atmosphere from the space and separate the independent functional areas, the design team avoids the traditional functional split layout in the spatial layout, so as to make the design of the dining room and the living room as a whole as much as possible, so as to create more possibilities for the spatial scene. Let the family have more space for conversation and sharing. Getting up early in the morning with sleepy eyes, in the face of the family who is drinking tea and reading in the restaurant and giving a greeting. The experience of love between the family is what the space should express.

▼平面图,plan ©目心设计研究室



Marble dining table is located in the middle of the house. It is specially designed by the designer for the family. After several months of careful design and personal selection, it is the highlight of the whole transitional space and also meets the different use needs of each family member. The floor of the dining room is made of gray marble, which is cool and elegant. The same color art installation on the wall adds a flowing atmosphere to the large space.

▼从客厅望向餐厅,View to the dining room from the living room ©吴越


▼餐厅细节,dining area detailed view ©吴越




The living room has a space of about 80 ㎡. In order not to damage the overall sense of large space, after careful consideration, the TV background wall and bookcase are integrated into a whole, which not only maximizes the display surface, but also greatly increases the storage area and enriches the practical needs of residents. In terms of material selection, the design team abandons complicated and tedious decoration techniques and adopts simple and overall design language, which can not only give people a sense of comfort, but also make the space more open. The warm milky white integrates the ceiling on the wall and the cabinet, and creates a relaxed living atmosphere under sufficient natural light.

Zhang Lei, the designer, thinks that home is a space for people to share private time with their relatives and friends, which should give people healing and nourishment. The most important thing is that family can inspire and make people happy. Generally speaking, every decision in the design of home is based on the pursuit of happiness. In the placement of furniture, it breaks the design of traditional living room space, and takes the tea table as the center, which is placed in a circular shape. The free combination sofa makes the space into a fluid borderless space.

▼流动的社交区域,Mobile social area ©吴越


▼隐藏在白色烤漆柜后面的立式空调 ©吴越 Vertical air conditioner hidden behind a white paint cabinet



Light flows into the room through the viewing window. Give Siri music instructions and then pick up the coffee extracted by the automatic coffee machine. After completing this series of actions, this will be the early morning scenery you see by the window. It is also the beginning of the daily life of the heroine. Both nature and light are gifts from the creator. Louis Kahn called it a miracle creation. The designer also integrates this miracle creation into the space of enjoying nature.

▼落地的窗户为室内带来了充足的日光以及一线的江景 ©吴越 Floor-to-ceiling windows bring plenty of daylight and first-line river views to the interior



In view of the characteristics of the house, Muxin Studio adopts a simple and restrained design strategy. The space is mainly neutral white and black, creating a calm and elegant environment. Following this concept, the room is equipped with light colored furniture, a full marble dining table, oak wardrobe side table and customized curtains.

▼室内色调连续性,A continuous space color ©吴越


▼室内细部,Detailed view ©吴越



The owner couple love art very much. The background of the whole house is like a clean and pure canvas, which provides sufficient space for the art to be sprinkle. In this project, the designer is like the provider of canvas, and the resident of the house is the “soul painter” who enriches this work. Finally, the owner and the designer determine the unique artwork together.

▼充满张力的艺术角落,Art corner full of tension ©吴越



The efficient space sequence of bedroom, cloakroom and toilet constitutes a complete and comfortable master bedroom suite.

▼不间断的延展与流动的居住空间,Uninterrupted extension and flowing living space ©吴越


▼主卧室,Master bedroom ©吴越



▼通高的梳妆台镜子让空间无限延伸 ©吴越 The high-height dressing table mirror extends the space infinitely



As an important element of this space, the black metal straight line represents “point”, “line” and “plane”, which forms a good hierarchy and contrast with the “body” represented by the wall wrapped in white marble and the washing table.

▼配置完善的四分离卫生间,Well equipped four separate bathrooms ©吴越



The clear, modern, soft and warm tone space is prepared for the elderly. In order to adapt to these changes, the designer uses warm materials and colors, and lay anti-skid wood floor, and the gap is flat, reducing the height changes. For the safety of the elderly, the height of the wardrobe, wall cabinet and other furniture is reduced, and the edges and corners of the furniture are smooth, so as to prevent bumping against the elderly. The curtains are double-layer gauze curtains and brocade curtains. By opening some curtains, you can adjust the brightness of the room, so that the parents can avoid the stimulation of strong light in the daytime, and enjoy the leisurely afternoon time on the comfortable reclining chair. At night, the color matching of their room is also in the same color system of mellow and elegant. The natural light create a mellow and warm sleeping environment for them. At the same time, the room is equipped with a dresser and an independent toilet, which is convenient for them to use.

▼老人房,Parent’s room ©吴越


▼家具细部,Furniture details ©吴越



The two bathrooms are made of two different materials, the main bedroom is made of white marble with fish belly, and the parents’ bathroom is made of terrazzo and small white brick. With the help of mirror reflection effect, the vertical components are wrapped with paint baking stainless steel, which brings more vertical segmentation feeling to the interior. In addition, the curved ceiling and bathroom products give more soft and warm texture to the space.

▼老人房卫生间,Guest toilet ©吴越




The space full of vitality is for children. In girl’s room, pink walls still play an indispensable role. The designer avoids the high saturation powder and uses the low saturation “dirty” powder, which gently tells the children about the soft atmosphere of the space. The combination and opening mode of different lamps can also reflect the interesting changes in the room sooner or later.

▼女孩房,Girl’s room ©吴越




The design of boy’s room pays attention to the psychological characteristics of its gender, satisfies the boy’s strong hero complex, and also reflects the lively and dynamic character demand. The designer, on the one hand, takes the safety into account to soften the corners of all furniture, on the other hand, takes the toys loved by the little boy as decoration to enliven the space atmosphere. In the design of the children’s room, the designer believes that the space should have the ability to change as the boy grows. Therefore, we should abandon all kinds of children’s space design techniques, which are rigid, over decorated, floating on the surface and lack of imagination. Instead, we should start from the interest of the space form itself, and make the whole space itself into a growing space, so that children can explore, discover and create their own interesting space without restraint and from their own.

▼男孩房,Boy’s room ©吴越


“城市是一本打开的书,不同的人有不同的读法。” 学者易中天在《读城记》开篇如此写道。同样,每一个住宅都有它独特的魅力。而每个魅力也洒落在每一个空间之中,目心一直在拾取这些零散的空间记忆,将它包裹并送入设计之中。将它送入业主的家庭,送入艺术的生活之中。

“The city is an open book. Different people have different ways of reading it.” Yi Zhongtian, a scholar, wrote at the beginning of the book of Reading the City. Similarly, every house has its unique charm. And every charm is also scattered in every space.  Muxin Studio has been picking up these scattered space memories, wrapping them and sending them into the design, into the owner’s family and into the life of art.
























