Karakórum 221社区活动中心是一个可持续发展的更新项目,位于圣路易斯波托西市西部,由一栋 80 年代的老房子改造而来。

Community Space Karakórum 221 is a constant rehabilitation exercise located in part of an early eighties old house in the western area of the city of San Luis Potosi.

▼室内概览,overview ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-3


Since the first space walkthrough, it was decided to cover everything with white, frame, sheet and walls, denotating solely the color of the brick and the wood of the furniture. White as the daily canvas for the presence of different creative studios such as: architects, publicists, marketers, photographers and videographers.

▼天窗引入充足光线,the skylight bringing in the natural light ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-7

▼覆盖一切的白色结构,covering everything with white ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-9

▼保留砖墙材质,keeping the texture of the brick wall ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-11

▼墙体细部,details of the brick wall ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-13

▼屋顶细部,details of the roof ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-15


In the mezzanine the main work area is concentrated, in which the furniture was specifically designed for each area to fulfill different functions. The tables join, turn and overlap to adapt to the needs of each new assignment. On the ground floor, the half-height space adequate to other activities such as: workshops, courses, yoga, markets, exhibitions and performances.

▼夹层工作区,working area on the mezzanine floor ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-19

▼量身打造的办公家具,the furniture specifically designed for each area ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-21

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-22

▼通向屋顶的旋转楼梯,spiral staircase leading to the roof ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-24

▼看向下方的瑜伽活动,yoga on the ground floor ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-26

▼室外露台,the terrace ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-28

▼细部,details ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-30

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-31

▼VI设计,VI design ©Albers Studio

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-33

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-34

▼首层平面,the ground floor plan ©Elipsis Arquitectos

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-36

▼夹层平面,the mezzanine plan ©Elipsis Arquitectos

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-38

▼剖面图,section ©Elipsis Arquitectos

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-40

Karakórum 221社区活动中心,墨西哥/为创意工作者定制的白色画布-41