Aspekt Office设计了Work & Co在哥本哈根的新办公室,这里洋溢着当地氛围,员工舒适自在。

Aspekt Office has designed Work & Co’s new Copenhagen office as a place where employees can feel at home and where the local ambience shines through.

全球设计兼技术公司Work & Co同丹麦设计工作室Aspekt Office合作,在哥本哈根开设新办公室。它坐落在历史悠久的丹麦首都中心的一栋百年建筑中。该建筑原本是丹麦建筑师Arthur Wittmaack在1916年设计的内部教会协会(丹麦保守的信义会基督教组织)大楼,其所有权后来转移至哥本哈根政府。现在,多学科设计工作室Aspekt Office为古典建筑注入现代感,营造轻松自如的办公环境。

Global design and technology company Work & Co teamed up with Danish design studio Aspekt Office to open their new Copenhagen location. The new office space is housed in a century-old building situated in the Danish capital’s historic city center.Originally designed by the Danish Architect Arthur Wittmaack in 1916 as headquarters for the Danish Inner Mission, the ownership was later transferred to the municipality of Copenhagen. Now, Aspekt Office — a multidisciplinary design studio — has brought modernity to the classic building with the workspace design that puts a relaxed spin on corporate environments.

▼项目坐落在一栋百年建筑中 © Rasmus Dengsø the project is housed in a century-old building

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Work & Co — which works with IKEA, Apple, Mercedes, Google and other brands, and is known for its award-winning spaces— always partners with local designers to ensure workspaces are a natural extension of their surroundings.As a result, their offices in Brooklyn, Portland, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belgrade all reflect the city and country in which they are located, embracing the design characteristics of their specific location. When the company was to expand with a presence in Copenhagen, in Bernstorffsgade, the Aspekt Office was tasked to incorporate the Scandinavian aesthetics and expressions.Said Dever Thomas, partner at Work & Co: “Working in digital, we often take inspiration from other forms of design — architecture, identity, print. That’s why having a space that we can look forward to coming to and be inspired by is so important to do our best work. Aspekt’s background in both interior and industrial design also meant that we could do something very tailored to our needs and to the space. We knew Aspekt would care about the details on the pieces we use everyday just as much as we do.”Aspekt Office has infused the historical urban architecture with an almost brutalist grid-modernism, using a network of lines to visually frame the interior. Softened by the choice of materials, which brings in warmth and tactility, Aspekt Office’s take on the Scandinavian feel comes together as a rejuvenating blend of clean and comfortable.Employees can immerse themselves in lounges, hold meetings in transparent and open meeting rooms and work collaboratively in large and airy spaces. Features include a unique oval meeting space, a library to take a break and get inspired, a kitchen for communal gatherings, and phone booths for soundproof calls and ultimate focus.

▼办公空间,office space © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼休息区域,lounge © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼书架,现代网格元素,bookshelf,modern grid elements © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼办公桌细节,details of tables © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼地面细节,details of flooring © Rasmus Dengsø

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室内空间沐浴在宁静而温暖的阳光之中,员工和客户进入时便可感受明亮而舒适的氛围。Aspekt表示:“斯堪的纳维亚建筑对阳光充满敬意,引入阳光并充分利用。对于Work & Co的新办公室,我们的目标是设计一个高度实用的空间,同时引入更加柔和的元素和精心挑选的家具,营造出和谐氛围,使这里更像家,而不是工作场所。温馨舒适的环境符合丹麦人的生活方式。”

Entering the office space, employees and clients are greeted by a bright and welcoming atmosphere where natural light pours in from outside, bathing the interior in a serene warmth.“Scandinavian architecture pays homage to natural light, inviting it in and using it as a strong design element in physical spaces,” said Aspekt. “For Work & Co’s newest office we aimed to design a highly functional space, but introduced softer elements and carefully selected individual furniture pieces to create a harmonious feel that’s more like a home than a workplace, true to the Danish way of living, which celebrates warm and cozy surroundings.”

▼资料室,明亮而舒适的氛围,library,bright and welcoming atmosphere © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼精心挑选的家具,carefully selected individual furniture © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼壁龛式书架,niche bookshelves © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼透过书架看会议室,view to the meeting room through bookshelves © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼独特的椭圆形空间,unique oval space © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼不同的休息空间,different rest spaces © Rasmus Dengsø

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All fixed inventory is designed by Aspekt Office and includes a wall-to-wall bookcase with a built-in alcove in oak veneer, a soundproof phone booth offering privacy and room for contemplation, and a six meters long custom-made table that acts as center for communal gatherings in the office’s kitchen.The project also features the very first Reform x Aspekt Office kitchen ever produced. The new kitchen designed by Aspekt Office for the Danish kitchen manufacturer Reform – known for their modern kitchen solutions and collaborations with internationally acclaimed designers such as Mueller Van Severen and Cecilie Manz – is set to launch later this year.

▼厨房,kitchen © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼六米长的定制桌子,six meters long custom-made table © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼桌椅细节,details of the table and chair © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼窗边桌椅细节,details of tables and chairs beside windows © Rasmus Dengsø

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▼橱柜,cupboards © Rasmus Dengsø

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整体材料的选择突出了橡木、柔和的中性色和柔软的纺织品,营造出宁静淡雅的环境。透明的隔断和整体通风的空间促进了开放的工作环境和社区氛围,符合Work & Co协同工作的核心理念。在新冠时期,宽敞的空间允许员工在必要时保持距离。形式和功能一直是家具选择的重要因素。几何家具易于识别,有助于实现空间的简洁与宁静。国际形式和Scandinavian风格的组合突出Work & Co的全球视野,同时也是对新地点的致意。

A material palette that highlights oak wood, soothing neutrals and soft textiles produces a distinctly calm and understated ambience throughout the premises. Transparent walls and an overall airy spatial design promote an open environment and sense of community, supporting Work & Co’s work core values around working collaboratively. At the same time, in the current environment, the spaciousness allows for social distancing when needed.Form and function have been important factors in the choice of furniture. With a preference for primary geometries, the furniture is simple for the eyes to comprehend, which contributes to the simplicity and calmness of the space. The mix of international and Scandinavian brands puts emphasis on Work & Co’s global outlook while nodding to this new location.

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▼更衣室,locker room © Rasmus Dengsø

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Project details Studio: Aspekt Office Client: Work & Co Category: Office Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Photography: Rasmus Dengsø Video: Michael Gramtorp

Timeline November – December 2019: Design process. January 2020: Development February 2020: Subcontractor agreements. April – June 2020: Build out period.

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