Sia Good Make公司于近日宣布在欧洲推出名为“KNOP KNOP”的可组装玩具系列。KNOP KNOP通过动物、汽车和小型机械等各种孩子们喜欢的元素创建了一系列开放式的玩具套装,旨在激发孩子们的创造力、想象力、观察力以及塑造空间的能力。同时,设计充分考虑了产品的安全性、教育性和美观性,以充满互动的方式让孩子们在游戏中自然地提高动手能力。

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Sia Good Make announces the European launch of its KNOP KNOP line of innovative STEM & sensory play building kits, with 10 constructible kits available now and 3 more coming this summer. By focusing on things children love, like animals, vehicles and gadgets – KNOP KNOP’s open-ended building toys were created with safety, education and design in mind. These building kits are meant to stimulate creativity and imagination, develop spatial ability and observation, as well as teach important goal-setting methods through safe, hygienic and interactive play.

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With its name inspired from the Middle English word, “knop,” meaning button or fastener – KNOP KNOP pieces are made from hypoallergenic felt material and secured with bespoke snap buttons. Made from lightweight and flexible felt, KNOP KNOP building kits are perfectly portable for kids in any setting – from playing at home, while traveling or on the go. As an added bonus, KNOP KNOP’s soft felt pieces are machine washable for clean and safe play. Although each product is named after one main constructible item, like Giraffe or Sportbike – there are three more models offered to be built using video instruction or children can use their imagination to create limitless designs from the same set.


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KNOP KNOP的设计者是来自拉脱维亚的年轻设计师Rodion Zenevich。“作为一名设计师,我对于模型和有趣形式的搭建一直有着极大的热情。”Zenevich表示:“我希望通过KNOP KNOP系列来传达一种类似于摆弄一块黏土时的自由感觉,而这种感觉是市面上现有的硬性玩具和组装套件所难以实现的。出于这个原因,我发明了KNOP KNOP!。”

KNOP KNOP is the brainchild of a young award-winning designer from Latvia, Rodion Zenevich.“It has truly been an international effort by a dedicated team of young professionals to bring this toy to market,” said Zenevich. “As a designer, my passion is to model and imagine new ways of creating interesting forms. For this collection, I wanted to channel the freedom that you can feel when playing with a simple piece of clay, which just can’t be replicated with the restrictive and rigid building kits that are made for children today. So, I invented it!”

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KNOP KNOP所带来的不仅仅是游戏的快乐。在产品发布前,玩具公司对部分具有学习障碍或沟通能力不足的儿童进行了测试,其结果证明KNOP KNOP对于增强他们的认知和动手能力、进行抽象的独立思考以及积极的情感互动都产生了一定的效果。未来,KNOP KNOP还将致力于改善自闭症儿童的生活质量。

KNOP KNOP toys offer much more than play. As part of the pre-launch trial, KNOP KNOP kits were tested both in the classroom and at home for kids with learning disabilities and insufficiently developed communication skills. These tests, which took place in Europe, have shown promising signs of increased cognitive and motor abilities, abstract independent thinking and positive emotional interaction. KNOP KNOP is committed to expanding this work through collaboration with organizations focused on improving the lives of children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders.

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