
Setting apart the new J&T headquarters from the neighbouring buildings is its appearance – inside and out. The world of finance is made up of various elements that need to function and fit together flawlessly. The unbroken pattern of the façade mirrors this world.

▼由道路看项目,viewing the project from the street © BoysPlayNice

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▼独特的外观使项目从周边建筑环境中脱颖而出,Setting apart the headquarters from the neighboring buildings is its appearance © BoysPlayNice

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The design of the façade is a juxtaposition of technological rationality and irregularity – an approach inspired by the works of important abstract painters and sculptors. The clear right angles are also repeated in the general layout of the interior. The original graphic design of the directional signs inside the building underscore this orthogonality. The design of the font and symbols as well as the linear geometry of the lighting are based on the façade’s distinct, graphic pattern.

▼北立面,north facade © BoysPlayNice

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在设计室内时,员工与客户的日常舒适感是建筑师优先考虑的因素之一。因此,在开始设计之前,CMC architects事务所对J&T的员工进行了一项调查,让员工有机会说出他们觉得工作场所缺少什么,以及他们想从工作场所得到什么。调查结果显示员工希望拥有充足而舒适的正式会议与非正式会议空间:他们每日都在工作上花费大量的时间,所以良好的工作环境至关重要。因此,整个总部被设计得更像一个生活空间而不是办公空间。

When designing the interior, the day-to-day comfort of the users – customers and clients – was a priority. The design concept was preceded by a survey that gave employees the chance to say what they felt was missing and what they wanted from their workplace. One of their main wishes was ample and suitable space for formal and information meetings: they spend a lot of time at work and need to feel good there. The whole space was thus designed more like a living space than an office space.

▼主入口,main entrance © BoysPlayNice

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▼由主入口看大厅,viewing the entrance hall from exterior © BoysPlayNice

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建筑独特而有力的外观设计强调出投资者最关心的领域之一 —— 艺术。这让建筑师有机会在室内使用更多有机且多元化的设计元素,与建筑的刚性外立面形成鲜明的对比与形式上的互补。

The appearance of this distinctive and powerful building emphasises the investor’s relationship to one of its most important areas of interest: art. This has given the designers the opportunity to use organic shapes and forms in the interior to provide a contrast to the rigid shapes on the façade.

▼大厅中的捷克水晶灯,Czech crystal light in the hall © BoysPlayNice

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大厅中,一盏长达20米的捷克水晶灯成为空间中视觉焦点。这盏水晶灯名为“恒星尘埃”,是捷克境内规模最大的当代灯光艺术装置之一。726个水滴形晶体组成的灯具装置由建筑师设计,后由Sveltá nad Sazavou的Bomma玻璃厂制造,宛如一片悬浮在木制天花板下方的海浪,玻璃元件与木结构都经过独特的参数化设计,最终形成了这种灵动流畅的形态。

The entrance hall is dominated by a 20-metre long light made from Czech crystal. This work of art entitled Stellar Dust is one of the biggest contemporary light installations in the country. The 726 crystal drops – designed by the architects and made by the Bomma glassworks in Sveltá nad Sazavou – are suspended in a wave pattern off a wooden wave-like structure. Both the glass and the wood elements of the installation have been designed using unique parametric definitions.

▼项目分析图,analyze diagram © CMC architects

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▼参数化设计,Parameterized design © CMC architects

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总部大楼中还设有马格努斯艺术画廊,并对公众开放,进一步彰显出艺术是金融生活的一部分。画廊内收藏有捷克与斯洛伐克收藏家的私人藏品。首次展览则展出了J&T银行自己的收藏,其中包括过去30年各届Jindřich Chalupecky奖获得者的作品。此外,在整栋建筑的八个楼层中,到处都能发现由才华横溢的艺术学生和当代捷克艺术家创作的作品。

The Magnus Art gallery, housed in the building and open to the general public, is proof that art is part of the bank’s life. The gallery serves to present the private collections of Czech and Slovak collectors. The first exhibition was of the bank’s own collection, which includes the works of all the past winners of the Jindřich Chalupecky prize over the 30 years of its existence. Furthermore, the works of talented art students and contemporary Czech artists adorn all floors of this eight-storey building.

