“Wohnen ohne Auto”(无车生活)是一个联合住房项目,是由未来的社区居民共同参与建造。该项目采用了一系列减少浪费的策略,旨在树立居民的意识和环保意识。

Wohnen ohne Auto (Living without a car) is a co-housing project, developed in a process of participatory design with a community of future residents. The project features a series of strategies which aim to minimize the superfluous, establish an attitude towards sharing and encourage an environmentally conscious behavior.

▼公寓楼外观,exterior view




▼私人空间与公共空间,private and shared areas


The building is part of the reconversion of the former airport area in Munich-Riem. Its core point lies in the voluntary renouncement of car ownership by the inhabitants, which is reflected in a sustainable planning approach. The overall design is developed with attention to life quality, atmospheric materials and lighting conditions, besides sustainability, low mantainance and social inclusion principles.

▼屋顶露台,rooftop terrace


Wohnen ohne Auto打破了增加建筑面积、提高人均消费的惯有做法,使私人区域尽可能地缩小,以构建优质的共享空间。公共区域不再被局限在分散式的小型空间里,而是被扩展为共享的储物区、娱乐室、工作坊、屋顶露台以及客用公寓等。这样的公共空间不仅可以降低资源的需求量,还能够通过共同经历来促进居民的社交与互动。公寓内部,功能性的房间被尽可能地缩小,从而使起居空间得以扩大。不同区域之间的尺度对比完全抵消了小型公寓带来的拘束感。

▼起居空间,living space


▼餐厅和储物空间,dining room and storage




▼公共区域走廊,corridor in public area


Through the main focus on spatial optimization and reduction of private areas in favour of shared spaces, Wohnen ohne Auto inverts the trend of increasing floorspace, building costs and energy consumed per person. The communal areas are no longer limited to the distributive spaces, but they are extended to storages, a hobby room, a workshop, a rooftop terrace and a guest apartment. Common spaces do not only allow for a reduction of the resources needed but also foster social interaction through the creation of shared experiences.Within the flats, reducing to the very minimum some functional rooms, allows to wider up the living areas: the contrast between the spaces’ size completely nullifies the perception of inhabiting small apartments.

▼楼梯间,stair well






The West facade is fragmented to allow all the flats southern light, while ensuring privacy to the balconies.

▼西立面设计示意,west facade diagram


▼西立面采用了片段式的设计,the West facade is fragmented to allow all the flats southern light





The possibility the owners have to directly influence the design choices, not only in their private apartments, but in the whole building, enables them to identify themselves entirely with their new home and create a solid community spirit. This collective awareness is mirrored also in some craft interventions that the residents carried out themselves.

▼私人公寓内部,private apartment interior view


Wohnen ohne Auto提供了一个新的设计范例,促使我们重新而全面地去思考关于资源消耗、集体责任以及社会道德的问题。

Wohnen ohne Auto is an example of the key role of architectural design in a overall rethinking of our attitude to consumption of resources, collective responsibility and social conscience.

▼自行车停放区,bicycle parking area


▼场地平面图,site plan


▼一层平面图,ground floor plan
































