
COORDINATION ASIA designed a mixed reality playground for Shanghai’s community of tech-savvy millennials. This 1,250 m2 entertainment destination presents a hyper-connected and technology-driven lifestyle through shared real-world experiences and social activities.

▼空间概览,preview © 夏宇



COORDINATION ASIA created a mixed reality hub that provides entertainment, leisure and excitement for the variety-craving millennials in China. Planet One showcases a digital-centred lifestyle in a 1,250 m2 space located at a prominent location in downtown Shanghai. The space offers multiple opportunities for live gaming contests, lectures, coding workshops and events. As a versatile and flexible platform, this venue actively engages customers both online and offline, blurring the boundary between the virtual realm and reality.

▼迎宾柜台,welcome counter © 夏宇



The design adopts an aesthetic that captures the integration of virtual experience into real-world social activities. Raw materials such as copper, aluminium and glass are used throughout the venue, adding a touch of authenticity to the futuristic space populated with dynamic digital surfaces. Perforated and corrugated aluminium walls reflect the lights and colours from the LED walls, evoking an ethereal mood that connects the digital and physical environment. Transparent foldable LED walls surrounding the main stage allow visibility between customers in different areas and visually connect the activities’ spectators and participants. The combination of warm colour blocks on the PVC floor serve as visual guidance and distinction of different regions of the space.

▼LED屏幕墙连结不同区域 © 夏宇 LED walls connect different areas



A system of LED light lines on the ceiling runs throughout the venue. Pulsating with dynamic colours, this ceiling light installation navigates guests in the space. The LED light lines form an impactful grid structure at the main stage, giving the area an undeniable focal point. The setting of the main stage offers a variety of activities, ranging from shows to live-streaming e-sport tournaments, from Yoga classes to coding workshops. Integrated with a stage, large LED walls and comfortable seatings, this area is where different communities can gather and meet.

▼天花上的LED灯条贯穿整个空间,LED light lines on the ceiling runs throughout the venue © 夏宇



Not limited to a simple ‘playground’, a curated collection of offline digital experiences aims to attract excitement-craving young crowds. A range of popular programs satisfy customers with different interests. A laser tag arena presents various scenarios with mesmerising light effects. VR game stations are equipped with hanging screens that allows spectators to enjoy the games with third-person perspectives. There are also drone simulators as well as indoor flights for the adventurous players.

▼虚拟现实游戏站,VR game stations © 夏宇


▼浮在空中的屏幕,screens floating in the air © 夏宇


▼体验场景,experience scene © 夏宇


▼半透明隔断,translucent partition © 夏宇


▼与游戏站相连的走廊空间,corridors connected to game stations © 夏宇



▼材质细部,details of materials © 夏宇



Aside from providing some of the most cutting-edge facilities, the restaurant area also features a cutting-edge ‘robobar’ that fits into the overarching narrative of a hi-tech playground. An array of eye-catching light installations in the shape of a moon perching on top of the counter further elevates the futuristic atmosphere.

▼餐吧,bar / restaurant © 夏宇


▼等候区,waiting area © 夏宇



▼家具细部,details of furniture © 夏宇



COORDINATION ASIA created an engaging journey at this multifunctional entertainment hub, attracting a community of technology-driven lifestyles in Shanghai.

▼轴测图,axon drawing © 协调亚洲


▼平面图,plan © 协调亚洲


类型:娱乐与餐饮 地点:上海北外滩白玉兰广场一楼 任务:概念设计,深化设计,现场监理 范围:1,250 平米 完成时间:2021年 团队:迪尔曼·图蒙,桂琦,殷琦洛,虞音 客户:上海鹏隆网络科技有限公司 照片:协调亚洲,夏宇

Type: Entertainment & restaurant Location: Shanghai Sinar Mas Plaza F1, China Assignment: Concept Design, Detail Design, Construction Supervision Extent: 1,250 m2 Year of Completion: 2021 Team: Tilman Thürmer, Gui Qi, Francesca Inchingolo, Yuyin Client: PLANET O SHANGHAI Photos: COORDINATION ASIA, Charlie Xia