▼画廊概览,overview of the Magnus Art gallery © BoysPlayNice

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▼艺术是金融生活的一部分, art is part of the bank’s life © BoysPlayNice

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The gallery is not the only space open to the public. One of the aims of the project was to eschew the idea of a closed-off banking world and instead link the building to city life and integrate it into the existing urban structure. The Café Rustonka restaurant and café is thus an integral part of the building and offers a novel, architecturally interesting space for private and business meetings. Whereas Stellar Dust stems from the spatial relationships in the lobby, the curved ceiling in the café, which connects freely to the entrance hall, is the algorithmic transposition of the geometry of a woman’s body.

▼咖啡厅弧形天花板以自由的姿态连接到大厅,the curved ceiling in the café © BoysPlayNice

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▼咖啡厅与餐厅以公共空间的形式将建筑与城市联系起来,The cafe and restaurant connect the building to the city in the form of a public space © BoysPlayNice

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▼木材与石材形成冷暖对比,Wood and stone form a warm and cold contrast © BoysPlayNice

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所有楼层的办公空间都沿着建筑外立面排布,保证了充足的自然采光,而窗帘则为人们提供了必要的隐私。办公空间内由玻璃隔板划分为不同区域。每个楼层均设有一个多功能工作和放松区,在这里,员工可以享受一杯咖啡或进行快速会议。Café办公区中精致而圆润的艺术装置起到了分隔空间的作用,创建出隐蔽而私密的休息区。一幅由Michal Škapa创作的壁画布满了咖啡厅的整面墙壁。

The offices on all floors communicate with the façade to allow light to enter the space. They space is divided up by glass partitions. If employees need more privacy, they can draw curtains. Each floor also has a mix of work and relaxation zones where employees can enjoy a coffee or hold a quick meeting. The delicate and rounded artistic installations found in Work Café divide the interior space up and create secluded seating areas. A mural by Michal Škapa covers one of the café walls.

▼多功能工作和放松区,mix of work and relaxation zones © BoysPlayNice

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▼每层均配备有餐厅厨房等生活空间,Each floor is equipped with living Spaces such as dining area and kitchen © BoysPlayNice

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▼Michal Škapa创作的壁画,mural by Michal Škapa © BoysPlayNice

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▼通透的玻璃立面保证了充足的自然采光,The transparent glass facade ensures plenty of natural light © BoysPlayNice

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In addition to standard office floors, the building houses the spacious Work Café, which cuts diagonally across the entire fifth floor. It boasts fully equipped kitchens and refrigerated display cases as well as a study space, enclosed lecture hall and central presentation space, which can be flexibly modified to suit the number of participants and purpose of the event. Besides having coffee and dining tables available to them, employees can also relax on comfortable sofas or in secluded spaces, where they can meet each other or enjoy absolute privacy.

▼公共休闲区,public relaxing area © BoysPlayNice

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▼私人办公室,private office © BoysPlayNice

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▼会议室,meeting room © BoysPlayNice

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A roof garden, with a beautiful view of the city centre and Prague castle, has been created for both work and relaxation. It is also fully equipped for work and fun. In addition to Wi-Fi and diverse seating options, there are also catering facilities. Employees also have access to a private fitness centre and bike storage facilities with lockers and showers. The building also houses spacious garages with charging stations for electric cars.

▼电梯与楼梯前厅,Elevator and stair foyer © BoysPlayNice

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▼夜景,night view © BoysPlayNice

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▼总平面图,master plan © CMC architects

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▼底层平面图,ground floor plan © CMC architects

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▼三层平面图,3rd floor plan © CMC architects

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▼五层平面图,5th floor plan © CMC architects

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▼立面图,elevations © CMC architects

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